record stores

7 Stories

Record Store Day Celebrates Vinyl, Indie Shops

Taylor Swift has helped LP sales, and the stores picked her early as a star

(Newser) - Special LP releases, live performances, and at least one giant block party were planned around the US on Saturday as hundreds of shops celebrate the 16th Record Store Day during a surge of interest in vinyl and the day after the release of Taylor Swift's latest album. In suburban...

Uncashed Royalty Check to Kurt Cobain Is Smaller Than You Think

It was for $26, just before the Nirvana made it big

(Newser) - A record store owner in Seattle has stumbled on papers that belonged to the late Kurt Cobain before he became a household name. Matt Vaughan of Easy Street Records bought a collection of Nirvana's tour itineraries back in 1993 but it wasn't until last week that he found...

Jack White Cuts 'Fastest' Single

Cuts live version of 'Lazaretto' in 3 hours, 55 minutes

(Newser) - At 10am yesterday, Jack White took the stage in Nashville, thanking the crowd for joining him "for breakfast." Less than four hours later, White had in his hot little hands the so-called "World's Fastest Released Record"—a hot-off-the-presses recording of two live songs that he...

Now on eBay: Entire Record Store, $482K

On the Beat Records opened in 1979

(Newser) - With the holidays coming, here's a gift for the music fan who has everything: How about an entire record store? On the Beat Records, in London, is going for some $482,000 on eBay. It's "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live the High Fidelity life!" the posting...

Vinyl LPs Make a New Sound: Cha-Ching!

Record sales spike 90% despite digital music, recession

(Newser) - The crackling, old-fashioned sound of vinyl LPs is back, the Los Angeles Times reports. Defying the digital music craze, record sales spiked nearly 90% last year and fueled a boom in brick-and-mortar music stores across LA. Why the uptick in a bad economy? Majestic artwork, the fun of LP-flipping, and—...

Indie Music Outlets Get Their Own Day

(Newser) - Some big-name acts are getting behind Record Store Day, tomorrow’s celebration of independent music stores that have become an endangered species in the Internet age, USA Today reports. “We touched a nerve. So many people are passionate about record stores,” says a rep of the industry group...

10 Businesses Not Long for This World

Say goodbye to retail categories overtaken by modern reality

(Newser) - New technology is changing the business landscape as once-profitable ventures like record stores and used book shops close their doors forever. bets against 10 businesses that it says will be extinct by 2017:
  1. Record stores
  2. Camera film manufacturing
  3. Crop dusters

7 Stories
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