heat wave

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Marine Heat Wave Puts Florida in 'Uncharted Territory'

Temperatures are breaking records at sea as well as on land

(Newser) - Florida is dealing with record-breaking temperatures not just on land but in the surrounding waters, where a marine heat wave is posing a major threat to corals and other marine life. Water temperatures around Florida are in the mid-90s Fahrenheit, around 5 degrees higher than normal, and the heat wave...

It Was 100 Degrees Near the Arctic Circle on Saturday

In Northwest Territories, 'the hottest temperature recorded that far north in Canada'

(Newser) - Last week saw four straight days of record high temperatures . Over the weekend, yet more heat records were being set in Canada's Northwest Territories, which are experiencing what the BBC calls an "unprecedented" heat wave. Saturday's temperature of 37.4 degrees Celsius (99.3 Fahrenheit) in Fort...

Earth Sets 3rd Heat Record This Week
'Uncharted Territory:'
Heat Record Falls Again
the rundown

'Uncharted Territory:' Heat Record Falls Again

The planet set a 3rd heat record in a single week

(Newser) - Stop us if you've heard this before: Thursday was the hottest day on record for planet Earth, reports CNN . That now marks four straight days in which the all-time high was either tied or broken, and it makes July 3-6 the hottest four-day stretch on the books, notes Axios...

They're Not Using Umbrellas in Beijing Because of Rain

They're shielding themselves from extreme heat, with temps in north China reaching triple digits

(Newser) - Beijing and parts of northern China are experiencing record temperatures, with authorities urging people to limit their time outdoors. The Nanjiao observatory in southern Beijing on Saturday for the first time recorded temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit for a third consecutive day, according to the China Meteorological Administration. In nearby...

Beijing Just Had Its Hottest-Ever June Day

Northern China swelters under heat wave

(Newser) - China's capital raised its hot weather warning to red, the highest on the scale, Thursday as temperatures set a new record for June. Temperatures recorded at Beijing's main weather station hit 41.1 degrees Celsius—106 degrees Fahrenheit—on Thursday, the highest since detailed records began in 1961,...

Texas to Overheated Locals: Cut Back on Power to Save Grid

Other parts of South also suffering from sweltering temps, post-storm power outages

(Newser) - Texas' power grid operator asked residents Tuesday to voluntarily cut back on electricity due to anticipated record demand on the system, as a heat wave kept large swaths of the state and southern US in triple-digit temperatures. On the last day of spring, the sweltering heat felt more like the...

After Heat Kills Dozens, Doctors Issue Warning

They're telling people over 60 in India's Uttar Pradesh to stay indoors during daytime

(Newser) - At least 34 people have died in the past two days as a large swath of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh swelters under severe heat, officials said Saturday, prompting doctors to advise residents over 60 to stay indoors during the daytime. The dead were all over 60 years...

Seattle Doesn't Usually Hit 90 Till July. This Year Is Different

Heat advisory is in effect in Pacific Northwest, where temps may soar 30 degrees above average

(Newser) - It's been a hot one in the Pacific Northwest over the past few days, and it looks like residents there will have to endure the extreme weather for at least a little longer. The New York Times reports that upward of 12 million people are sweating it out under...

El Niño Could Bring 'Unprecedented Heatwaves' This Year

And 2024 will be 'off the chart,' scientists say

(Newser) - The El Niño climate phenomenon helped make 2016 the hottest year on record—and its return later this year could bring even higher temperatures amid "unprecedented heatwaves," scientists say. Forecasters say the pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which affects conditions around the world, is set to flip...

Young Hiker Dies Amid Staggering Arizona Heat

Other hikers needed to be rescued from the Spur Cross Trailhead Mountain on Monday

(Newser) - The typical temperature at Phoenix's international airport on Sept. 5 is 103. The actual temp there yesterday hit 109, and that heat proved deadly on a trail some 30 miles to the north in Cave Creek. NBC News reports the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office fielded a call just...

Amid Worst Heat Wave Ever, China Shoots Rods Into Clouds

Silver iodide rods intended to spur precipitation

(Newser) - China is experiencing its worst heat wave on record, a two-month-plus streak that's seeing hundreds of cities and counties experience temps of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. But this extreme weather isn't just causing bodily discomfort. It's helping to dry up the Yangtze River, one of the...

Spain's PM to Workers: Dress Like Me

Specifically, go tie-less

(Newser) - Temperatures hit nearly 97 degrees in Madrid on Friday, and Spain's prime minister instructed men who wear a tie to work to stop doing so as one (very) small way of reducing energy consumption amidst the heat. The BBC reports Pedro Sanchez appeared tieless at a news conference Friday...

Pacific Northwest Readies for Dangerous Heat

Several deaths already are tentatively blamed on hyperthermia

(Newser) - Extreme heat is forecast to stretch through the weekend in the Pacific Northwest, and authorities are investigating whether triple-digit temperatures were to blame for the deaths of at least four people. The Oregon State Medical Examiner's Office said at least three people have died of suspected hyperthermia during the...

Farmers Who Raise Cattle Facing a Fraught Question

Shell out the money for feed, or sell?

(Newser) - Much has been written about the impact of heat on humans in recent weeks. But for humans who raise cattle, it's a double whammy. CNN describes things at "a boiling point for farmers and ranchers," who are dealing with the extreme drought conditions that are plaguing some...

If This Meteorological Reading Gets Too High, You Might Die

'Wet bulb temperature' is a measure of humidity

(Newser) - Most people on the planet probably don’t need to read the news to know that there’s a heat wave on. The temperature in Britain last week was high enough to melt roads and buckle train rails, per the Guardian . The Hindustan Times notes that high temperatures and humidity...

UK Protests Call Heat Wave a Warning

'We are so unprepared' for such temperatures, demonstrator says

(Newser) - Protesters turned out Saturday on the streets of London and in the Scottish city of Glasgow to demand faster action against climate change following the record-smashing temperatures that scorched the UK this week. Activist groups including Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain led protesters in a sit-in on Parliament Square...

Anchor's Weather Remarks Likened to Don't Look Up

'I want us to be happy about the weather,' UK presenter said after heat wave warning

(Newser) - Since its launch last year, the GB News channel in the UK has often been compared to Fox News—but critics say a bizarre exchange last week was more like Don't Look Up. In video that has gone viral since record-breaking heat reached the UK earlier this week, meteorologist...

Part of Why Texas Is So Hot: a Persistent 'Death Ridge'

Wichita Falls, Texas, hit 115 degrees Tuesday

(Newser) - This summer has already brought extreme temps to Tokyo , Western Europe , and the UK , and now it's the United States' turn in the barrel. While Americans from coast to coast are suffering through heat waves at the moment, AccuWeather reports it's particularly bad in the south-central part of...

Amid Unprecedented Heat Wave, London Homes Burn

At least 40 residences were destroyed by blazes that swept UK's capital, injuring 16 firefighters

(Newser) - Britain saw its hottest day yet on record Tuesday, soaring past 104 degrees during a heat wave that's taken hold across other parts of Europe as well, but the country's capital was forced to deal with more than just sweating citizens. The London Fire Brigade described a "...

Britain Braces for Hottest Day Ever
Today Is the Hottest Day
on Record in Britain

Today Is the Hottest Day on Record in Britain

Temperature exceeds 102 and is still climbing

(Newser) - Update: Britain's heat wave is now in the record books and climbing. The temperature reached 102.4 degrees on Tuesday, surpassing the all-time high set in 2019, reports the AP . And it's expected to continue ticking up before the day is done—though it didn't nearly hit...

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