Biden Struggles to Engage 3 Key Voting Groups

Young, Black, and Hispanic voters are big reason he trails in 5 of 6 swing states: 'NYT'
By John Johnson,  Newser Staff
Posted May 13, 2024 8:07 AM CDT
Biden Trails in Five of Six Swing States
President Biden trails former President Trump in five of six important states.   (AP Photo)

President Biden is behind in most of the states that could decide the election, a new poll from the New York Times, Siena College, and the Philadelphia Inquirer suggests. Results in a head-to-head matchup in six states, all of which were won by Biden in 2020:

  • Pennsylvania: Trump 47, Biden 44
  • Arizona: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Michigan: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 39
  • Nevada: Trump 50, Biden 38
  • Wisconsin: Biden 47, Trump 45; the only swing state where Biden leads in this poll

  • Three key groups: The president's numbers are lackluster among Black, young, and Hispanic voters. The two candidates are tied in the latter two categories, in contrast to Biden's 60% pull in the last election, and while Biden has a big lead among Black voters, Trump's 20% is relatively strong.
  • Inflation: A separate poll by the Financial Times hammers home how inflation in particular is damaging Biden—80% of voters list it as one of their biggest financial challenges. In this poll, 58% disapproved of Biden's economic policies, up from 55% last month, and only 28% say Biden helped the economy.
See the full Times poll results, which suggest that Robert F. Kennedy would draw equal amounts from both candidates. (More Election 2024 stories.)

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