Hunter Biden

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Judge Sets Conditions for Gun Trial of Hunter Biden

Events from defendant's personal life can be excluded as long as he doesn't testify

(Newser) - The judge overseeing Hunter Biden's federal firearms charges trial agreed Friday to block prosecutors from telling jurors about certain unflattering episodes from his personal life, but left the door open to allowing them in if the president's son testifies. It's unclear whether the defendant would take the stand...

Hunter Biden Could Have a Huge Legal Bill Problem
Judge Agrees to Delay
Hunter Biden's Tax Trial

Judge Agrees to Delay Hunter Biden's Tax Trial

With another federal trial in June, tax case has been pushed back to September

(Newser) - Hunter Biden has one less trial to worry about next month. A federal judge in California has agreed to move his tax trial back to Sept. 5. US District Judge Mark Scarsi said he would shift the date if lead Biden lawyer Abbe Lowell promises not to ask for any...

Court Rejects Hunter Biden's Bid
Court Rejects Hunter Biden's Bid

Court Rejects Hunter Biden's Bid

Appeals panel lets gun case go to trial next month

(Newser) - Hunter Biden's federal gun case should move forward, an appeals court ruled Thursday, setting the stage for the president's son to stand trial on criminal charges next month in Delaware. Hunter Biden's lawyers went to the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals after the judge overseeing the...

Biden Lawyers Warn of Suit if Fox Doesn't Meet Demands

President's son threatens litigation against network over 'intimate images,' debunked coverage

(Newser) - Fox News has been slammed with multiple big lawsuits over the past few years, and now, a new possible complaint—this one from Hunter Biden, with a letter from his legal team noting that he plans to sue if Fox News doesn't meet certain demands regarding past coverage of...

Comer Suggests Biden Testify
Comer Sends Invitation to Biden

Comer Sends Invitation to Biden

Republican impeachment inquiry doesn't seem to be going anywhere

(Newser) - With the Republican impeachment inquiry stalling, the House Oversight Committee's chairman might have thought its target would agree to give it a push. So Rep. James Comer wrote to President Biden on Thursday, the Hill reports. "I invite you to participate in a public hearing at which you...

Hunter Biden on GOP Invite for New Hearing: Nope

President's son's lawyer dismisses 'circus act'

(Newser) - Hunter Biden on Wednesday rejected an invitation from House Republicans to appear for a public hearing next week alongside former business associates, an inquiry his attorney dismissed as a "carnival side show." In a letter obtained by the AP , Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell blasted Republicans' efforts to...

Transcript of Hunter Biden's Deposition Is Out

Things got contentious between Biden, congressional Republicans

(Newser) - The transcript of the congressional deposition of Hunter Biden was released late Thursday, providing a full view of the contentious testimony that took place behind closed doors Wednesday as Republicans aggressively questioned the central figure in their impeachment inquiry, the AP reports. The nearly 230 pages of questioning laid bare...

Key Moment in GOP's Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter Testifies

'I did not involve my father in my business,' says president's son

(Newser) - Hunter Biden appeared Wednesday on Capitol Hill for a closed-door deposition with lawmakers, a critical moment for Republicans in their impeachment inquiry into his father and the family's business. "I am here today to provide the committees with the one uncontestable fact that should end the false premise...

Hunter Biden: I Have to Stay Sober to Keep Trump Out of WH

President's son talks about his sobriety in rare interview with Axios

(Newser) - Hunter Biden's quest for lifelong sobriety isn't just a personal matter—the president's son says it's necessary to keep former President Trump from claiming a win in November in his latest run for the Oval Office. In a rare interview, Biden spoke with Axios about his...

Indicted FBI Informant Taken Back Into Custody

Prosecutors had appealed release of Alexander Smirnov, charged with lying about Bidens

(Newser) - A former FBI informant who claims to have links to Russian intelligence and is charged with lying about a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Biden's family was again taken into custody Thursday in Las Vegas, two days after a judge released him, his attorneys and court documents said, per...

James Biden: My Brother Wasn't Involved in Family Deals

President's brother speaks to House Republicans for their impeachment inquiry

(Newser) - President Biden "never had any involvement" in the business dealings of other members of his family, his brother James Biden testified Wednesday as he appeared for a voluntary private interview on Capitol Hill as part of House Republicans' impeachment inquiry. "I have had a 50-year career in a...

FBI Source Charged With Biden Lies Says Russia Was Involved

Alexander Smirnov has links to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

(Newser) - The former FBI informant charged with lying to agents about President Biden, son Hunter Biden, and their business dealings has "extensive" contacts with Russian intelligence agencies and implicated those agencies in the alleged lies, Department of Justice prosecutors say. After his arrest, Alexander Smirnov told authorities that "officials...

Judge Hears From Coalition Wanting Money From Giuliani

Group includes election workers, IRS, and Hunter Biden

(Newser) - A group of people and businesses saying they are owed money by Rudy Giuliani gathered virtually Friday for the first court hearing since he declared bankruptcy last month after losing a defamation suit to two Georgia election workers. During a two-hour Zoom hearing, an attorney for Giuliani told a US...

Hunter Biden's Daughter Calls MTG a Liar

Naomi Biden, Hunter's oldest child, defends her dad after Georgia congresswoman mocks him online

(Newser) - Hunter Biden's eldest daughter came to her dad's defense this week, after one of the most notoriously vocal GOP lawmakers mocked him in person and online. Biden made a surprise appearance Wednesday on Capitol Hill while the House Oversight Committee was getting ready to debate whether to hold...

Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty After Plea Deal Fell Apart

Conviction on tax charges could result in 17-year prison sentence

(Newser) - President Biden's son pleaded not guilty Thursday in a Los Angeles courtroom to federal tax charges filed after the collapse of a plea deal that could have spared him the spectacle of a criminal trial during the 2024 campaign. Hunter Biden has been accused of nine felony and misdemeanor...

As Congress Debates His Fate, Hunter Biden Drops In

President's son pops in on hearing on whether to hold him in contempt of Congress

(Newser) - The House Oversight Committee was settling in Wednesday to debate whether to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress over his refusal to testify behind closed doors in his father's impeachment inquiry, when in walked the object of their potential contempt himself. Things got pretty colorful pretty quickly, notes...

House Republicans Cite Possible 'Impeachable Offense'

They want to know what Biden knew about son Hunter's decision to defy subpoenas

(Newser) - The Republican leaders of the House committees pursuing the impeachment inquiry against President Biden say he may have committed an "impeachable offense" linked to son Hunter Biden. Rep. James Comer, chair of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, have expanded the...

Hunter Biden Shows Up at Capitol, Defies GOP Subpoena

Says he'll only testify before a congressional committee in public

(Newser) - Hunter Biden was a no-show at a closed-door deposition scheduled for Wednesday morning following a subpoena from House Republicans—but he did show up at the Capitol complex to make a public statement. He said he would testify only in a public setting, echoing prior statements made by his lawyer...

Hunter Biden Indicted Again, This Time on Tax Charges
Hunter Biden
Charged With
Tax Evasion
the rundown

Hunter Biden Charged With Tax Evasion

President's son charged with evading taxes on millions he earned from foreign businesses

(Newser) - Hunter Biden was indicted again Thursday, adding to the gun charges he's already facing. A federal grand jury on Thursday charged the president's son with evading taxes on millions he made from foreign businesses. Specifically, three felonies and six misdemeanors: three counts each of evasion of a tax...

House GOP to Hunter Biden: We'll Hold You in Contempt

They demand closed-door testimony in impeachment inquiry; Biden wants public hearing

(Newser) - House Republicans are threatening to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress if he doesn't sit for a closed-door deposition next week. For a second time Wednesday, Republicans rebuffed Biden's offer to publicly testify before the House Oversight Committee leading the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, per Axios...

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