social networking

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>

MySpace Aiming Ads at You and Only You

Site rolls out 'HyperTargeting,' but does it work?

(Newser) - MySpace is entering the second phase of its "HyperTargeting" advertising program, meant to use data from member profiles to match up users with the perfect online ads. But CNET blogger Caroline McCarthy became skeptical of how dead-on the targeting is when her profile offered her "a Christian dating...

'Old Farts' Invade Facebook
'Old Farts' Invade Facebook

'Old Farts' Invade Facebook

Journal's Matthew Rose experiences mid-life crisis in cyberspace

(Newser) - Facebook has matured from an e-frat house where co-eds post pics of their hedonistic exploits to a cyber-cocktail party where the well-heeled gather to display baby pictures and taunt each other like, well, school kids. “I am so telling Rupert,” a columnist teases the Journal’s Matthew Rose,...

Facebook to Join Google's 'OpenSocial' Alliance?

Site might be ready to give up its proprietary approach for new standard

(Newser) - The day after MySpace announced it was joining a Google-led alliance meant to let applications written for one social networking site be used on others, it looks like lone outsider Facebook could join up, too. That's according to Fortune Magazine, which reported that Facebook and Google representatives met yesterday and...

MySpace May Join Google Social Project

Rumored deal with OpenSocial could boost both partners

(Newser) - Tech bloggers are buzzing about a rumored partnership between MySpace and Google’s about-to-be-launched OpenSocial project; a big reveal may come as soon as today. Though it still leads Facebook in membership and traffic, the social networker has lost much of its spotlight recently—and CNet’s Caroline McCarthy says...

India Inspires Geeks to do Good
India Inspires Geeks to
do Good

India Inspires Geeks to do Good

Tech workers use their talents to tackle poverty

(Newser) - Tech workers in India are turning their expertise to innovative ways to combat the poverty that surrounds them, the New York Times reports. One example is a site called, started by former Microsoft worker Sean Blagsvedt, which allows Indian laborers to use social networking to land jobs.

Don't Let Facebook De-Face You
Don't Let Facebook De-Face You

Don't Let Facebook De-Face You

Protect your offline reputation on social networking sites with these six steps

(Newser) - Social-networking sites make it easier to connect with friends and make new ones, but they also let casual acquaintances  like co-workers—or your boss—look you up on a whim.  Protect your privacy with these six steps from MarketWatch:
  1. Look for tools that allow you to restrict access to

Will Costly Options Hurt Facebook?
Will Costly Options Hurt Facebook?

Will Costly Options Hurt Facebook?

High valuation from MS could slow recruiting in Silicon Valley

(Newser) - Microsoft's recently purchased stake in Facebook may make it harder for the social networking site to hire talented employees, reports the Wall Street Journal. By selling a 1.6% stake for $240 million, Facebook increased its valuation to $15 billion, in turn radically increasing the cost of stock options, which...

Facebook Seeks Hedge Fund Cash After Microsoft Deal

Social networking site now valued at $15B

(Newser) - After raising $240 million from Microsoft, the social networking site Facebook expects to raise a further $260 million from hedge funds and private-equity investors, according to the Wall Street Journal. The cash will be used to fund an international expansion and a new ad revenue system. The investment would put...

Phone GPS Makes People Easier to Find...

...Is that always a good thing?

(Newser) - There’s nothing like Loopt for meeting up with friends. Loopt, and social-mapping programs like it, broadcast your cellphone’s location to other users, a useful service the New York Times says, with troubling privacy implications. “There is a Big Brother component,” said one analyst. “If my...

Genealogy Site Wants to Swab Your Cheek

New service will allow members to submit DNA samples for comparison

(Newser) - Now even dead ancestors can join the social networking craze. Their descendants, today’s consumers, can submit cheek swabs to genetics company GeneTree, which compares the DNA to its database and creates an interactive digital family tree. Users can post videos, photos, and link up with other members of their...

Google Ads Backfire on Social Site in Brazil

Ads placed near offensive material set off controversy

(Newser) - Google's attempts to capitalize on its Orkut social networking site in Brazil blew up when ads began appearing next to child pornography and racist screeds, causing a round of controversy and a lawsuit for the online giant. Google immediately yanked the ads, reports the Wall Street Journal,  but now...

Don't Buy Latest Dot-Com Hype, Mag Warns

Economist finds holes in social net sites like Facebook, MySpace

(Newser) - While Facebook and other online social networks are growing like digital weeds in Silicon Valley, their popularity may be more a product of hyperbole than actual developmental potential, the Economist argues. But major internet speculators Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft don't seem to care, as each bids billions to buy Facebook,...

Facebook Getting Safer
Facebook Getting Safer

Facebook Getting Safer

Networking site will work closely with New York attorney general's office

(Newser) - Facebook will roll out new protections against online predators, CNN reports, after an investigation by New York's attorney general last month blasted the site for "significant defects." The improvements include a new disclosure for parents and an easier process for reporting unwanted advances. Facebook will also appoint (and...

Facebook Users Hook Up—With Fellow Burmese Monk Backers

300K mobilize through social networking site

(Newser) - Mammoth networking site Facebook is triggering a massive mobilization of protesters around the world who will hit the streets this weekend in support of the Burmese monks, Wired writes. Nearly 300,000 people have joined the Facebook group "Support the Monks' Protest" since a story on the movement broke...

eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill
  eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill

eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill

Takes huge write down on overpriced Skype

(Newser) - eBay's $2.6 billion acquisition of phone service Skype looks like a wrong number, with profits on hold indefinitely. The Wall Street Journal reports eBay will take a $1.4 billion write down on Skype, which  accounts for $90 million of eBay's $1.83 billion in revenue in the third...

Boomers Get TheirSpace
Boomers Get TheirSpace

Boomers Get TheirSpace

New social networking sites are aimed at 'sticky' baby boomers

(Newser) - Entrepreneurs are rolling out social networking websites aimed at those old enough to have spawned the devotees of Facebook and  MySpace, the NY Times reports. Investors say it's good business—older surfers are more likely to stick with a site they like, and there are a lot of tech-savvy boomers....

Yahoo Joins Forces With UK Social-Networker Bebo

Net mainstay will bring advertising to Britain's top networking site

(Newser) - Internet giant Yahoo and networking site Bebo will collaborate on advertising in the UK and Ireland, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bebo—launched in 2005— hasn't taken off in the US, but it's the top social-networking website in Britain. Yahoo will sell the bulk of Bebo's banner and video ads,...

Firms Sell Web Privacy, but Few Are Buying

Most unwilling to spend money to protect information, study finds

(Newser) - The privacy market is hot, Wired observes, as new startups and big-name net companies are rolling out services to help consumers control information about themselves. But few may care enough pay for them. A new study shows most people are unwilling to spend even 25 cents to protect their privacy....

Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code
Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code

Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code

Concerns persist over social site's security

(Newser) - A blog called "Facebook Secrets" posted a restricted section of the site's source code on Saturday, revealing a major security flaw in the popular social networking site. While the leak didn't  reveal any sensitive information, it does raise concerns as to whether the site's 52M users' personal data is...

Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire
Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire

Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire

(Newser) - Advocates for people with eating disorders are calling on social networking sites like MySpace and FaceBook to bar "thinspiration" videos—movies of anorexics showing off their alarmingly underweight bodies to encourage others to emulate them. One MySpace pro-anorexia group with over 1,000 members boasts that it wants "...

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>