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Why R. Kelly Was Acquitted
 Why R. Kelly Was Acquitted 

Why R. Kelly Was Acquitted

Lack of testimony from alleged victim sowed doubt in jurors' minds

(Newser) - Jurors in the R. Kelly trial say it was the lack of testimony from the alleged victim—or  her parents—that swayed them towards acquittal, Time reports. One juror said he was sure it was Kelly in the sex tape at the heart of the case, but wasn't convinced of...

Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict
Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict

Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict

Colonel acquitted of abuse charges, convicted for talking about investigation

(Newser) - A military jury today acquitted Army Lt. Col. Steven Jordan, the only officer charged in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, of three charges relating to widespread prisoner abuse that led to global denunciations of US involvement in Iraq. Jordan was found guilty of one count of “willfully disobeying” a...

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