
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

In Turkey, 'Stunning' Election Results

President Erdogan's ruling party appears to have lost control of 2 major cities

(Newser) - It's a rarity for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Bad news at the voting booth, results that could signal real trouble for his reign after 15 years. These were local elections, not national, and Erdogan himself wasn't running. The results, however, are seen as a direct reflection on...

NZ Minister Will 'Confront' Erdogan's Mosque Shooting Comments

NZ prime minister tells reporters foreign minister will 'set the record straight'

(Newser) - On Tuesday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said during a campaign rally that Turkey would make sure the suspect in the New Zealand mosque shootings pays if New Zealand does not—and on Wednesday, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her country will not let those comments go unadressed, Reuters...

Trump Threatens Ally With 'Economic Devastation'

He says Turkey will face consequences if it hits Kurds

(Newser) - The "long overdue" American withdrawal from Syria has begun, President Trump said in a tweet Sunday before casually threatening to destroy the economy of a NATO ally. Trump said the US will hit ISIS hard from an "existing nearby base" if it tries to rebuild its caliphate—and...

Turkish Leader to Bolton: You Made 'Grave Mistake'

Erdogan says US official erred in demanding safety of Kurds in Syria

(Newser) - The planned US withdrawal from Syria just got even thornier. Turkey's president criticized national security adviser John Bolton's comments on the issue and didn't meet with Bolton in a move widely perceived as a diplomatic snub. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took issue with Bolton's weekend statement...

NBA Player to Skip Game Over 'Freaking Lunatic'

Enes Kanter says Turkey's president may try to kill him

(Newser) - New York center Enes Kanter will not travel to London for the Knicks' upcoming international game because he believes he could be assassinated for his opposition to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the AP reports. Kanter announced his plan Friday night after the Knicks' 119-112 win over the Lakers. The...

Sen. Graham Had Quite the Lunch With Trump

Seems the US policy on Syria is changing

(Newser) - Seems Sen. Lindsey Graham had a productive lunch with the president. Emerging from a White House meal Sunday, he said President Trump is putting the brakes on US troop withdrawal from Syria: "I think we're slowing things down in a smart way," he said, per CNN . "...

With Trump Pulling Out, Russia and Turkey Schmooze

They plan to focus on the 'terrorist threat'

(Newser) - Top Russian and Turkish ministers agreed during a meeting in Moscow on Saturday to maintain cooperation in northern Syria as US forces prepare to withdraw and Turkey threatens to launch a military operation against US-backed Kurdish forces controlling nearly a third of the country, the AP reports. Russian Defense Minister...

Turkey Masses Troops on Syrian Border Area Held by US

Report: 50 vehicles with troops and equipment crossed into Syria overnight

(Newser) - Turkey is massing troops near a town in northern Syria held by a US-backed and Kurdish-led force, a war monitor and Turkish media said Sunday. The buildup comes even though Turkey said it would delay a promised offensive in eastern Syria in the wake of President Trump's decision to...

Report Reveals Jamal Khashoggi's Last Words

He said 'I can't breathe' before sounds of a saw were heard, source says

(Newser) - Jamal Khashoggi's last words were the same as those uttered by New York City man Eric Garner after police put him in a fatal chokehold, according to CNN , which cites a source who has seen a translated transcript of the journalist's last moments in Saudi Arabia's Istanbul...

Trudeau: Canada Has Heard Tape of Khashoggi Murder

Prime minister is first Western leader to acknowledge his country heard tapes of killing

(Newser) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday became the first Western leader to acknowledge his country had heard recordings of the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi. "Canada has been fully briefed up on what Turkey had to share," Trudeau said from Paris, where he was attending the...

Erdogan: I Gave Audio of Khashoggi Killing to US, 4 Other Countries

'They have listened to all the conversations in them,' says Turkish president

(Newser) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says officials from Saudi Arabia, the United States, Germany, France, and Britain have listened to audio recordings related to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, the AP reports. Erdogan's comments on Saturday were the first public confirmation of...

Report: 2 Saudis Pretended to Help, Had Different Task

Turkish paper: Chemist, toxicologist weren't really investigating Khashoggi's disappearance

(Newser) - The two men flew into Istanbul from Saudi Arabia to help with the Saudi investigation into the Oct. 2 disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi—or so the story went. Per Turkish media, that was just a cover: The Sabah newspaper reports the chemist and toxicologist were actually tasked with ridding the...

Official: Khashoggi Was Dissolved in Acid

And Erdogan writes an op-ed in the Washington Post

(Newser) - A Turkish official says he believes Jamal Khashoggi's body was dissolved in acid or other chemicals after it was mutilated, the AP reports. Yasin Aktay, a ruling party adviser to Erdogan, said Friday that "there can be no other formula" to explain why the Saudi journalist's remains...

Khashoggi Strangled and His Body 'Subsequently Destroyed'

So says Irfan Fidan,Turkey's top prosecutor

(Newser) - In what is being viewed as the first official Turkish explanation of what happened to Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2, Turkey's public prosecutor on Wednesday said the journalist was strangled "as soon as he entered the consulate" and his body "subsequently...

Pompeo's Request for Khashoggi's Son: Granted

Travel ban in Saudi Arabia apparently lifted, Salah Khashoggi is now in US

(Newser) - When Mike Pompeo met with the Saudis in Riyadh earlier this month , the secretary of state made one specific request, per a State Department rep: "He wanted Salah Khashoggi returned to the United States." Reuters reports that now appears to have taken place, with sources saying Salah Khashoggi—...

Journo Held Captive for 3 Years in Syria: 'Now I Am in Turkey'

Jumpei Yasuda, abducted in 2015 by Nusra Front, is now safe

(Newser) - A Japanese freelance journalist who was freed after more than three years of captivity in Syria said Wednesday he's safe in neighboring Turkey. "My name is Jumpei Yasuda, Japanese journalist. I have been held in Syria for 40 months," Yasuda said, somewhat haltingly in English, in videotaped...

Turkish Leader: 'Savage' Murder Can't Go Unpunished

Erdogan wants answers from Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - Turkey's president says the latest Saudi explanation of journalist Jamal Khashoggi's death doesn't wash—and he's demanding answers. The Saudis blame a fistfight that escalated out of control, but in a highly anticipated speech on Tuesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asserted that the "brutal" killing...

Surveillance Tape Shows a Saudi in Khashoggi's Clothes

CNN: Footage shows 'body double' leaving consulate, elsewhere in Istanbul

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has finally admitted Jamal Khashoggi is dead , but a new development adds to suspicion about the Saudis' "shifting narrative": surveillance tape showing a "body double," one of the 15 suspects in Khashoggi's death, coming out of the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul dressed in...

Report: Khashoggi's Head Was Removed. But First, His Fingers

Senior Turkish official confirms gruesome report of Khashoggi slaying

(Newser) - A senior Turkish official on Wednesday confirmed gruesome details published by a pro-government Turkish newspaper about the alleged slaying of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. The official tells the New York Times that a team of 15 Saudi agents were waiting for the Washington Post columnist when...

Inside Saudi Consulate, Suspicious New Paint

Turkish investigators looking into it as Pompeo meets with king

(Newser) - President Trump has mused it might have been "rogue killers" who murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, while other sources are buzzing that Saudi Arabia plans to admit Khashoggi was accidentally killed during an interrogation. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo got directly on the case Tuesday in Riyadh, where he was...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>