right to die

Stories 41 - 49 | << Prev 

Feds Seize Suicide Kits Sold by 91-Year-Old Woman

It's helium hoods instead of tea cozies for Sharlotte Hydorn

(Newser) - While lots of grandmas are knitting tea cozies, 91-year-old Sharlotte Hydorn is stitching together suicide kits for her mail-order business. Now FBI agents have raided Hydorn's home in a search for material that could be used in a case against her, reports KTLA . Hydorn's kits consist of tubing...

Jack Kevorkian Hospitalized for Kidney Trouble

Enters hospital for second time in weeks

(Newser) - Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian is hospitalized with a kidney problem and pneumonia, the Detroit Free Press reports. It’s the second time in a matter of weeks that the kidney ailment has led to hospitalization. “Last night things flared up and we took him in,” his lawyer...

What to Do When a Loved One Is Ready to Die

Listen, say experts. And prepare to be sad

(Newser) - When Zoe FitzGerald Carter's mother told her she wanted to end her life, her first reaction "was to try to dissuade her." A year later, an intentional overdose of morphine granted her mother, who had suffered from advanced Parkinson's disease, her wish. It left Carter asking an endless...

British MS Victim Wins Key Right-to-Die Ruling

Court orders that current law be clarified

(Newser) - A British woman has won her legal battle to force the government to clarify its law on assisted suicide, the Guardian reports. Multiple sclerosis sufferer Debbie Purdy, whose health is deteriorating, wants to travel to a Swiss euthanasia clinic to die when her condition becomes unbearable. Britain's highest court agreed...

'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies
'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies 

'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies

Lawmakers were debating PM's bill against euthanasia when news broke

(Newser) - A woman who sparked debate over right-to-die laws in Italy has died after 17 years in a coma, the Times of London reports. Italian lawmakers, led by PM Silvio Berlusconi, were debating an emergency bill to keep Eluana Englaro alive at the time. The law would forbid carers of those...

Pope: Don't End Comatose Woman's Life

Joins PM Berlusconi in fighting Italian Terry Schiavo case

(Newser) - Pope Benedict today waded into a fiercely debated right-to-die case in Italy, affirming the "absolute and supreme" need to protect life even when "weak and shrouded in the mystery of suffering." The pontiff's last-minute intervention in the case of a woman who has been in a coma...

Kevorkian Declares Bid for House Seat

Assisted suicide advocate vows to tout individual rights

(Newser) - Euthanasia advocate Jack Kevorkian declared a bid for Congress in Detroit today, the Detroit Free Press reports. In a free-wheeling press conference, he admitted to being apolitical but vowed to trumpet individual rights in his campaign. “You can’t take my innate rights away from me without a fight,...

Boy Dies After Refusing Cancer Treatment

Judge denies parents' plea for transfusions hours before death

(Newser) - A 14-year-old Seattle boy who was given a 70% chance of recovering from childhood leukemia has died, weeks after refusing blood transfusions his biological parents—both recovering drug addicts—wanted him to have, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. He died just hours after a judge ruled in his favor after determining...

Thompson Calls Right to Die a Family Decision

After daughter's death, candidate won't make issue 'political football'

(Newser) - Fred Thompson opened up yesterday about the 2002 death of his daughter, saying end-of-life decisions should be made by families, not governments. Betsy Thompson Panici died at age 38 after an accidental prescription drug overdose, ABC News reports. The GOP hopeful said the kinds of choices his family had to...

Stories 41 - 49 | << Prev