Democratic presidential primaries

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Joe Biden Mini-Gaffe Is Fresh Meat Online

The presidential candidate can't get 'Bernie Bros' quite right

(Newser) - Joe Biden took a swing at Bernie Sanders supporters Friday and stumbled into a gaffe that's classic Joe—which generated a few chuckles online, USA Today reports. "What we can't let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath," Biden said at a Maryland fundraiser....

New DNC Rules on Debates Leave Tulsi Gabbard Out

Presidential candidate is still on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Rep. Tulsi Gabbard hasn't been onstage for the past five Democratic presidential debates. She faces long odds for the next one, too. The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that to qualify, candidates will need to have won at least 20 percent of the pledged delegates by March 15, when...

One State, Bernie Can&#39;t Lose
Bernie Faces Must-Win State

Bernie Faces Must-Win State

Losing Michigan could be catastrophic, write David Siders and Holly Otterbein

(Newser) - Super Tuesday was tough on Bernie Sanders—but Michigan? It could be the end. So argue David Siders and Holly Otterbein in a sobering analysis of the March 10 primary. "It was Michigan where Sanders engineered a primary day miracle four years ago, upsetting Hillary Clinton and imprinting his...

Group Sues to Extend Voting in Tornado-Hit Tennessee
Group Sues to Extend Voting
in Tornado-Hit Tennessee

Group Sues to Extend Voting in Tornado-Hit Tennessee

Storm damage closed 21 polling stations

(Newser) - Advocates have filed a lawsuit in Tennessee seeking to extend Super Tuesday voting until Friday. Hours before polls opened, tornadoes killed at least 24 people in parts of the state including Nashville. The suit filed by the National Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law states that storm damage affected...

Report: Obama Told Biden He's Holding Off on Endorsements

Former president wants to be a 'unifier,' source says

(Newser) - The Democratic field is narrowing —but Barack Obama is in no rush to endorse a candidate. CNN , citing sources "close to Obama," report that the former president called Joe Biden, his former vice president, to congratulate him on his big win in the South Carolina primary , but...

Pete Buttigieg Has Bad News for Campaign Staff

The 2020 candidate is dropping out

(Newser) - Democrat Pete Buttigieg is ending his campaign for president. Three people with knowledge of Buttigieg’s decision tell the AP he is informing campaign staff. They were not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity. His campaign says Buttigieg will speak Sunday night in South Bend, Indiana. Buttigieg rose to...

Biden Makes a Big Claim After SC Win
Biden Makes
a Big Claim
After SC Win
sunday talk shows

Biden Makes a Big Claim After SC Win

Joe Biden and Sen. Sanders both hit the talk-show circuit

(Newser) - Joe Biden said Sunday he can "unite this country, the whole country" after scoring a comeback victory in South Carolina’s Democratic primary that could force moderate rivals out of the race and blunt the rise of progressive leader Bernie Sanders, the AP reports. Biden vowed he would improve...

South Carolina Is Voting. 6 in 10 Want Reparations

These primary voters are also more likely to want the Obama days

(Newser) - South Carolina Democrats were voting in Saturday’s presidential primary with a greater sense of nostalgia for the Obama presidency than voters in earlier contests—likely reflecting the state's sizable bloc of African American voters, the AP reports. Voters in the Palmetto State were more likely than those in...

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren
A New Poll Has Troubling
News for Elizabeth Warren

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren

She's trailing in her home state of Massachusetts

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren didn't see the results she wanted in Iowa , New Hampshire , and Nevada , and it remains to be seen how she'll fare in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, though it doesn't look promising there , either. With Super Tuesday coming up in a few days, Warren'...

Polls Show Biden Way Ahead in South Carolina

Polls show former vice president leading closest rivals by around 20 points

(Newser) - A new poll shows that Joe Biden, who needs a victory in South Carolina's Democratic primary Saturday, has nothing to worry about. He leads Bernie Sanders, 36% to 26%, in a Monmouth University poll and Tom Steyer, 35% to 17%, in a Clemson University Palmetto Poll. Steyer was third...

Nevada Dem Party: We Already Need Help

The caucus is short of volunteers

(Newser) - Nevada Democrats are hoping to avoid a repeat of the chaos that ensnared the Iowa caucuses, as voters gather across the Silver State on Saturday to make their presidential preferences known, the AP reports. Iowa's process cratered this month following a rushed effort by state Democrats to deploy a...

Some Democratic Candidates Are Nearly Out of Cash

Buttigieg, Warren, Biden, Klobuchar running low

(Newser) - At a time in the race when running a presidential campaign is getting more expensive, many of the Democrats remaining have less money. After being camped in Iowa for what seemed like ages, the candidates now have multiple, scattered primaries ahead. And on top of competing with Bernie Sanders' fundraising...

Nevada Caucus Volunteers Sound a Little Worried

Democrats drop apps but haven't completed their replacement

(Newser) - The state Democratic Party has taken the first step in trying to avoid an Iowa-like debacle on Nevada's caucus day, Feb 22. The party dropped the two apps that were going to be used, because they were made by the same company whose app has been blamed for the...

97% of Precincts Are In, but Iowa Is Too Close to Call

Buttigieg's lead over Sanders has narrowed

(Newser) - More than 48 hours after the Iowa caucuses closed, no winner has been declared—and even with 97% of precincts reporting as of early Thursday, it is still too close to call. According to results released after midnight, Pete Buttigieg's lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders has narrowed, the New ...

New Debate Requirements Could Put Bloomberg Onstage

DNC eliminates the individual donor threshold

(Newser) - If the Democratic National Committee would change the rules "so I could get into the debates," Michael Bloomberg said this week, "I'd be happy." Done. The committee has announced major changes in its requirements for candidates to qualify for the presidential primary debates, Politico reports....

Bloomberg Has Gone From Bottom to Fourth: Poll

Survey hints that staying out of Iowa and New Hampshire may not hurt

(Newser) - A Monmouth University poll released Wednesday shows that Mike Bloomberg's strategy might be working. The former mayor of New York came in at 9%, good for fourth place with Democratic voters nationally. That's 4 points higher than last month and is Bloomberg's best showing so far in...

Bloomberg Just Dropped About $10M to Send One Message

The Democratic presidential hopeful bought a 60-second, national Super Bowl ad

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg might just get your attention on Super Bowl Sunday—if, that is, you like watching the ads. The Democratic presidential hopeful has dished out big bucks for a 60-second commercial his campaign says will focus on criticizing President Trump, the New York Times reports. "The biggest point...

Wall Street Picks a Favorite
Wall Street Picks
a 2020 Favorite

Wall Street Picks a 2020 Favorite

As you can guess, it isn't Elizabeth Warren

(Newser) - The financial sector, blamed by progressives for spawning the 2008 economic collapse, is lining up behind Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign. The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has collected more campaign cash from donors and political action committees tied to the financial, insurance, and real estate sector than any other...

Bloomberg Files Papers With the FEC to Run

Filing says he's in, but aides say former mayor still hasn't decided

(Newser) - The paperwork Michael Bloomberg filed paperwork Thursday with the FEC says he's a Democratic candidate for president. But his aides, again, said not so fast. Bloomberg had to take this step within 15 days of putting himself on the Arkansas and Alabama primary ballots earlier this month, CBS News...

Bloomberg Sorry About Policy He Defended for Many Years

'I want you to know that I realize back then I was wrong'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg, who supported the controversial police "stop and frisk" policy during his 12 years as mayor of New York City and was still defending it as recently as a few months ago, has had a change of heart. The Democrat, speaking at a black church in Brooklyn on...

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