Seth Rogen

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Critics Think Green Hornet Should Buzz Off
Critics Think Green Hornet
Should Buzz Off
Movie Review

Critics Think Green Hornet Should Buzz Off

Reviews mixed at best for latest hero caper

(Newser) - A handful of critics enjoyed Seth Rogen's bumbling reinvention of Green Hornet—but only a handful. The movie's currently at 44% on Rotten Tomatoes , though to be fair, audiences liked it a fair bit more (71%). Here's what they're saying:
  • The first half of the movie has a “genuinely

Conan Returns in 'Second Annual First Show'

Firing jokes abound in TBS debut

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien returned to late-night TV last night and, to nobody's surprise, the firing jokes flew fast and furious. "Welcome to my second first show. I know what you’re thinking—it’s that guy from Twitter,” O’Brien told the TBS audience in his series-opening monologue. "...

Will Ferrell: Once Again, Most Overpaid Actor

Comedians don't fare well on Forbes ' 2010 list

(Newser) - Will Ferrell is Hollywood’s most overpaid actor for the second year in a row, thanks mostly to his role in the flop Land of the Lost . From Forbes ’ annual top 10 (of which six are comedians), which looks at the year ending June 1:
  1. Will Ferrell: For every

Man Stabs Fellow Comic-Con Attendee With Pen: Cops

Alleged assailant in Harry Potter T-shirt may face serious charges

(Newser) - A dispute before a Comic-Con panel discussion ended with one attendee in police custody and another in the hospital being treated for a stab wound near the eye, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. The alleged assailant was armed with a pen and wearing—look away, kids—a Harry Potter T-shirt....

Final John Hughes Script May See Big Screen
Final John Hughes Script
May See Big Screen
Hollywood Rumor

Final John Hughes Script May See Big Screen

Rumor gives Paramount inside track for 'Grisbys Go Broke'

(Newser) - John Hughes died last year—last night's Academy Awards even paused for a tribute—but he may have one more movie in him. Rumor has it that Paramount will pick up an unproduced Hughes script in the hopes of making a family comedy, according to the Hollywood Reporter . Grisbys Go ...

'I Killed Seth Rogen's Career': Kevin Smith

The director talks about growing out of slackerdom after Zack and Miri failed

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Kevin Smith didn’t smoke weed until recently—and the drug helped him along to an epiphany after his Seth Rogen-driven Zack and Miri Make a Porno bombed. "It started as sort of a midlife crisis thing but it wasn't that,” he tells the...

Simpsons Premiere Has Rogen in Double Duty

(Newser) - The Simpsons season premiere tomorrow night will feature rare double duty by a guest. Seth Rogen, a self-described "obsessed" fan, not only voices a character but co-wrote the episode. "I can die a happy man," he says. The show, in which Homer has to get in shape...

Add Rogen, Apatow to List of Heigl Haters

Pair slams her for 2007 'batshit crazy' comments

(Newser) - Critics hate Katherine Heigl’s new movie and Internet commenters hate her attitude—and it turns out her colleagues aren’t too happy with her either, the Los Angeles Times reports. Heigl’s Knocked Up director and co-star are still pissed she implied the film was sexist back in 2007,...

Apatow's Funny People: Insightful, Smug, Too Long

(Newser) - Judd Apatow doesn't dispense entirely with his raunchy humor in Funny People, but his venture into more serious themes meets mixed success with critics. Most, however, love Adam Sandler as a gravely ill comedian confronting the emptiness of his life.
  • Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: "Apatow scores by crafting the

10 Most Promising Summer Blockbusters

Blockbusters that will make the summer even hotter

(Newser) - In Hollywood, May flowers don’t bring Pilgrims; they bring summer blockbusters. The Wall Street Journal takes a look at the season’s most promising flicks:
  • May 21: Christian Bale stars in Terminator Salvation, a prequel that tries to hew closer to the first two hit films instead of taking

Happy 4/20, Hollywood's Highest

Stars from Paris to Brad are probably celebrating today

(Newser) - We all know that Seth Rogen and the rest of Team Apatow are probably celebrating “Pot Day.” But what other celebs are joining them? In honor of 4/20, BuzzFeed compiled a list of Hollywood’s highest:
  • James Franco: “There's a reason he’s squinting in almost every

Hannah Montana Sings at Box Office Top
 Hannah Montana Sings 
 at Box Office Top 

Hannah Montana Sings at Box Office Top

(Newser) - Hannah Montana: The Movie surpassed expectations this weekend with a $34 million gross, making it the second-highest debut ever for a live-action kids’ flick, Entertainment Weekly reports. Fast & Furious ($28.8 million) and Monsters vs. Aliens ($22.6 million) kept up their fightin’ streaks, but Seth Rogen’s Observe ...

Observe and Report Just Plain Nasty
 and Report
 Just Plain Nasty 
movie review

Observe and Report Just Plain Nasty

Mall-cop flick soaked with sadism, critics say

(Newser) - Critics have observed, and they’re reporting that the latest mall-cop movie is brutal and sadistic with little cause: Seth Rogen's character is no Paul Blart.
  • "If you thought Abu Ghraib was a laugh riot then you might love Observe and Report," writes Manohla Dargis in the New

LiLo on Britney: She's No Artist

Starlet admires Spears' honesty

(Newser) - From one tabloid obsession to another:  Lindsay Lohan tells Nylon magazine that she respects Britney Spears—for her honesty, not for her talent, which she cheerfully disparages. “She’s marketed as an entertainer, which is what she is. Not necessarily as, like, an artist," LiLo opines. "...

Vanity Fair 's Naked Spoof Not So Funny
 Vanity Fair's Naked 
 Spoof Not So Funny 

Vanity Fair's Naked Spoof Not So Funny

Shot spoofs past controversial cover

(Newser) - Vanity Fair reproduced its controversial cover featuring a naked ScarJo and Keira Knightley—with men. But the results are more irritating than avant garde, writes Tracy Clark-Flory on Salon: The men, a quartet of Judd Apatow favorites, are more silly than sexy. They’re not actually naked, just clothed in...

Seth Rogen: Playboy Cover Model

Comedy star joins exclusive list of males to grace cover of men's mag

(Newser) - Seth Rogen is about to join a very selective club: Playboy is putting him on the cover of its April issue, the Daily News reports. That's an honor shared by fewer than 10 men, including Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Martin. Readers who don’t buy Playboy for the articles will...

Hardest-Working Film Actors

 Film Actors 

Hardest-Working Film Actors

Morgan Freeman tops list with 9 films in 5 years

(Newser) - Who's the hardest-working actor in show biz? Many would lay claim to the title, but Forbes actually tallied which troupers took on the most meaty roles in big-budget films over the past 3 years:
  • Morgan Freeman: Hollywood's top worker, he's played in nine films since 2005, including The Bucket List,

Hollywood Remaking Sci-Fi Classics

New takes on Ghostbusters , Terminator among flicks already in production

(Newser) - Hollywood is looking backward with an eye on the future, reports the Los Angeles Times. Plans to launch remakes of 12 sci-fi flicks from the last millennium are already under way:
  • When Worlds Collide, an update of the apocalyptic 1951 film, will hit theaters next year with Steven Spielberg signed

Porno Naughty But Nice
 Porno Naughty But Nice 

Porno Naughty But Nice

Raunchy 'R' rated comedy is a PG romance at heart

(Newser) - Indie director and slacker king Kevin Smith has made a surprisingly tender film with Zack and Miri Make a Porno, critics say. Elizabeth Banks and Seth Rogan star as a pair of "genuinely likable social misfits" whose platonic friendship is put to the test when they decide to...

Director Smith: Friendship, not Sex, Is the Heart of Porno

Zack and Miri is a look at friendship, not sex, director says

(Newser) - Zack and Miri do indeed make a porno in Zack and Miri Make a Porno but the movie is about a lot more than just sex, director Kevin Smith tells Reuters. The story about a pair of cash-strapped pals entering the adult film biz is about love and friendship, Smith...

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