Daniel Pearl

11 Stories

Man Who Admitted Role in Daniel Pearl Killing Is Acquitted

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, 3 others likely to go free

(Newser) - Four men who've spent 18 years in prison for orchestrating the 2002 kidnapping and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl were acquitted by Pakistan's highest court on Thursday, and are now set to go free. That includes British-born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was sentenced to...

Court Orders Release of Alleged Daniel Pearl Killer

Pakistan government is appealing acquittal

(Newser) - A provincial court in Pakistan on Thursday ordered the man charged in the 2002 murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl freed, his defense lawyer said. The Sindh High Court’s release order overturns a decision by Pakistan’s top court that Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the key suspect in Pearl’...

Court: 4 Men Jailed in Murder of WSJ Reporter Are Innocent

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, 3 others could go free in Pakistan

(Newser) - The four men jailed in Pakistan for the 2002 kidnapping and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl are set to walk free. British national Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh has been awaiting the outcome of an appeal since he was sentenced to death for murder, terrorism, and kidnapping for...

Pakistan Busts Suspect in Daniel Pearl's Murder

Militant was 'privy to' kidnapping, beheading, officials say

(Newser) - A suspect in the 2002 kidnapping and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has been arrested in Pakistan. Officials say a paramilitary unit captured Qari Abdul Hayee in Karachi over the weekend, ABC reports. Hayee is not believed to have personally carried out the murder, but officials say...

Mormons Also Baptized Daniel Pearl

Posthumous baptisms continue to cause uproar

(Newser) - The Mormon Church is already under fire for posthumously baptizing Anne Frank and the parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal , and now it turns out the church did the same thing to Daniel Pearl. The Wall Street Journal reporter, who was killed in Pakistan soon after 9/11, was baptized last year...

Al-Qaeda's New Boss Linked to Pearl's Killing

Saif al-Adel discussed reporter's kidnapping with KSM

(Newser) - The 2002 kidnapping and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl can be added to new al-Qaeda leader Saif al-Adel 's extensive record of murder and mayhem, according to Georgetown University's Pearl Project. Investigators found that the Egyptian discussed the kidnapping with alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh...

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was ToldNot to Behead Daniel Pearl
9/11 Mastermind Was Told
Not to Behead Daniel Pearl
wikileaks reveal

9/11 Mastermind Was Told Not to Behead Daniel Pearl

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did it anyway

(Newser) - Amid the latest WikiLeaks dump , a heartbreaking post-script to the story of Daniel Pearl. Seems 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was warned not to kill the Wall Street Journal reporter by a top al-Qaeda military commander who said "it would not be wise to murder Pearl" and that he...

Report Airs New Details in Daniel Pearl's Murder

Mystery still surrounds his final days

(Newser) - Nearly nine years to the day since he was kidnapped, new details are coming out about the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The Pearl Project has worked for three years to answer the questions that surround his death, and an investigative journalism organization is publishing its report...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

Pearl Sues Al-Qaeda in Husband's Beheading

Killer, major bank named in NY lawsuit

(Newser) - Mariane Pearl, widow of the Wall Street Journal reporter who was beheaded in 2002, has filed a suit in New York against Al-Qaeda for Daniel Pearl's "senseless kidnapping, torture and murder." Habib Bank—one of the biggest banks in Pakistan, which is linked to charities supporting terrorist groups—...

Two More Arrested for Pearl Killing

Pakistani police say suspects were caught in a car with explosives

(Newser) - Police in Pakistan have nabbed two men suspected of involvement in the 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The two suspects —alleged members of a Al Qaeda affiliate—were picked up traveling in a car full of weapons and explosives, police said. One of...

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