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Looks Like Sears Has One Final Gasp of Breath

Chairman Eddie Lampert won bankruptcy auction, can maybe keep stores open

(Newser) - Sears has won a reprieve in a desperate attempt to stave off its own demise. The company's largest shareholder and chairman, Eddie Lampert, won a bankruptcy auction in New York, per a source familiar with negotiations. Lampert had upped his bid to more than $5 billion in recent days,...

Sears Could Be Dead by Saturday
Sears Could Be
Dead by Saturday

Sears Could Be Dead by Saturday

Bid to save retailer needs to be in by 4pm Friday

(Newser) - After 125 years in business, Sears could now be in its final hours. The iconic retailer, which filed for bankruptcy in October , may have to be liquidated if a bid to save it doesn't materialize before a 4pm Friday deadline. Chairman Eddie Lampert has proposed a $4.6 billion...

Toys 'R' Us: We're Not Dying After All

Hedge funds plan to revive brand

(Newser) - They may not be ready to declare "We 'R' Solvent," but Toys 'R' US appears to be back from the brink of oblivion. The company's top creditors have decided to cancel the bankruptcy auction of its famous name and other intellectual property and will attempt...

H&M Struggles With Mountain of Unsold Clothes

Profits are way down; unsold inventory is way up

(Newser) - H&M says it is struggling with shrinking profits and a massive, ever-growing pile of unsold clothes. The fashion retailer, full name Hennes and Mauritz AB, is sitting on a $4.3 billion mountain of unsold inventory that has grown by 7% over the last year as shopping habits change,...

LL Bean, REI Join 'Sea Change' on Gun Sales

Outdoor companies are latest to act after shooting in Florida

(Newser) - Dick's , Walmart , and Kroger have all tightened their rules regarding gun sales since the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., and now a fourth major retailer has joined their ranks. A "superfan" on Twitter Thursday night implored the outdoor-recreation retailer to...

He Was in a Controversial H&M Ad. Now He's Had to Move

Family of 5-year-old Liam Mango says they had to vacate their home for 'security reasons'

(Newser) - Controversy keeps swirling around H&M and an online ad that showed a young black boy in a hoodie with the words "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle." The ad has since been removed, but the family of 5-year-old Liam Mango, the ad's model, now says they had...

It Was Strongest Retail Season in Years. Now, $90B in Returns

Retail sales up 4.9% over last year, biggest jump since 2011

(Newser) - The early returns are in for US retailers from the holiday shopping season, and the word "robust" comes to mind. In fact, this season has seen the strongest growth since 2011, reports USA Today . Specifically, retail sales from Nov. 1 through Christmas Eve rose 4.9% over last year,...

RadioShack's 'Bleak' Ending Is Playing Out Online

Depressing tweets as once-giant retailer shuts more than 1,000 stores

(Newser) - As we all headed back to work after the Memorial Day weekend, little did we know that our options for purchasing germanium diodes, walkie-talkies, and electrolytic capacitors were starting to cruelly be yanked away. RadioShack has shuttered more than 1,000 of its storefronts since the holiday weekend and says...

Toys R Us Doubles Down With Turkey Day Hours

Retailer announces 30-hour shopping marathon starting at 5pm

(Newser) - Black Friday has in recent years received a black mark as retailers took criticism for slowly pushing back the mega-shopping event until it actually started on Thanksgiving Day. Some retailers and shopping venues have given in to the backlash: Various malls (such as the Mall of America) and chain stores...

5 Astounding Facts About Walmart's Dominance

Only the DOD and China's military employ more people

(Newser) - Walmart "isn't a unicorn, and it's no longer sexy," Quartz asserts. But there's no denying that the No. 1 company on the Fortune 500 list is a retail powerhouse that seems nearly impossible to overtake. Some astonishing details about how it continues to dominate:
  • With

&#39;Force Friday&#39; Has Arrived
 'Force Friday' Has Arrived 

'Force Friday' Has Arrived

Retailers hold one-day merch event for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' movie

(Newser) - On the fourth of every month, it's easy to find random "May the Fourth be with you" platitudes on social media from Star Wars superfans—but today's "Force Friday" may even lure Jabba the Hutt onto the Internet or into a store on Tatooine. Just after...

Logjam at West Coast Ports a Nightmare for Retailers

Big chains struggling to keep inventories in stock amid labor dispute

(Newser) - If you can't find your size in new Levi's this spring, you can blame a logjam of ships at West Coast ports. A labor dispute that's been dragging on for nine months now is taking an unmistakable toll on retailers all over the US, reports the Washington ...

Guy in Texas Makes Huge Sums Dumpster-Diving

Matt Malone says he'd make at least $250K annually if he did it full time

(Newser) - Matt Malone has a well-paying security specialist career and owns a promising startup business. Yet if you want to track him down after hours, you'll need to peek inside a bunch of Texas dumpsters. The 37-year-old Austin man told Randall Sullivan, writing for Wired , that he's made a...

Why Abercrombie & Fitch Is Bleeding Red Ink

CEO Mike Jeffries hasn't changed with the times, critics say

(Newser) - Abercrombie & Fitch has long lured tons of teenage shoppers into its pricey and exclusive stores—but tastes are changing, sales are slipping, and the company is struggling to reinvent itself, writes Matthew Shaer at New York . The mastermind behind A&F's image is CEO Mike Jeffries, a "...

Target Hack Hit Point-of-Sale Terminals: CEO

Plus: At least 3 more top retailers reportedly breached

(Newser) - Victims of the Target hack were hit as they slid their payment cards through point-of-sale terminals, says the company's CEO: That's where hackers placed their malware, Gregg Steinhafel tells CNBC . On Sunday, Dec. 15, the company recognized "we had an issue," and "by six o'...

Shopping 'Bill of Rights' Targets Racial Profiling

Rev. Al Sharpton unveils plan in New York City

(Newser) - A bill of rights for black shoppers? New York retailers agree it's worth trying. Pressured by Al Sharpton and civil rights activists, and facing a slow start to the holiday shopping season, big clothing stores in New York City have approved a "Customers' Bill of Rights," the...

McDonald's Is Most Visited Business in America

Nearly half of US consumers visited at least once last month, says study

(Newser) - Just how popular are the golden arches? So popular that nearly half of US consumers visited them last month, according to a new study spotted by the Consumerist . The study, from the new Placed Insights service, sought to determine which businesses Americans visit most. Fast food dominates the list, but...

It Might Cost a Little More to Use Your Credit Card
It Might Cost a Little More
to Use Your Credit Card
$6B settlement

It Might Cost a Little More to Use Your Credit Card

Merchants win right to add surcharge in huge case

(Newser) - Retailers scored a big win versus credit card companies yesterday, settling a seven-year-long lawsuit for $6 billion, plus fees relief that could reach $1.2 billion, reports the Wall Street Journal . Visa, MasterCard, and several large banks agreed to the deal, which will give merchants the option of charging customers...

Amazon's Next Target: Designer Fashion Sales

Chief exec Jeff Bezos swears he won't undercut retailers

(Newser) - Anxious retailers are watching Amazon penetrate its next big market: high-end, designer clothing. Having already scarred publishers and lowered prices in electronics, Amazon is making a "significant" investment in fashion and wooing designer brands, says Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. "It's Day 1 in the category," he...

'Neo-Nazi' Retailer Names Store After Mass Killer

Thor Steinar's new Brevik shop apparently honors killer of 77

(Newser) - A German retailer popular with neo-Nazis has opened a new store apparently named after right-wing Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik . Thor Steinar last week opened a clothing shop in Chemnitz named "Brevik," sparking cries of outrage. "It is out of the question for a store to...

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