financial crisis

Stories 1801 - 1820 | << Prev   Next >>

China May Scuttle $2B Citigroup Bailout

Sources say China's government is standing in the way of the deal

(Newser) - On the eve of Citigroup’s fourth-quarter earnings announcement, the Chinese government appears to have raised objections to China Development Bank's purchase of a $2 billion stake in the struggling financial giant, reports the Wall Street Journal. The proposed deal, reported by the Journal over the weekend, is part of...

Bank of America Buys Countrywide for $4B

Stock package saves nation's largest mortgage lender

(Newser) - Bank of America, five months after throwing a $2 billion lifeline to rapidly sinking Countrywide Financial, will pay nearly $4 billion in stock to save the damaged mortgage lender. The deal makes BofA the nation's largest mortgage lender and loan servicer and should help build a bulwark against the still-spreading...

UK To Introduce Sweeping Bank Reforms

Darling announces regulatory shift after Northern Rock fiasco

(Newser) - Britain's chancellor will offer sweeping new powers to that country's equivalent of the SEC to intervene in the event of a banking crisis. In an interview with the Financial Times, Alistair Darling presented a set of triggers that would allow the Financial Services Authority to step in and protect assets...

Freddie Mac Chief: Housing Market Will Get Worse in 2008

Tells investors to expect losses in fourth quarter

(Newser) - Predicting even tougher times for the US housing market, Freddie Mac chief Richard Syron yesterday told investors in New York that the government-sponsored mortgage lender would report another net loss in the fourth quarter and credit losses to $12 billion on its mortgage portfolio, reports the Financial Times. Freddie Mac...

$1.5B Bailout Gives Hope to Reeling Bond Insurers

(Newser) - A quiet infusion of $1.5 billion from two European banks will help bond insurer CIFG maintain its AAA credit rating, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move keeps at bay a crisis in the bond market that could cost investors $200 billion and might provide a bailout blueprint for...

Freddie Mac Loses $2B, Seeks Cash
Freddie Mac Loses $2B, Seeks Cash

Freddie Mac Loses $2B, Seeks Cash

No. 2 mortgage lender's capital is close to regulatory minimum

(Newser) - Freddie Mac, the second-largest US mortgage lender, lost $2.02 billion this quarter, its worst quarter ever, the company said this morning. With core capital almost below its regulatory minimum, the company is looking for fast cash, hiring Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers to help bail it out, and “...

Northern Rock Plummets 40% as Britain Seeks Buyer

Bank crisis spells political trouble

(Newser) - In Britain the meltdown of Northern Rock has expanded into a full-out political crisis. The bank's stock plummeted 40% this morning to trade at less than a dollar a share, the Financial Times reports. The collapse of Northern Rock spells serious trouble for Alistair Darling, the chancellor, who is desperate...

Goldman Sees $2T Credit Shortfall, Major Slowdown

Nobel winner, investment firm warn of growing risk

(Newser) - The subprime mortgage crisis that has cost financial companies $400 billion and triggered what one banker is calling the worst housing market since the Great Depression will force a $2 trillion credit squeeze that could set off a “substantial recession” in the US, reports Bloomberg. Goldman Sachs said the...

Dow Dips Below 13K
Dow Dips Below 13K

Dow Dips Below 13K

Markets seesaw, close down

(Newser) - The Dow closed below 13,000 today after seesawing on bad news from the financial sector and falling oil prices. The Dow finished at 12,987.55, down 55.19, after E*Trade said further mortgage-related write-downs might come—and its shares dropped 56%. The Nasdaq slid 43.81 to close...

Citigroup Drags Stocks Down
Citigroup Drags Stocks Down

Citigroup Drags Stocks Down

Banking giant reports $11B in additional losses

(Newser) - Stocks closed down today after Citigroup announced $11 billion more in mortgage-related writedowns, reports Bloomberg. Early heavy losses reversed later in the session as investors calmed down, reports CNNMoney, but none of the major indexes moved into positive territory. The Dow was down 51.7 to 13,543.4, the...

Bernanke: How's He Doing?
Bernanke: How's He Doing?

Bernanke: How's He Doing?

Journal looks back at Fed chairman described as more collaborative, creative than Greenspan

(Newser) - As the Fed rolls out another anxiously awaited decision on rate cuts, the Wall Street Journal does a play-by-play analysis of Ben Bernanke's handling of the three-month old credit crisis with an eye to what we've learned about the new Fed boss. For starters, he's more open and collaborative than...

Bank Superfund Wins Backers, Detractors

Euro banks, Wall Street biggies still on fence on bailout pool

(Newser) - A planned superfund of $80 to $100 billion to alleviate the subprime lending crisis is gaining ground, though some potential investors remain skeptical. Yesterday, Wachovia Corp. came on board; Fidelity and Federated Investors have already agreed to chip in. The trio of banks leading the fund—Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase,...

$100B Bank Fund Shows Paulson's Touch

Treasury sec works behind scenes to shore up mortgage market

(Newser) - This weekend's bank deal to establish a $100-billion "superconduit" fund to buy back  shaky mortgage securities showed the hand—and the strategy—of Hank Paulson, the New York Times reports. Though the treasury secretary has said for months he's confident  investors can handle the mortgage credit crisis themselves, he...

Brits Panic Over Credit Crisis
Brits Panic Over Credit Crisis

Brits Panic Over Credit Crisis

UK is extra vulnerable to the credit crunch

(Newser) - The US credit crisis is sending Britain's buy-now-pay-later economy into apoplexy, with Brits lining up by the thousands outside branches of troubled bank Northern Rock to withdraw their savings in spite of an unprecedented government bailout. Analysts say that the nation's borrowing habits leave the economy vulnerable. "I think...

Freddie Mac Posts 45% Net Drop
Freddie Mac Posts 45%
Net Drop

Freddie Mac Posts 45% Net Drop

Mortgage giant sees $320 million loss on new mortgages in Q2

(Newser) - Freddie Mac posted a 45% drop in net income for the second quarter, and said the outlook wasn't rosy for the third. The home-mortgage financier was hit with a $320 million loss on new mortgages. Freddie Mac doesn't buy subprimes directly, but is still affected by the general mortgage turmoil.

Wall Street Bonuses To Sink
Wall Street Bonuses To Sink

Wall Street Bonuses To Sink

Market crisis hits paychecks

(Newser) - The credit crisis, which has surged across the global financial infrastructure like a tsunami, washing away millions of share prices, is about to hit one of Wall Street's most hallowed traditions —the fat bonus. The extra pay for all but an elite few may be cut for the first...

Stocks Seesaw as Credit Crisis Deepens

Dow down over 300 points before rallying on rate-cut rumors

(Newser) - The Dow closed down 15.69 at 12845.78 today, after plummeting 343 points in early morning trading on fears the credit debacle was spilling into the larger market. Investors continued to fret about the rising yen and nervous foreign markets, but rumors that the Fed would cut interest rates...

Paulson: Downturn Won't Provoke Recession

Economy tough enough to take market turmoil

(Newser) - The current turmoil in the financial markets will take its toll on the economy, but  won't cause a recession, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson tells the Wall Street Journal in his first interview since the downturn began. Paulson says the crisis comes in the context of a very strong global economy—...

Goldman Hedge Fund Gets $3B Infusion
Goldman Hedge Fund Gets
$3B Infusion

Goldman Hedge Fund Gets $3B Infusion

Investors fund bailout after assets evaporate; markets breathe

(Newser) - A struggling Goldman Sachs hedge fund will get a $3 billion cash infusion, with a third of the bail-out coming from wealthy investors and the rest from the bank itself. Global Equity Opportunities Fund has seen assets drop by 28%, to $3.6 billion, over the last two weeks, as...

Bad US Loans Sink London Hedge Fund
Bad US Loans Sink London Hedge Fund

Bad US Loans Sink London Hedge Fund

Subprime mortgage crisis ripples through world market

(Newser) -  A London hedge fund is the latest casualty of the US subprime mortgage crisis that has already hit American investment companies, the Financial Times reports. After losing 53% of its value, Caliber Global Investment will sell its assets and try to repay $900 million to investors over the next...

Stories 1801 - 1820 | << Prev   Next >>