
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Two Dirty Words in Modern Workplace: 'pls fix'

'Wall Street Journal' digs into the phrase dreaded by young professionals

(Newser) - This year, the phrase "quiet quitting" has entered the workplace lexicon, as has its opposite, "overemployed." Now the Wall Street Journal digs into another new workplace phrase, one dreaded by young professionals: "pls fix." As in, that terse phrase shows up in emails at all...

You've Heard of Quiet Quitting. What About 'Overemployed'?

That workplace trend is about people working 2 jobs in secret

(Newser) - This year's buzzword about the workplace is "quiet quitting" —generally described as workers deciding to do the bare minimum for their employers. But the CBC and Sidekick explore a trend that's close to the polar opposite in terms of work ethic. It involves people working two...

CEO's Advice to Young Workers: Years of 18-Hour Workdays

Suggestion by Bombay Shaving Co. chief Shantanu Deshpande isn't going over well

(Newser) - On the heels of stories about "quiet quitting" —a workplace trend in which employees are doing the bare minimum to keep their jobs—comes hand-wringing over one man's very opposite work mindset. It's that of the CEO of India's Bombay Shaving Company, who took to...

&#39;Quiet Quitting&#39; Is This Year&#39;s Workplace Trend
Everybody's Talking
About 'Quiet Quitting'

Everybody's Talking About 'Quiet Quitting'

To avoid burnout, workers are doing the bare minimum

(Newser) - "Quiet quitting" is a workplace trend that's suddenly getting a lot of press—and it doesn't involve sneaking out of work and heading for the hills. Instead, advocates, including many TikTokers, describe it as doing the minimum their jobs require and refusing to work extra hours or...

Google Workers Fret After Ominous Words From CEO

Pichai warns that productivity is lacking, company isn't 'immune to economic headwinds'

(Newser) - It's been a worrisome few weeks for Google, as profits dipped for the second quarter in a row and hiring was temporarily paused. Now, CEO Sundar Pichai has put out an alert to employees, seeking ideas to boost efficiency and up productivity and warning of an economy that doesn'...

Glassdoor Must ID Person Who Wrote 'Toxic' Reviews

Judge sides with New Zealand company that was the subject of scathing critiques

(Newser) - Glassdoor is a website where users can look for future jobs, as well as post reviews about companies they've worked for to help others determine if a company might be a desirable employer or one to avoid. What allows reviewers to be as brutally honest as possible is the...

Amazon's Staff Turnover Rate May No Longer Be Sustainable

Internal memo reveals fears of exhausting available US labor pool by 2024

(Newser) - With its sky-high staff turnover rate, Amazon fears it could run out of US workers by 2024, an anxiety that could force higher wages or increased automation. That's according to leaked internal research from mid-2021 as seen by Recode . "If we continue business as usual, Amazon will deplete...

Ex-TikTok Workers: 85 Hours of Meetings Is the Norm

To say it sounds like employees work a lot is an understatement

(Newser) - "Relentless productivity and secrecy" seem like two things that might be common to plenty of tech companies. But in the telling of a number of TikTok employees, who came to the social media behemoth from elsewhere in tech, the degree to which those are demanded at TikTok is "...

Consider Letting That Text Just Sit There a While

We shouldn't feel pressured to answer every work communication instantly, Eric Dhawan writes

(Newser) - Ghosting in a personal relationship context gets more attention, but there's plenty of it on the job, too. An Indeed survey found it's common for employers and job candidates to flake out on interviews. Erica Dhawan makes a case in an opinion piece in the New York Times...

Googleplex Architect: Places Like This Are 'Dangerous'

Clive Wilkinson says megaplex discourages work-life balance, innovation

(Newser) - Loaded with gourmet meals, fitness classes, swimming pools, athletic courts, and so much more, Googleplex seems like a dream come true for most office employees. However, the architect who designed it says in hindsight that what he created fosters a “dangerous” dependency between employees and their employer, per NPR...

Current, Former Blue Origin Staff Pen Scathing Essay

Former comms chief says Jeff Bezos' company ignores safety concerns

(Newser) - "Blue Origin's culture sits on a foundation that ignores the plight of our planet, turns a blind eye to sexism, is not sufficiently attuned to safety concerns, and silences those who seek to correct wrongs." So claim 21 current and former employees of Jeff Bezos' spaceflight company...

Our Email Use Is &#39;Literally Inhumane&#39;
Our Email Use Is
'Literally Inhumane'

Our Email Use Is 'Literally Inhumane'

Cal Newport argues we need alternatives to constant work messaging

(Newser) - You hear a ping and look down at your phone to see that you have another email on top of hundreds still unread. If you immediately feel anxious, Cal Newport understands. The professional world has embraced email to such a degree that it now relies on near-constant communication at the...

Who's the Loneliest at the Office? The Youngest Workers

Cigna survey finds Gen Zers, millennials feel the most distant from their co-workers

(Newser) - Young people aren't feeling the love at work, and it's not because they don't get along with their bosses—they just feel lonelier in the office than older people do. The Wall Street Journal reports on a "Loneliness Index" released by health insurer Cigna on Thursday...

Bosses Jailed Over Worker Suicides
Bosses Jailed
Over Worker Suicides

Bosses Jailed Over Worker Suicides

French court recognizes 'institutional harassment'

(Newser) - In a landmark case, three former executives at France Telecom have been jailed over workplace policies linked to the suicides or attempted suicides of more than 30 employees. Ex-president and CEO Didier Lombard, deputy Olivier Barberot, and Louis-Pierre Wenès, former director of human resources, were sentenced Friday to a...

Slack Messages Doom CEO of Luggage Startup
Startup CEO's 
Slack Messages
Did Her In
in case you missed it

Startup CEO's Slack Messages Did Her In

Steph Korey stepping down from luggage company Away after 'Slack bullying' revealed in Verge report

(Newser) - Last week, an explosive expose by the Verge focused on Away, a luggage startup that ex-employees claimed hid a "toxic work culture," despite a cheerful public-facing message of travel and inclusion. In this "cutthroat culture," workers were said to work "exceedingly long hours" and pressured...

Japan's Health Chief on High Heels at Work: 'Necessary'

He's pushing back on artist Yumi Ishikawa's petition against workplace dress requirements

(Newser) - Women across Japan may find workplace dress codes that require high heels to be onerous, but according to the country's chief health official, such mandates are just fine. Reuters reports that Health Minister Takumi Nemoto responded Wednesday to an online campaign started by artist Yumi Ishikawa that pushes back...

They Made Her Wear Heels to Work. So She Started #KuToo

Artist Yumi Ishikawa is leading campaign to ban high heels requirements in the workplace

(Newser) - Workplace dress codes can be annoying, but in Japan, there's a crusade to get rid of one mandate in particular, and it comes with its own hashtag: #KuToo. CNN notes the campaign and hashtag—a play on two words meaning "shoes" and "pain," and meant to...

WHO: Job Burnout Is More Than Just a Pain

Disorder is officially recognized by health experts

(Newser) - Add job burnout to the list of diseases recognized by the World Health Organization. Included for the first time in the International Classification of Diseases, occupational burnout results "from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed," and is marked by depleted energy or exhaustion; a mental...

280 Face Deportation After Massive ICE Raid

Protests follow arrest of 'community members' in Allen, Texas

(Newser) - Numerous complaints against a Texas tech refurbishment business have led to the arrest of more than 280 employees who will now be processed for deportation. "As far as immigration-related arrests, this is the largest ICE worksite operation at one site in the last 10 years," special agent Katrina...

Relief on Its Way for S. Korea's 'Inhumanely Long' Workweek

Set to fall from 68 hours max to 52, which lawmakers hope will help quality of life, birthrate

(Newser) - South Korea's maximum workweek, which had been called "inhumanely long" at 68 hours, has been cut to 52. President Moon Jae-in had vowed to cut the workweek during his campaign; also this year, he oversaw a 16% minimum-wage increase. South Korea's National Assembly passed the workweek law,...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>