Guantanamo Bay

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Send al-Qaeda Chief to Gitmo: GOP Senators

Trying al-Libi in US is a wasted opportunity to interrogate him

(Newser) - Recently captured al-Qaeda honcho Abu Anas al-Libi belongs in Guantanamo—not a US courtroom, say Republican Sens. Saxby Chambliss, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham. Al-Libi is currently still being held on a Navy ship, but President Obama wants to put him on trial Stateside. The lawmakers say that's...

Young Gitmo Guards Get Primers on 9/11
 Young Gitmo Guards 
 Get Primers on 9/11 

Young Gitmo Guards Get Primers on 9/11

Many were just kids 12 years ago: ProPublica

(Newser) - It's been almost 12 years since the 9/11 attacks, which presents the US military with an unusual concern: Many of its guards at Guantanamo Bay were just kids when the attacks happened. To make sure they fully grasp the seriousness of their duties, the military conducts briefings—or "...

9/11 Defendant Alleges 'Torture': No Lunch

Ramzi bin al-Shibh demands to leave Gitmo hearing

(Newser) - A 9/11 defendant abruptly asked to leave a pre-trial hearing yesterday, alleging that there had been "problems between me and the guards on a daily basis" revolving around food. Ramzi bin al-Shibh was the only 9/11 defendant who had decided to attend the hearings; the other four had opted...

Gitmo's Most Popular Book? Fifty Shades

'More requested than the Quran' says visiting politician

(Newser) - This sounds like a bad joke or a hoax, but the most requested book at Guantanmo Bay's most secure facility, Camp Seven, is apparently none other than BDSM bodice-ripper Fifty Shades of Grey, reports the Huffington Post . "Rather than the Quran, the book that is requested most by...

164 to Go: US Transferring 2 Gitmo Prisoners to Algeria

No details available yet about them

(Newser) - The White House plans to transfer two detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Algeria, the first movement of prisoners out since the president announced a renewed push to close the military-run detention center in Cuba. The White House said it was starting the transfers as part of Obama's goal to...

11-Year Gitmo Detainee: Please, Let Me Plead Guilty!

Detainees see conviction as the only way out

(Newser) - Sufiyan Barhoumi is desperate to plead guilty to war crimes—but prosecutors won't even charge him with anything unless he does them a favor first. Such is the twisted logic that prevails at Guantanamo Bay, where being convicted is the best route home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Barhoumi...

Gitmo Hunger Strikers Have Eaten: Officials

But that doesn't mean the strike is over: Lawyers

(Newser) - The Guantanamo hunger strike may be coming to an end, with 99 of the 102 hunger strikers reportedly eating on Friday, according to military officials, the Washington Post reports. But were they really ending their strike or just pausing for Ramadan? Gitmo spokesman Captain Robert Durand says most of the...

Mos Def Attempts Force-Feeding in Gitmo Protest

He's unable to complete the process

(Newser) - As force-feeding of 44 detainees continues at Guantanamo, Islamic leaders are calling on the US to halt the process during Ramadan, which begins today. (The prison has said it will perform the force-feeding at night during the holy month.) To underscore the point, actor and rapper Yasiin Bey, also...

For Ramadan, Gitmo to Force-Feed at Night

So hunger-strikers don't break daytime fasting rules

(Newser) - The latest legal challenge bought by Gitmo detainees trying to end their force-feedings brings to light a strange detail as spotted by Atlantic Wire : Later this week, the government plans to start force-feeding the prisoners at night so the detainees comply with the daytime fasting required of them during the...

Taliban: We'll Free Only US POW in Afghanistan If... gets 5 Taliban operatives held at Gitmo in return

(Newser) - The Taliban says it's willing to free the only US prisoner of war in Afghanistan—if the US will hand over five top Taliban operatives held at Guantanamo Bay. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (who disappeared on June 30, 2009) "is, as far as I know, in good condition,...

Feds Name Gitmo's 'Indefinite Detainees'

46 inmates can't be tried, transferred, or released

(Newser) - The names of Guantanamo's dozens of "indefinite detainees" deemed too dangerous to release even if the detention center is closed have been disclosed for the first time. In response to a lawsuit from the Miami Herald , the federal government released a list of prisoners including 26 Yemenis, 12...

Kerry Adviser's New Job: Closing Gitmo

Sloan to reopen closure office

(Newser) - John Kerry says that if anyone can close Guantanamo Bay, it's his adviser Clifford Sloan. The Washington lawyer is expected to be named as the Obama administration's new envoy tasked with reopening the State Department's Office of Guantanamo Closure, the AP reports. Sloan's long and bipartisan...

Guantanamo Prisoners Want Independent Doctors

Hunger strikers says military physicians have conflict of interest

(Newser) - Detainees at Guantanamo Bay on a hunger strike have written a letter to their military physicians to demand independent doctors, reports the Guardian . The 13 detainees who signed it—more than 100 in all are refusing food—say they can't trust the military doctors because they must do the...

Obama's Gitmo Plan? Call It the 'Dorothy Doctrine'

Krauthammer: President thinks he can wish terror problems away

(Newser) - President Obama thinks he can declare an end to the war on terror by simply wishing it away, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . He "would like to close his eyes, click his heels three times," and, poof, problem solved. The rub is that jihadism isn't...

Britain Reveals Its Version of Guantanamo

As many as 90 Afghans being held without trial at Camp Bastion

(Newser) - Britain is taking a page out of the US' book, quietly running a prison in Afghanistan where 80 to 90 people have been held without charges for as long as 14 months. Defense Secretary Philip Hammond confirmed the prison's existence at Camp Bastion to the BBC today, after lawyers...

Did Obama Just End the War?
 Did Obama Just End the War? 

Did Obama Just End the War?

Pundits differ on how seriously we should take yesterday's speech

(Newser) - President Obama delivered a landmark speech on the war on terror yesterday, but people are divided on just how impressed we ought to be. The New York Times is singing the speech's praises. "As frustratingly late as it was—much of what Mr. Obama said should have been...

Obama Sees an End to 'Perpetual' War on Terror

Time to narrow its scope, says president

(Newser) - In his big policy speech today, President Obama did indeed promise to rein in drone strikes —a higher threshold for targets will be required, along with a "near certainty" that no civilians will be killed—and to push once again for Gitmo's closure. The full text is...

In Major Shift, Obama Will Clamp Down on Drone Strikes

Will speak today on new counterterror policies

(Newser) - President Obama will today outline a new course against terror, including two big goals: cutting down on drone strikes and attempting, once again, to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. The speech comes after the administration yesterday admitted killing four US citizens with drones. Under new drone rules, strikes on foreign...

Pentagon Wants $200M— for 10-Year Gitmo Upgrade

Asks Congress for $450M for facility Obama wants to close

(Newser) - If you're already upset about the fact that Guantanamo is still open, your head may actually explode at this next bit: The Pentagon wants Congress to grant it more than $450 million to maintain—and upgrade—the prison, according to a budget request from the Obama administration. Specifically, $200...

Guide to Gitmo Force-Feeding: Shackle, Mask Detainees

Al Jazeera obtains 30-page guidelines

(Newser) - The US process for force-feeding hunger-striking Guantanamo detainees has come to light in a new al Jazeera report. The news network obtained the guidelines for the process, which sees detainees held in a restraint chair for up to two hours. A guard "shackles detainee and a mask is placed...

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