anonymous sources

6 Stories

New Technology Changes Faces in Film to Protect Identities

Process uses artificial intelligence to replace the usual shadowy images

(Newser) - In documentaries, people whose identities need to be kept secret have often been reduced to shadowy, voice-distorted figures—or worse, pixelated blurs. But a documentary premiering Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival has, with the aid of advanced digital technology, gone to greater lengths to preserve the secrecy of its...

Public Figure's Death Turns Into San Francisco Flash Point

Cops raid reporter's home after he won't give up source about late public defender Jeff Adachi

(Newser) - A tangled case in San Francisco revolves around the death of a popular public defender and a reporter's refusal to give up a source who leaked unsavory details about that death. All of this came to a head Friday, when the police and FBI raided the home-office of freelance...

Anonymous Source of Scoop? Looks Like You-Know-Who

BuzzFeed says Trump was quoted as 'senior' official

(Newser) - President Trump scolded the media last week for using anonymous sources in stories—they "shouldn't be allowed," he said —but BuzzFeed reports that the president allowed himself to be quoted as one on Tuesday. It came during a meeting with TV news anchors, when the president...

Reporter's Aurora Scoop Shouldn't Send Her to Jail

Judith Miller: Fox's Jana Winter is right not to divulge her James Holmes sources

(Newser) - An assault on the freedom of the press is taking place here in the US, writes journalist Judith Miller in the Los Angeles Times . A court in Colorado might soon order Fox News reporter Jana Winter to jail for refusing to disclose the sources behind her reporting in the aftermath...

Bill Wants Hillary to Take On 'Amateur' Obama: Book

Clintons denounce author Edward Klein as a 'known liar'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton considers Barack Obama such an "incompetent" president that he begged Hillary last summer to quit the State Department and run against him in 2012—or at least, that's the story a new, unauthorized Obama biography is telling. "Barack Obama is an amateur," Clinton is...

Sarah Palin Slams 'Impotent, Limp, Gutless' Reporters

She's especially annoyed at anonymous sources

(Newser) - Here's a quote from Sarah Palin you're likely to hear replayed more than a few times. It's on press coverage of her: “I don't read some of it because I know that those who are impotent and limp and gutless, and then they go on, they're anonymous, they're sources...

6 Stories
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