King Charles III

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Kate, William Ignore Questions on Endgame Book

'Did you watch the Piers Morgan show last night, Your Royal Highnesses?'

(Newser) - The Prince and Princess of Wales brushed off reporters' questions about alleged racist remarks when they arrived at a glitzy London event Thursday night. A day earlier, Piers Morgan told viewers that in the Dutch translation of journalist Omid Scobie's book Endgame, King Charles III and Princess Kate were...

Morgan Names Royals Who Made Alleged Racist Comments

Book says King Charles, Kate Middleton made remark on skin color of Harry, Meghan's unborn son

(Newser) - More than two years ago, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, made reference during an interview with Oprah Winfrey about "concerns and conversations" with the royal family about how dark the skin of their then-unborn son Archie would be when he emerged, fueling plenty of rumors about who...

In Part of England, the King Profits From People's Deaths

Monarch's property estate receives funds from those who die without wills, next of kin

(Newser) - The deaths of thousands of people in parts of England have increased the personal wealth of King Charles III, according to a Guardian investigation that might persuade many people—especially those opposed to the monarchy—to write wills. In most of England and Wales, the assets of people who die...

On Anniversary of Death, King Shares Unreleased Queen Pic

Charles III, Queen Camilla also held prayer service for Elizabeth II near Balmoral

(Newser) - Friday marks one year since the death of Queen Elizabeth II , and the royal family has circulated a never-before-released portrait of the late monarch in commemoration. "We recall with great affection her long life, devoted service, and all she meant to so many of us," King Charles III...

King Charles to Get 45% Pay Raise
Guess Who's
Getting a
45% Raise?

Guess Who's Getting a 45% Raise?

King Charles' sovereign grant to climb to $160M in 2025, up from the current $111M

(Newser) - King Charles III is set to receive a 45% raise. On Thursday, the UK Treasury announced details of the monarchy's annual budget, known as the sovereign grant, suggesting it would be slashed in the coming years to allow funds to be spent on public services, as the king himself...

Biden Has King&#39;s Back, Raising Protocol Questions
Palace Rules on
Biden's Royal Touch

Palace Rules on Biden's Royal Touch

King Charles didn't mind the 'symbol of warmth and affection,' aide says

(Newser) - Commoners might have wondered whether President Biden broke royal protocol in placing a hand on the back of King Charles outside Windsor Castle on Monday. They already had shaken hands and were heading to a platform, up a few steps, to listen to a band and review the Welsh Guards,...

In Scotland, an Elaborate Day for King Charles

He'll be presented with the Scottish crown jewels

(Newser) - Two months after the lavish coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey in London, Scotland is set to host its own event to mark the new monarch's accession to the throne. While Charles and Queen Camilla won't be crowned a second time Wednesday in Edinburgh, the festivities...

World&#39;s Biggest Landowners
This Guy Owns 1/6th of Earth

This Guy Owns 1/6th of Earth

King Charles and the British royals own 6.6B acres

(Newser) - For anyone who's ever wondered who the world's biggest land baron is, the answer is some guy with a bunch of first names: Charles Philip Arthur George. Or Britain's King Charles III, as he's better known, Digg reports in a look at the top 25. Seems...

In Video, Soldier Who Fainted Tries to Keep Playing Trombone

2 others also fainted while rehearsing for King Charles' birthday celebration

(Newser) - As soldiers rehearsed in London Saturday for King Charles' upcoming birthday parade, one of them fainted—but got back up and tried to continue playing the trombone. He was soon escorted away to get checked out, People reports. The Massed Bands of the Household Division will perform next weekend at...

Meet Dame Jacinda
Meet Dame Jacinda

Meet Dame Jacinda

Former New Zealand PM given one of nation's highest honors

(Newser) - You might remember her as the youngest prime minster New Zealand has ever seen; who picked up the state house phone herself when a journalist called to ask how to pronounce her name; who became only the second world leader to give birth in office ; who won global praise for...

King Charles Offers Surprise Tribute to Tina Turner

Band performs 'The Best' during changing of the guard outside Buckingham Palace

(Newser) - If you can't get enough of the tributes honoring Tina Turner , who died at age 83 after a long illness, here's one more, courtesy of King Charles III. Each day, visitors outside London's Buckingham Palace are treated to the changing of the guard, a 45-minute ceremony in...

American Idol Gets a Royal Surprise
American Idol
Gets a Royal Surprise

American Idol Gets a Royal Surprise

King Charles and Queen Camilla join live show by videoconference with judges Perry, Richie

(Newser) - American Idol was live on Sunday night as the singing competition reality show kicks into high gear, though two of the regular judges played their part from across the pond. Katy Perry and Lionel Riche videoconferenced in from England's Windsor Castle, where they'd just performed at the coronation...

No Harry on Royal Balcony After Charles Gets His Crown

Prince was in attendance for coronation ceremony, though; entire event estimated to cost up to $125M

(Newser) - King Charles III can breathe a sigh of relief: The most pressure-filled part of his coronation day is over. The newly crowned 74-year-old monarch and his wife, Queen Camilla, who was also coronated Saturday at London's Westminster Abbey, headed back in their carriage afterward to Buckingham Palace, where crowds...

King Charles III Notches a First at Coronation

No other UK monarch has prayed aloud at their own crowning ceremony before

(Newser) - It was an event decades in the making. King Charles III was crowned Saturday in a ceremony rife with pageantry, using a blueprint that "has stayed much the same for more than 1,000 years," notes CNN . After a procession in a golden carriage to Westminster Abbey, the...

&#39;Operation Golden Orb&#39; Has Begun
Golden Orb'
Has Begun

'Operation Golden Orb' Has Begun

Coronation of King Charles III, wife Camilla kicks off in London

(Newser) - King Charles III is being crowned Saturday at Westminster Abbey, in a ceremony built on ancient traditions, at a time when the monarchy faces an uncertain future. More than 2,000 guests, thousands of troops, tens of thousands of spectators, and a smattering of protesters converged in and around the...

King Charles III Had One Last Surprise Before Coronation

Monarch shows up Friday for meet-and-greet outside Buckingham Palace, day before crowning

(Newser) - King Charles III surprised a crowd of fans on Friday who'd begun gathering ahead of his coronation, assembled outside London's Buckingham Palace. The king; his eldest son, Prince William; and daughter-in-law, Kate, stopped for a walkabout to shake hands and speak briefly with the adoring throng, reports the...

One Coronation Crown Jewel Risks Wrath of Prince William

Rod Camilla will hold would go against his anti-ivory stance; plus, other crown jewel controversies

(Newser) - The royal family will be pulling out all the stops for King Charles III's coronation on Saturday, including showing off the revered crown jewels, the gems and other ceremonial objects that are dusted off for crownings of sovereigns and their consorts. Town & Country notes the regalia isn't...

Trump Slams Harry, Meghan Ahead of Coronation

He says Biden is also 'very disrespectful'

(Newser) - With Britain preparing for its first coronation since 1953, former President Trump shared his thoughts with broadcaster GB News during his visit to Scotland this week. Trump—who is not on the guest list for the coronation of King Charles III—said "it's going to be a great...

Man Throwing Shotgun Shells Arrested at Buckingham Palace

Authorities conducted a controlled explosion of a package in the man's possession

(Newser) - A man carrying a mysterious package has been arrested for allegedly throwing suspected shotgun cartridges into the grounds of Buckingham Palace. This marks a serious security incident just days before King Charles III's coronation. The Telegraph reports the incident occurred at 7pm local time on Tuesday. It prompted an...

In a First, Subjects to Be Asked to Pledge Allegiance to King

Public can participate in coronation for the first time, wherever they are

(Newser) - Organizers had promised new elements in the ancient ceremony that will bring the coronation of Britain's King Charles on Saturday. One of them revealed this weekend is this announcement planned during the service: "All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together: I swear that I...

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