global warming

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Greenland Ice Sheet Losing 30M Tons of Ice Per Hour

New study finds an increase to the amount previously estimated

(Newser) - A new study on Greenland's ice cap has disturbing implications: Researchers found it's losing more than 30 million tons of ice per hour, on average. That's a lot more than had previously been estimated, and it means more freshwater is going into the north Atlantic Ocean than...

John Kerry to End Tenure as Climate Envoy

Former secretary of state considers Biden's reelection key to climate battle

(Newser) - John Kerry has told President Biden he plans to resign as special envoy for climate—a job created for him— by spring. The former secretary of state and US senator told the president on Wednesday and his staff on Saturday, the New York Times reports. Kerry will instead work on...

Climate Researcher's Unusual Message: Hope

Dr. Hannah Ritchie says hypernegative messaging obscures real progress, and might even hinder it

(Newser) - How do we keep positive about the environment after the hottest year on record ? By focusing on wins, not climate change doom reports, says Dr. Hannah Ritchie, who spoke with the New York Times Magazine about her new book, Not the End of the World . In it, she makes...

On Climate Studies, Meet the 'Worst-Worst-Case Scenario'

Renowned scientist's new study warns that a feared acceleration of warming is already underway

(Newser) - As the world puts to bed the hottest year on record, the Washington Post calls attention to a study suggesting we haven't seen anything yet. The paper by renowned climate scientist James Hansen—the New York Times notes that it was Hansen's testimony before Congress 35 years ago...

At Climate Summit, a Record Number of Fossil Fuel Reps

Experts fear their influence at COP28 could block vital action on climate change

(Newser) - A record number of fossil fuel representatives are attending the ongoing United Nations climate summit, something experts fear could translate to a lack of progress toward curbing climate change. The Kick Big Polluters Out Coalition, comprising more than 450 groups working in environmental and climate action, analyzed a provisional attendance...

Peru Says More Than Half Its Glacier Surface Is Gone

In one mountain range, 99% of glacial surface has disappeared since 1962

(Newser) - Peru has lost more than half of its glacier surface in the last six decades, and 175 glaciers became extinct due to climate change between 2016 and 2020, Peruvian scientists from the state agency that studies glaciers said Wednesday, per the AP . "In 58 years, 56.22% of the...

12 Richest People Cause More Pollution Than 2M Homes

New Oxfam report points the finger at the 1% for more carbon emissions than poorest 2/3 of world

(Newser) - If you're feeling guilty that you haven't yet bought an EV or installed solar panels on your roof to cut down on your portion of greenhouse gases, you're (somewhat) off the hook—you can blame the 1% for a lot of that pollution. A new Oxfam International...

Climate 'Whisper' Now Will Soon Be a 'Roar'

So says lead author of new UN report on how we're closing in on blowing past global climate threshold

(Newser) - The globe is speeding toward 2.5 degrees Celsius to 2.9 degrees Celsius (4.5-5.2 degrees Fahrenheit) of global warming since preindustrial times, set to blow well past the agreed-upon international climate threshold, a United Nations report has calculated. To have an even-money shot at keeping warming to...

Humanity Is Facing &#39;the Ultimate Threat&#39;
Humanity Is Facing
'the Ultimate Threat'
the rundown

Humanity Is Facing 'the Ultimate Threat'

National Climate Assessment shows need for 'transformative' change to reduce emissions

(Newser) - US greenhouse-gas emissions fell less than 1% per year on average from 2005 to 2019, a trend that is not going to cut it, according to the Fifth National Climate Assessment and first since 2018. Emissions need to decline more than 6% per year on average to prevent global warming...

With Temps in 2023, 'People Know That Things Are Weird'

Scientists at Climate Central report that last 12 months were likely hottest in 125K years

(Newser) - Don't feel like you've accomplished much over the last year? Check this off your list: "You've just lived through Earth's hottest 12 months on record." Not that anyone would want to put that on a T-shirt, but that's how the Washington Post describes...

Our Pace for Exceeding Climate Threshold Is Speeding Up
Progress in One Climate
Mission Hurts Another
new study

Progress in One Climate Mission Hurts Another

Study: Improvement in aerosol solution is actually making the world heat up faster

(Newser) - In a little more than five years—sometime in early 2029—the world will likely be unable to stay below the internationally agreed temperature limit for global warming if it continues to burn fossil fuels at its current rate, a new study says. The study moves three years closer the...

Climate Change Will Make These Places Too Hot to Live

New study identifies which regions will be 'unlivable' for long stretches of time

(Newser) - As global temperatures rise, long stretches of extreme heat will make certain regions 'unlivable' for weeks at a time, a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says. The Washington Post breaks down the bleak report, which projects what temperatures will look like in...

Amid High Emissions, We Have &#39;Reasons to Be Hopeful&#39;
New Climate Change Report
Has Hopeful Tone

New Climate Change Report Has Hopeful Tone

International Energy Agency acknowledges 'spectacular increase' in clean energy tech

(Newser) - The remarkable growth of clean energy technologies, including electric vehicles, is offering a glimmer of hope as the world faces the effects of a warming planet. In a new report , the Paris-based International Energy Agency finds the path to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and reaching net-zero...

With Less Snow, Ski Resorts Seek Wholly Different Clientele

Some ski resorts are shifting their business models to include biking

(Newser) - As ski resorts across Europe grapple with warmer winters, some have seen a future in ditching skis for mountain bikes. Wired reports that Italian resort Fai della Paganella originally outfitted a chairlift to accommodate bikes in 2011 as an experiment, but the attraction quickly eclipsed its skiing business. "Sixty-five...

Biden Invokes Executive Power, Goes Ahead With Climate Corps

Shot down by Congress, New Deal-style corps will serve as major green-jobs training program

(Newser) - After being thwarted by Congress, President Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style climate initiative that will serve as a major green-jobs training program. In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ about 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant...

New York Protests Pressure Biden, UN on Fossil Fuels

Climate summit this week will not hear from the US

(Newser) - Frustration over inaction on the harm to the planet being done by fossil fuels brought tens of thousands of protesters to the streets of Manhattan on Sunday. The demonstration was held in anticipation of UN meetings this week on addressing global warming, but the message was aimed most directly at...

'If You Guys Don't Get Your Act Together, We're Going to Cook'

UN climate report card emphasizes the need for fast and transformative changes

(Newser) - With the world far off track on its 2015 pledge to curb global warming, a new United Nations report central to upcoming climate negotiations details how quickly and deeply energy and financial systems must change to get back on a safer path. "The window of opportunity to secure a...

Feel Like It Was Hotter Than Ever This Summer? It Was

July and August were the 2 hottest months globally on record

(Newser) - Just how hot was it this summer? The hottest, according to the World Meteorological Organization. July 2023 was the hottest month ever measured globally, while August 2023 is the second hottest month, according to data shared Wednesday by the WMO and European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service, which has...

July Shattered the Record, and It Wasn't Close

By mid-century, this kind of weather will seem like a cool spell, scientist says

(Newser) - Scientists showed the numbers on Monday, confirming that last month was the planet's hottest July ever recorded. That data led to a related conclusion, NBC News reports. "Last month was way, way warmer than anything we've ever seen," said Sarah Kapnick, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

California&#39;s Waves Are Getting Bigger
In California, 13-Foot
Waves Are a 'Harbinger'
new study

In California, 13-Foot Waves Are a 'Harbinger'

Study says giant swells have become more common, with signs pointing to climate change

(Newser) - Waves are getting bigger, and surf at least 13 feet tall is becoming more common off California's coast as the planet warms, according to innovative new research that tracked the increasing height from historical data gathered over the past 90 years. Oceanographer Peter Bromirski at the Scripps Institution of...

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