The tornado that devastated Joplin also scattered countless family photos to the winds. Facebook to the rescue. Two sites in particular, here and here, are acting as a clearinghouse of sorts for found photographs. Scans of the images get posted there, where tornado victims can spot them and eventually claim them, reports the Los Angeles Times.
"I thought that would be a good fit for me in terms of helping," says the operator of one of the sites. "I have two kids at home and can't get on the front lines." The Times also recounts one woman's tale of finding a photo of a naked man handcuffed to a bed. "I didn't know if it was something he was into or something criminal, so I turned it in to the police," she says. "Whoever he is, even if he is kind of weird, he probably doesn't want people to see that." (The death toll, meanwhile, is still rising.)