The founders of Occupy Wall Street are thrilled that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has booted protesters from Zuccotti Park. "I just can’t believe how stupid Bloomberg can be!" says co-founder Micah White. "This means escalation. A raising of the stakes. It’s one step closer to, you know, a revolution." White and fellow founder Kalle Lasn, both editors at the Canadian magazine Adbusters, had feared that the movement they spawned with an email chain was beginning to lag.
Before the eviction, they had planned to urge Occupiers to declare victory and dedicate their winter months to designing a new phase, New York Magazine reports via the New Yorker. But now, they say, Bloomberg has done the hard work for them. Lasn and White have written a new plan, declaring "Phase I" (marches, camps, meetings, signs) to be over; "Phase II" will include "surprise attacks against business as usual," Lasn says, and could be "more intense and visceral, depending on how the Bloombergs of the world react." (Read the full New Yorker profile on the two proto-Occupiers.)