Bernie Sanders unveiled a single-payer health care plan just before Sunday night's debate that he calls "Medicare for All." He lays it out here, declaring that it's about time health care becomes a guarantee for all Americans, "not a privilege." Some related reading:
- The International Business Times digs into the finances, including the tax hikes that would pay for the $1.4 trillion annual cost: a 2.2% income tax on all Americans, a 6.2% tax on employers, and progressively heavier income-tax rates on the wealthy (from 37% for those with annual income between $250,000 and $500,000 to 52% on households north of $10 million a year).
- CNN has a tangible example for the middle class: "A family of four making $50,000 would pay $466 in new taxes."
- Sanders makes the case to Time that it would save people money on health care costs in the long run.