Louis CK went to all the trouble of making his web show, Horace and Pete, and then not as many people purchased it as he'd expected ... leaving the comedian several million dollars in debt, Vulture reports. Louis CK explained to Howard Stern Monday that he spent $2 million to make the first four episodes, and he figured enough people would buy those that the rest of the season would then be funded. That didn't happen, so "I had to take out a line of credit" to finish the 10-episode season, Louis CK said. "I'm millions of dollars in debt right now."
"I didn't promote the show, I didn't tell anybody about it, because here's the thing," Louis CK said. "I got so excited by the idea of having a show appear from nothing." He said his plan now is to massively promote the show, which is why he was on Stern's show, in the hopes that he'll sell a bunch of episodes. If you want to help, you can buy them here, at $5 for the first episode, $2 for the second, and $3 each for the rest. Louis CK thinks they're worth it—"I think it's the best thing I ever did," he says of the show. (Here are 23 things you probably didn't know about Louis CK's other show, Louie.)