Victim after victim has come forward to describe how former sports doctor Larry Nassar molested them during exams. Now the New York Times reports that the list could have been shorter by at least 40 names. That's how many girls and women say they were abused by Nassar as the FBI investigation into his behavior dragged on. As the newspaper explains, the inquiry began in July 2015, but neither the agency nor USA Gymnastics issued any warnings that it was underway as Nassar kept on seeing patients. The allegations against Nassar didn't explode onto the public consciousness until the Indianapolis Star published an exposé in September 2016. The story examines the reason for the slow pace, including the jurisdictional issues involved because the abuses occurred in multiple states, and it sheds more light on the exams conducted by Nassar.
The newspaper has seen videos of Nassar demonstrating his techniques, including one he termed an "intravaginal adjustment," on his young patients. The show him "kneading the legs of girls before his ungloved hands begin to work under a towel, between the girls’ legs," write Dan Barry, Serge F. Kovaleski, and Juliet Macur for the Times. At one point, Nassar turns to the camera and says, "It's not a fun place to dig." Then this disturbing line: “'Do the hand-shaky thing,'” he adds later, demonstrating how he shakes his hand vigorously when it is deep between a girl’s legs." The story includes interviews with some of those who were abused during the span of the FBI investigation. Read it in full here. (An angry father who went after Nassar in court will not be punished.)