Nebraska Considers Putting Fans' Ashes Under Football Field

University regent offers up strange plan to make up a budget shortfall
By Newser Editors and Wire Services
Posted Jun 30, 2024 8:02 AM CDT
Nebraska Considers Putting Fans' Ashes Under Football Field
University of Nebraska Regent Barbara Weitz speaks during a meeting, Friday, Feb. 11, 2022, in Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska's Memorial Stadium is due for a major renovation, and Weitz suggested in a recent board meeting that part of the plan could include building a columbarium under the football field.   (Eileen T. Meslar/Omaha World-Herald via AP)

A University of Nebraska regent has proposed a way for lifelong Cornhusker fans to carry their support into the afterlife. When Memorial Stadium undergoes its next renovation, the AP reports that Regent Barbara Weitz of Omaha suggested building a columbarium under the football field where departed fans can have their ashes inurned. The idea might be dead on arrival. Her fellow regents laughed at the proposal. Weitz acknowledged she made her pitch light-heartedly but didn't think any proposal should be dismissed out of hand with the university facing a $58 million budget shortfall. The price for niches, where cremation urns are stored, could vary depending on location, with a spot under the 50-yard line or end zone sold at a premium. Revenue, she said, would go to academics.

"One thing I know best about Nebraska is ... we really do love our sports teams," Weitz says. "It's part of being a Nebraskan. So why wouldn't being buried under the field be a great way to be close to your team forever? So it was kind of a combination of needing money, talking about ways to get it, and then kind of trying to say let's use our imaginations." Fans wishing to scatter a loved one's ashes at their favorite team's stadium is not unheard of and there are columbariums and other fan memorials at soccer, rugby, and horse racing venues in Europe. There are cemeteries and columbariums at Notre Dame, Texas A&M, and military academies that are unaffiliated with sports.

The passion of fans makes sports-themed columbariums a natural, said Colm Hannon, founder of an Ireland-based business that creates fan memorials in Europe. "I think many families realize the fan's spiritual home was the stadium," Hannon said. "It was the place they had the best memories. It's somewhere they would much rather go to remember their loved one than a graveyard... If you want to be mourned, choose a graveyard. If you want to be celebrated, choose a sports ground." Nebraska Regent Paul Kenney says he found Weitz's proposal "somewhat entertaining" but says her idea is "not in my top 1,000" possible budget solutions. Regent Jack Stark, the Huskers' team psychologist from 1989-2004, said over the years he has had people tell him a loved one's dying wish was to have their ashes sprinkled on the field. "I do think there would be a market for it," Stark says.

(More University of Nebraska stories.)

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