The parallels between Twitter and LSD are just too trippy for blogger Phil Baumann to ignore. “What was once a side project, a sort of laboratory experiment,” he writes, “has now seeped into the public domain and everyday more and more people are tripping tweeting.” Highlights from his top 25 ways that Twitter resembles LSD:
- Time distortion: “LSD alters users’ perceptions of time. What seems like a minute can actually be hours. You can spend a whole day on Twitter thinking you only spent 20 minutes tweeting, only to find out the whole day’s gone.”
- Sense of universal connection: “Whether on LSD or Twitter, users probably follow people who they otherwise would never meet, let alone ‘follow.’”
- Celebrity users: LSD: Cary Grant, Peter Fonda, Timothy Leary, Paul McCartney; Twitter: Shaq, Ashton, Britney, Oprah.
For more striking similarities, click the link below.
Twitter stories.)