Flickr has earned a blogger’s harsh rebuke for losing 3,000 of his photos, Gawker reports. A hacker was able to permanently delete the photos by attaching a Hotmail account to Morgan Tepsic’s Flickr account, and Tepsic is livid that Flickr didn’t better protect work he says cost him thousands to develop. He’s no fan of its customer-service or support operations, either.
Tepsic hammers Flickr’s support, saying he was told the firm had no phones—despite an online video showing otherwise. “Not only was I being lied to,” he blogs, “I was obviously not being heard thus feeling that my 4 years of patronage of the FlickrPro account was meaningless to them and I might as well screw off.” It’s not the first time a story like this has emerged, Gawker notes, citing a previous case of 1,200 lost photos—and no apparent backup. (More blogger stories.)