New Moon So Bad It's Funny

Sequel lacks thrills, sense of humor of first 'Twilight'
By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff
Posted Nov 20, 2009 8:19 AM CST

The Twilight Saga: New Moon is guaranteed to be a hit, but no one but its die-hard teen devotees should sit through it, critics say. Some reviews:

  • It’s “an anemic comedown after the full-blooded swoon of Twilight,” writes Ty Burr of the Boston Globe. Kristen Stewart is wooden as ever, and Robert Pattison “suddenly seems embarrassed to be here.”

  • This is teenage love as imagined “by Madame Tussaud,” complains Roger Ebert. “The characters should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan.”
  • Supposedly, this is an action-meets-romance flick. “So where’s the action?” asks Kyle Smith of the New York Post. “This movie moves like the line at the post office.”
  • It’s awful all right, but fans won’t care, and for everyone else, it’s an unintentional comedy, writes James Berardinelli of ReelViews. You’ll “either burst something from chortling at inappropriate moments or believe you have discovered a level of Hell that Dante never bothered to write about.”
(More Twilight stories.)

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