Why This Bill Is Right —and Why It's Wrong Pundits make closing arguments on health care before vote By John Johnson Posted Mar 19, 2010 9:48 AM CDT Copied The vote on health care reform will probably come Sunday. (Shutter Stock) This weekend's vote on health care reform is the main agenda for today's pundits: Eugene Robinson, Washington Post: "If health-care reform finally staggers across the finish line, it will be because President Obama and congressional Democrats recognized—at long last—the truth that has been staring them in the face for more than a year: They'll be better off politically if they just try their best to do the right thing." Jeffrey H. Anderson, Weekly Standard: This is a $2 trillion "ticking time bomb." The CBO report "should help wavering Democrats to resist the president’s plea and listen anew to the pleas of their constituents. Two trillion dollars is a lot to spend on something that Americans don’t want." Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post: Not a bad weekend. The NCAA's and "the prospect of a quasi-climactic vote in the House that would finally have the United States join the rest of the industrialized world in offering health insurance to all its citizens." Daniel Foster, National Review: "The simple fact is that nobody knows what this bill will cost. That's due in part to the guarantee that history will intervene, in messy and unpredictable ways, over the next decade. ... And it is due, in no small part, to the baroque lengths to which Congressional Democrats have gone in the name of obscurity." (More health care reform stories.) Report an error