Our mommas may have raised us right, but they didn't raise us to know who Emily Post is. Some 32% of us have no idea that she's the madam of good manners; 31% think she is either a famed newspaper editor, breakfast cereal inventor, college president, or globe-circling sailor. But apparently we are still the well-behaved nation, according to the latest random-yet-revealing 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll. If allowed to try an illegal drug just once, with no risk of getting addicted, arrested, or otherwise harmed ... 88% of us wouldn't do it.
Exactly 0% of us would try crack; 5% would test LSD, 3% ecstasy, and 1% each heroin and crystal meth. Other behavioral indicators:
- A whopping 82% of us have never experienced sexual harassment at work.
- But we're not too judgmental about such things: The nasty allegations swirling around Mel Gibson make only 20% of us less likely to see one of his movies.
- As to the woman that 100% of us can recognize: 59% of us don't think Sarah Palin has the ability to be an effective president (no word on if she has the manners).