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Top Clinton Fundraiser Jumps to Obama Camp

Former ambassador "concerned" about tone of race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will lose one of her key fundraisers to Barack Obama, the Los Angeles Times reports. Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, a former ambassador under President Clinton who had raised $300,000, “became concerned about the tone of the race,” an Obama aide said. But a Democratic strategist said one...

Mac Will Run With Public Funds
 Mac Will Run With Public Funds

Mac Will Run With Public Funds

GOP candidate appears to concede he won't be able to catch Dem foe financially

(Newser) - John McCain will use public funds to finance his 2-month general-election campaign, Politico reports today. McCain's decision to take the $84.1 million available once he's officially nominated in September comes after the GOP candidate gave back $3.2 in donations pegged to the home stretch. McCain has raised $72...

Dems Sue to Cap McCain Spending

Federal lawsuit charges public financing dodge

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee yesterday filed a federal lawsuit to limit the amount John McCain can spend on his campaign before the GOP national convention. In apparent violation of federal law, McCain's once-foundering campaign used expected federal matching funds as collateral for a bank loan, but then opted out of...

GOP Holds Big Edge Over Dems in Party Cash

The party has raised more than $97 million in 2007 and has $25 million on hand

(Newser) - The Democratic candidates may be flush with money, but their party isn't. The GOP has a nearly 7-to-1 advantage in cash on hand, the New York Times reports. Democrats hope to make up the gap once they settle on a nominee, but the GOP already has begun plotting with John...

RNC Warns Tenn. GOP Over 'Hussein' Use

State party used Obama's full name in press release on Israel

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee wagged a finger at the Tennessee party yesterday after it pointedly used the full name “Barack Hussein Obama” in a press release questioning whether an Obama presidency would endanger Israel, Politico reports. The RNC added that if Obama’s Muslim-sounding middle name appears again, the...

DNC to File Campaign Fund Complaint Against McCain

DNC says McCain broke campaign finance rules

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee will file an FEC complaint today against John McCain, accusing the likely GOP nominee of violating policy when he obtained campaign loans by promising to repay them with federal funds, the Washington Post reports. The FEC so far hasn't granted McCain's request to now opt out...

The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan
The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan

The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan

The message for GOP victory this fall

(Newser) - At this weekend’s RNC winter retreat, “lowbrow” Hillary Clinton jokes were plentiful, Politico reports, but her opponent got more attention. Said one California Congressman, “a President Hillary doesn’t scare me nearly as much as a President Obama.” The PowerPoint breakdown:
  • Can you picture Obama as

Rove to GOP: Here's How to Top Dems in '08

Strategist slams Clinton's spending, Obama's inexperience

(Newser) - Karl Rove weighed in yesterday on Republican strategies for the 2008 election, with pointers on how to slam Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Hill reports. President Bush's former guru took shots at Clinton's "$800 billion in new spending" less than halfway through the campaign, and her wish to...

NH Operative Fingers GOP Brass in 2002 Phone Scam

Author claims he's goat in 'old-school cover-up'

(Newser) - A political operative jailed in a scheme to jam Democratic phones during 2002's Senate race in New Hampshire claims the scandal originated in the upper reaches of the Republican Party, McClatchy Newspapers report. Allen Raymond’s book, How to Rig an Election, accuses the party of an “old-school cover-up,...

GOP Penalizes 5 Early Primary States

Party leaders will deprive them of half their delagates at convention

(Newser) - Republican party leaders voted today to punish five states for holding their primaries too early, the AP reports. New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, and Wyoming will lose half their delegates to next summer’s national convention because they plan to stage primaries before Feb. 5. Iowa gets off on...

Kucinich Questions 'Mental Health' of President

Says Iran remarks raise doubts about stability

(Newser) - White House hopeful Dennis Kucinich yesterday said recent remarks by President Bush about Iran causing World War III suggest there is "a very serious question" about his mental stability. "I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health," the Ohio Democrat told the...

Primary Leapfroggers Will Lose Half of Delegates: GOP

RNC vows to penalize 5 states

(Newser) - Five state delegations will lose half their votes if they hold their primaries, as currently scheduled, before the official start date of February 5, the RNC ruled yesterday. The party’s national chairman said the penalty shouldn’t come as a surprise, because the 2008 rules were adopted at the...

Martinez Quits Top RNC Post After 10 Months

Fla. senator bucked party on immigration, won't be replaced

(Newser) - Mel Martinez has quit as RNC general chairman after only 10 months in the post. The US  Senator from Florida, a Cuban refugee, publicly split with GOP hardliners over immigration reform. Martinez was also left to explain why the party’s presidential hopefuls were no-shows at a bilingual forum, the...

Dems Buck GOP in Money Race
Dems Buck GOP in Money Race

Dems Buck GOP in Money Race

Top candidates have grabbed twice the dough of GOP hopefuls

(Newser) - The Republican Party could be at a significant financial disadvantage when next year’s presidential race begins in earnest, according to Politico's Jeanne Cummings. The leading Democratic White House hopefuls have raised $200 million since January—twice what their Republican counterparts have garnered. The trend extends beyond the presidential race...

Clinton, Obama Oppose Primary Leapfrogging

Candidates bow to pressure from states protecting their early primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined three of their presidential rivals yesterday in pledging not to campaign in states that have defied Democratic primary rules by pushing their primaries to early 2008. In recent weeks, Michigan and Florida have announced votes before February 5, challenging the first dibs the party...

Craig May Resign Today
Craig May Resign Today

Craig May Resign Today

Senator’s resignation said to pre-empt RNC request

(Newser) - Larry Craig will resign his Senate seat as soon as today, in an effort to pre-empt an official GOP call for him to step down, party sources tell CNN. Following the Idaho conservative’s guilty plea in a bathroom-stall sex sting, the Republican National Committee was preparing to call for...

Head of Veterans Affairs Quits
Head of Veterans Affairs Quits

Head of Veterans Affairs Quits

Secretary's short tenure long on scandals and other woes

(Newser) - The secretary of Veterans Affairs, the head of the second-biggest federal department, is stepping down and will be replaced by October 1, reports the Washington Post. For 2½ turbulent years, Jim Nicholson, a decorated Vietnam vet and former RNC chair, presided over a department beset by criticism and overwhelmed by...

White House Aides Broke Rules on E-Mails

Staff used political channels for government business

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of White House e-mails sent on Republican National Committee accounts have been deleted or are missing, an apparent violation of the law governing presidential records. The Washington Post reports that Karl Rove personally sent or received 140,000 e-mails, more than half of which appear to be...

Senate Seeks E-mails From Gonzales

Attorney general receives first subpoena in firing scandal

(Newser) - The Senate demanded all e-mails pertaining to Karl Rove's role in the disputed firing of eight U.S. attorneys from Alberto Gonzales today, setting a May 15 deadline for the attorney general to turn them over. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which  issued the subpoena, disputes...

Four Years of Rove E-mails Go Missing

E-mails may have covered attorney firings

(Newser) - Four years of emails from Karl Rove that are being sought in a congressional investigation are missing and may have been deleted by Rove himself, the Republican National Committee acknowledged yesterday. The RNC operates the server for non-official e-mail accounts Rove and other White House players use for political business;...

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