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Michael Steele: 'I Know Exactly How Caesar Felt'

Et tu, Reince?

(Newser) - So now that Michael Steele's tumultuous tenure as RNC chief is over, it's time to let bygones be bygones and get on with party unity, right? Maybe not yet. “I know exactly how Caesar felt," Steele tells the Frum Forum in reference to Reince Priebus, the newly elected...

It's Judgment Day for Michael Steele at RNC

Reince Priebus considered front-runner to take over

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee will meet tonight to select its chairman—and pretty much no one is betting on the incumbent. Michael Steele is actually sitting in second place in public tallies right now, behind perceived front-runner Reince Priebus, according to Politico . But as the incumbent, Steele is unlikely to...

Which Politicians Had the Best—and Worst—Year?

Hint: The guy in the picture wasn't in the winners' circle

(Newser) - Who had the best year in Washington? Probably Mr. John Boehner, the Washington Post decides. Nobody else believed in Boehner’s vision of a GOP House takeover, but the speaker-elect made it happen. But that’s not the fun question. The fun question is: Who had the worst year? Barack...

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'
Politifact Names
'Lie of the Year'

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'

Health care reform no 'government takeover'

(Newser) - This year’s biggest political lie is the phrase “a government takeover of health care,” holds the nonpartisan fact-checking group Politifact . The term "government takeover" was suggested by a GOP strategist, who called on Republican leaders to use it to refer to health care reform—and use...

National Review: Please Go Away Now, Michael Steele
National Review:
'Anybody but Steele'

National Review: 'Anybody but Steele'

Conservative magazine wants someone else to run RNC

(Newser) - You know this editorial at the conservative National Review isn't going to end well for Michael Steele when the editors start by saying they "admire his pluck." It's pretty much downhill from there as they call for someone else—anyone else, really—to take over the Republican National...

Steele Stuns GOP by Announcing Re-Election Bid

Embattled RNC chairman seeking second term

(Newser) - Michael Steele has defied expectations and announced that he plans to seek another term at the helm of the GOP. The embattled Republican National Committee chairman, heavily criticized by his own party over gaffes and alleged financial mismanagement, told the RNC's 168-member governing board that although he has "stumbled...

Michael Steele Expected to Bow Out of RNC Race

Chairman to announce intentions tonight

(Newser) - Michael Steele will announce tonight whether he plans to run for reelection as RNC chair—and it’s looking unlikely. Steele doesn’t appear to have a reelection team in place. Still, he’s been unpredictable in the past, Politico notes. He sent out a message this weekend advising committee...

Sarah Palin Rejects Run for RNC Chair

Alaskan doesn't want to be GOP 'fundraiser-in-chief'

(Newser) - The number of candidates seeking to replace Michael Steele as chief of the Republican National Committee is growing by the week—but Sarah Palin has rejected calls for her to enter the fray. Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips wrote to the Alaskan urging her to run for the job,...

Soft Fundraising, Waste Leaves RNC $25M in Hole

Operating costs ate up majority of donations

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee is deep in the hole—the organizing body will enter the 2012 election cycle between $20 million and $25 million dollars in debt, the Washington Times reports. That's possibly the biggest running deficit a national committee has had going into a major election, says one operative....

First Anti-Steele Candidate Lines Up

Saul Anuzis will likely be joined by several others in RNC election

(Newser) - Here they come: Less than two weeks after the Republicans' happy day, the first official challenger to RNC chief Michael Steele has announced, reports the Washington Post . It's former Michigan GOP chief Saul Anuzis, who says of the gaffe-prone Steele: His "record speaks for itself." At least a...

Republicans Plot to Oust Michael Steele

Haley Barbour's nephew leading charge to replace him

(Newser) - Republican leaders are quietly pressuring Michael Steele to resign while the resigning’s good, and looking for candidates to run against him if he ignores that advice. Though most weren’t willing to talk about it on the record, sources tell the New York Times that the likes of John...

Christine O'Donnell to GOP: Hellllllllp!

Also, you want to fight?

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell continued her strange tango with the Republican Party today, appearing on ABC to apparently kick the NRSC in the shins, while simultaneously asking it to open up its wallet. "We're hoping that the National Republican Senatorial Committee will help us. But it's two and a half weeks...

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'
 Palin: 'Soon We'll 
 All Be Dancing' 
RNC Speech

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'

But divided GOP might not be in any mood to party

(Newser) - An ebullient Sarah Palin took the stage in California before 2000 roaring supporters last night, but urged them not to let up until November 2, reports the AP. "The momentum is with us but now is not the time to celebrate—not quite yet," she said. ' It...

Bush Campaign Manager, Ex-RNC Chair Comes Out

Ken Mehlman: I'm now 'a happier person'

(Newser) - The manager of George W. Bush's 2004 re-election campaign, who later served as chairman of the RNC, is gay. "It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life," Mehlman tells Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic . "I wish I was where I am...

RNC Has Only $5.5M Left for Midterms

It raises worries about get-out-the-vote push

(Newser) - With Republicans giddy about their prospects in the midterm elections, the national committee should be rolling in cash, right? Not so much. The RNC has the relatively small sum of $5.5 million in hand for the critical final stretch, about half the amount of the Democrats' national group, reports...

Blogger Punks Michael Steele

Thinking he's talking to a donor, RNC chair boasts about record

(Newser) - Michael Steele is "confident" he'll earn a second term as RNC chair, but you probably won't find him talking himself up in the mainstream media. A lying blogger misrepresenting himself as a prospective donor is a different story, however. In what CNN describes as "an unorthodox interview with...

Meg Whitman vs. Carly Fiorina: Catfight!

California's GOP nominees for US Senate, governor share contentious history

(Newser) - Gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman and US Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina are the first women to fill those roles for the California Republican party, which means they're often treated as a unit despite their numerous differences and contentious history. "It's like—OK, we've got two gals running now, they must...

Steele: 'Stop the Noise,' I'm Not Quitting

RNC chief won't be stepping down over latest flap

(Newser) - The neocons who wanted Michael Steele to quit as RNC chief can forget it. "Every time something happens, people say, 'He should step down,'" Steele said in Colorado today. "The reality is that's not happening, so stop the noise on that. You don't need the distraction. We're...

Dear Bill Kristol, You Should Resign
 Dear Bill Kristol, 
 You Should Resign 
Ann Coulter

Dear Bill Kristol, You Should Resign

And Liz Cheney, too, because Michael Steele was correct

(Newser) - Ann Coulter comes to a rousing defense of Michael Steele in Human Events , saying he was "absolutely correct" in his criticism of President Obama and the Afghan war. "It has been idiotically claimed that Steele's statement about Afghanistan being Obama's war is 'inaccurate'—as if Steele is unaware...

The Next Michael Steele?
 The Next 


The Next Michael Steele?

But most think his job's safe for now

(Newser) - CBS is floating a successor for Michael Steele who should make both sides of the aisle equally giddy: One Sarah Palin. Citing "talk in GOP circles," the network's top White House correspondent says, Palin is "the star of the Republican Party. She's the top endorser, top...

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