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Free-Spending Steele Enrages RNC Donors

Chairman doubles expenses on gourmet food, limousines

(Newser) - Michael Steele has expensive tastes. The RNC chairman has doubled the committee’s spending on things like limousines, charter flights, and catering, and that’s got donors seething, Politico reports. In one recent incident, Steele hired Wolfgang Puck to cater a committee Christmas party at a trendy restaurant on Pennsylvania...

Michael Steele Suggests Racism Fuels His Critics

'Is it because a black man is chairman?'

(Newser) - Michael Steele suggests his race has something to do with the knocks he's taken since becoming chairman of the RNC in an interview with Washingtonian magazine. The interview isn't online yet, but Greg Sargent of Plum Line has an early peek: Steele acknowledges that he can "take things too...

GOP Takes Heat for Hawaii Meeting

 GOP Takes Heat 
 for Hawaii Meeting 

GOP Takes Heat for Hawaii Meeting

Choice for retreat draws fire; 'We're working hard,' says Steele

(Newser) - As we speak, the Republican National Committee is holding its winter meeting amid the “lush tropical gardens” of a resort in Honolulu, Hawaii, a fact that appears to embarrass all involved and Republicans everywhere. “We’re working hard out here,” RNC Chairman Michael Steele reasons, but many...

Steele: RNC Built 'Model' Campaign for Scott Brown

GOP group worked 'behind the scenes' with Massachusetts candidate

(Newser) - If Scott Brown pulls off a Massachusetts victory tonight, Michael Steele wants to be sure that he and his Republican National Committee get their share of the credit. The RNC has been "working very diligently behind the scenes" for 3 months, he wrote in a memo to members obtained...

Steele Slammed for $20K Speaking Fees

Predecessor in RNC post says his job 'is to give speeches'

(Newser) - Michael Steele’s been lining his own pockets with speaking fees of up to $20,000, capitalizing on his RNC chairmanship in a way past chairmen haven’t—and those past chairmen don’t approve. “Holy mackerel, I never heard of a chairman of either party ever taking money...

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Thomas Frank

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost

Paranoid purity test will also leave right wing with no scapegoats

(Newser) - The new 10-point RNC purity test intended to purge Republicans who aren't conservative enough makes about as much sense as hacking off your own limbs to cure a weak pulse, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal . And after the "coming period of inquisition and excommunication," says...

New White House Counsel Scares GOP, Other Lawyers

Bauer is a skilled, controversial Democratic veteran

(Newser) - Robert Bauer, the new White House counsel, is a longtime Democratic operative known for his hard-nosed style and work ethic. He is a veteran of the Clinton impeachment proceedings and represented House Democrats during the Bush years, where he was known for his aggressive strategy—he went as far as...

Steele: I Scare White Republicans
Steele: I Scare White Republicans

Steele: I Scare White Republicans

RNC chair says he sees it in meetings

(Newser) - Rack up another gaffe for Michael Steele. The Republican National Committee chair has been trying to improve his party’s relationship with minority voters, but he may have been a little too honest in a recent interview with NewsOne's Roland Martin. Martin suggested that white Republicans were "scared" of...

GOP to Steele: We Set Policy, Not You

(Newser) - Congressional GOP leaders met with RNC chairman Michael Steele late last month to assert their authority when it comes to policymaking, and while those involved said the get-together in House Minority Leader John Boehner’s office was routine, Politico's sources described it as heated. Of particular concern was Steele’s...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

Steele Changes Tune on Medicare Cuts

(Newser) - The RNC has joined the fracas over health care reform with a proposed “seniors’ bill of rights” that guards against Medicare cuts, ABC News reports. “Our seniors have really come under fire in the last few weeks,” says RNC chair Michael Steele—who backed Medicare cuts as...

Obama Health Care a 'Reckless Experiment': Steele

(Newser) - Drawing on the momentum the GOP has gained in the health care debate, RNC chair Michael Steele today called President Obama’s plans a “dangerous experiment,” the Washington Post reports. "This reckless approach is an ill-conceived attempt to push through an experiment and all of us should...

GOP Web Game Yanked After Anti-Semitic Flap

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee has yanked an online game from one of its websites after complaints that aspects of the game were anti-Semitic and sexually graphic, reports Politico. The "Obama Card Game (Life Costs Nothing)" was intended to demonstrate how much could be purchased with the $3.4 trillion...

Steele: Palin Run in 2012 'Off the Table'

Alaska gov. needs time to sort out the current 'financial mess'

(Newser) - A Sarah Palin presidential run in the next election is “off the table,” Michael Steele tells Fox News. "Not having talked to the governor, I take 2012 off the table right now simply because (of) everything she's going through personally,” said the Republican party chief. Palin's...

RNC Recycles LBJ 'Daisy' Ad to Bash Obama on Gitmo

Classic incendiary spot doesn't age well in Michael Steele's hands

(Newser) - RNC chairman Michael Steele has rolled out an ad remixing an LBJ classic on nuclear war to warn about the danger of closing Guantanamo. The infamous 1964 spot used images of a little girl plucking petals off a daisy juxtaposed with a nuclear explosion to illustrate the risk of Armageddon....

RNC: Dems Don't Have to Change Name to Socialists

(Newser) - Score one for Michael Steele. The RNC toned down a potentially embarrassing resolution today that would have urged Democrats to change their name to the Democrat Socialist Party, the Hill reports. Instead, the reworded resolution calls on Democrats to "stop pushing our country towards socialism and government control."...

Parker Takes Hammer to Steele
 Parker Takes 
 Hammer to Steele 

Parker Takes Hammer to Steele

GOP chairman 'means well,' but isn't fit for the job

(Newser) - Almost every demographic is quitting the GOP—despite a chairman who aims to win over everyone, including “one-armed midgets,” writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. “The emerging consensus is that [Michael] Steele, though he means well, has the wrong personality for the job,” she notes....

Time to Go After Obama Directly, Says Steele

(Newser) - Michael Steele told fellow Republicans to go after President Obama himself instead of lesser Democrats, the Washington Post reports. "If we have the courage of our convictions, and we do, then we will and we must stand up against disastrous policies, regardless of the president's popularity," the RNC ...

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds
Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Commission nixes complaint that RNC's $150K in clothing purchases broke law

(Newser) - The Federal Election Commission dismissed today a complaint that the Republican National Committee broke the law when it bought $150,000 in clothes for then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The FEC said purchases were “coordinated party expenditures” for campaign purposes, and did not violate...

Steele: GOP Is on Rebound. Really.
 Steele: GOP Is on 
 Rebound. Really. 

Steele: GOP Is on Rebound. Really.

If party looks forward, rather than back, it will see a bright future

(Newser) - Sure, we’ve fallen on hard times, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele writes in Politico. But, he insists, the GOP is straightening its priorities out. “The Republican Party will be forward-looking—it is time to stop looking backward,” Steele writes. Republicans will stand against “the most...

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