
Stories 81 - 95 | << Prev 

Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves
Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves

Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves

Cabinet positions, backtracking on taxes, Iraq not what some liberals envisioned

(Newser) - The Internet left, a cash cow for Barack Obama’s campaign, is now home to some of his sharper critics, Politico reports. The president-elect seems to be turning down the heat on some red-meat ideas, like a windfall-profits tax on oil companies. And, notes one prominent progressive blogger, “There...

Dems, It's OK to Use 'Liberal' Tag Again
Dems, It's OK to Use
'Liberal' Tag Again

Dems, It's OK to Use 'Liberal' Tag Again

Label is ready to make a comeback

(Newser) - Now that Democrats have started winning again, Michael Lind wants to go back to using the word “liberal” instead of “progressive.” Writing in Salon, he explains why:
  • A name change isn’t going to protect anyone from criticism in any case, so be brave. “Your enemies

The Culture Wars, College Football Style
The Culture Wars, College Football Style

The Culture Wars, College Football Style

Michigan-Ohio State rivalry illuminates tale of '60s, '70s upheaval

(Newser) - The cultural disconnect between conservative college football programs and America’s liberalizing culture in the late 1960s and early ‘70s is the theme of War as They Knew It, a book by Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg. The survey of the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry (which continues tomorrow) through...

GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes
GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes

GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes

Remark that 'liberals hate real Americans' bites back in close race

(Newser) - Rep. Robin Hayes is still struggling to get out from under a comment he made last weekend that “liberals hate real Americans,” and the Republican National Committee has cancelled plans to help in a tight re-election fight with an ad buy in his North Carolina district, the Charlotte ...

Gossip Mags Bash Palin— But They'll Be in Love Soon

Running mate's star power may mean more favorable coverage

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has been an instant hit with gossip mags and supermarket tabloids, making the covers of US, People, OK!, and the National Enquirer, even before her knockout speech at the Republican convention. It hasn't been all that flattering—the US headline was “Babies, Lies and Scandal”—but...

Is Killing Liberals a Hate Crime?
 Is Killing Liberals a Hate Crime? 

Is Killing Liberals a Hate Crime?

Slate finds few states consider political violence a hate crime

(Newser) - The suspect in last weekend’s Knoxville church shooting told police that “liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.” But Tennessee, like the federal government and most states, doesn’t extend hate-crime law to political affiliation, explains Chris Wilson in Slate. In fact, legal experts...

McCain Needs Clinton-Style Rebranding
 McCain Needs

McCain Needs Clinton-Style Rebranding

Repub must become a fighter

(Newser) - John McCain desperately needs a dose of the strategy that kept Hillary Clinton competitive with Barack Obama during primary season, Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru write in the National Review. McCain should adopt a “conservative version of her occasional theme of a ‘fighter for you’”—the...

Obama Backers More Enthusiastic: Poll

Independents, however, appear to be losing interest in the election altogether

(Newser) - A new AP/Yahoo poll shows a bounty of enthusiasm for Barack Obama and a deficit for John McCain, the Boston Globe reports. Some key stats:
  • 38% of the Democrat’s supporters are excited by the election, while only 9% of the Republican's are.
  • Among Obama supporters, 16% say they could

Righties More Likely to Rationalize Way to Happiness

Social, economic disparities weigh more heavily on liberals, study finds

(Newser) - Conservative people are happier than liberal ones, a fact explained by righties’ ability to rationalize society's socioeconomic gaps, a study finds. Conservatives are more likely to express sentiments like, “It is not really that big a problem if some people have more of a chance in life than others....

Blue Collars, Green Ties
 Blue Collars, Green Ties 

Blue Collars, Green Ties

Necessity unites job-seeking unions, tree-hugging environmentalists

(Newser) - In Pennsylvania, the New Republic's Dayo Olopade finds an effort to unite working-class union types with the liberal elite that could long outlive Barack Obama's heyday: the search for green-collar jobs. Stelworkers have long viewed environmentalists skeptically, but both groups have a stake in finding a "new industrial policy...

Liberals Set to Bash Bush to Finish Line

$8.5M campaign aiming to keep president's approval ratings in the toilet

(Newser) - A liberal advocacy group plans to spend $8.5 million to keep President Bush's approval rating low, the AP reports. Americans United for Change will focus on what it perceives as Bush's failures in Iraq and at home, a move the group hopes will benefit Democrats in the upcoming election...

Kucinich Drops From Race
Kucinich Drops From Race

Kucinich Drops From Race

Poor primary results force liberal to focus on Ohio congressional seat

(Newser) - With few votes to show for his efforts and facing a tough congressional re-election fight, left-leaning Dennis Kucinich said today he's dropping out of the Democratic presidential race. Kucinich, a six-term Ohio congressman, told the Cleveland Plain Dealer he's leaving the race for practical reasons, though he's "been able...

Schlesinger's Memoirs Offer Insider View

Late historian's journals brim with candid gossip on politics, culture

(Newser) - From the Roosevelts to the Kennedys, from Groucho to Marilyn, Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s  journals provide a rich treasure of insights into 20th-century American life, says reviewer Jon Meacham in the Washington Post. In one gem, Schlesinger quotes JFK: "I'm perfectly willing to kiss Mrs. Roosevelt's arse; in fact...

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink
Right-Wing Voices Get
More Ink

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink

Report: 60% of papers run more conservatives, 20% more liberals

(Newser) -  Voices from the right dominate those from the left in US newspapers, with the former reaching 152 million buyers and the latter only 125 million. Sixty percent  of papers print more conservative syndicated columnists, while just 20% run more liberals, according to a report by Media Matters for America....

Liberals Read More than Conservatives

Right-wingers shun nuance for slogans, publisher says

(Newser) - Liberals are more avid readers than conservatives, a new AP-Ipsos poll has discovered. Thirty-four percent of conservatives said they hadn’t read a book in a year, compared with 22% of liberals. A publishing exec and former congressman said that while liberals “can’t say anything in less than...

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