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Woman Sues Hasselbeck Over Cookbook Plagiarism

Says View co-host stole celiac disease idea

(Newser) - A woman who sent Elisabeth Hasselbeck a cookbook to help deal with an autoimmune disorder now claims The View co-host pirated the ideas for her own tome, the Boston Herald reports. Self-published author Susan Hassett’s federal lawsuit claims she sent Living With Celiac Disease to Hasselbeck in 2008, and...

Palin Lawyer Blasts Plagiarism Charges

Huff Post blogger accused Palin of "repeatedly" lifting Gingrich words

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's attorney has ripped charges by a Huffington Post blogger that she plagiarized phrases from a Newt Gingrich article. Palin "repeatedly lifted" Gingrich's wording when she introduced Ronald Reagan's son in Anchorage last week, wrote Geoffrey Dunn, who's writing a book on Palin. But Palin's lawyer said she...

Bob Dylan: Teen Plagiarist

 Bob Dylan: Teen Plagiarist 

Bob Dylan: Teen Plagiarist

(Newser) - Was the young Bob Dylan a plagiarist? A piece that Christie’s auction house has been touting as Dylan’s first known poem turns out to be the lyrics to a country song by the late Hank Snow, Reuters reports. A 16-year-old Dylan submitted the pilfered verses, which tell the...

Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges
Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges

Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges

Dowd's mistake unintentional, says author of original line

(Newser) - Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo isn't joining the chorus of critics against Maureen Dowd, who admitted she inadvertently lifted one of Marshall's lines in her weekend column. "I generally think we're too quick to pull the trigger with charges of plagiarism," writes Marshall. "Whatever the mechanics...

Dowd Sorry for 'Plagiarizing' Liberal Blog

Says Josh Marshall passage came unattributed from a pal

(Newser) - Fans of Talking Points Memo did a doubletake when they got to a passage in Maureen Dowd's column yesterday on the timing of Bush use of torture; Josh Marshall had written the same thing—short of three words—three days back. Dowd has corrected her column online, and the New ...

Fired 'Noose' Prof Sues Columbia for $200M

Plagiarism allegation was 'cooked up,' lawyer says

(Newser) - The Columbia University professor fired for plagiarism shortly after a noose was found hanging on her office door is suing her former school for $200 million. Madonna Constantine’s reputation was ruined by the “baseless” allegation, her lawyer tells CNN. The black professor has previously charged that the noose...

Scientists Admit Why They Steal

(Newser) - Scientists suspected of plagiarism have answered questionnaires explaining why they did it, USA Today reports. After researchers found that 1 in 200 papers is a rip-off, they contacted about 160 alleged thieves for explanations. "Over time, the responses just got crazier and crazier," said one researcher. "There's...

Coldplay Denies Plagiarism Claim

(Newser) - Coldplay has denied guitarist Joe Satriani's claims that the band lifted elements from one of his songs for its Grammy-nominated hit, “Viva la Vida,” the BBC reports. Papers filed in Los Angeles assert that the tune uses “substantial original portions” of Satriani’s “If I Could...

Seinfeld Defense: Lawsuits are Funny

Sez silly suits are fodder for routine

(Newser) - Jerry Seinfeld insisted yesterday that he didn’t slander a woman suing his wife for cookbook plagiarism because silly lawsuits are fodder for good comedy. The comic cited episodes from Seinfeld as well as his kid-friendly Bee Movie in a court filing as examples of the First Amendment-protected comedic license...

Columbia Cans 'Noose' Prof Over Plagiarism

Teacher rejects allegations as conspiracy

(Newser) - A Columbia University professor who last year sparked racial controversy after finding a noose hanging from her door has been fired over allegations of plagiarism, CNN reports. Madonna Constantine, a faculty member at the university’s Teachers College, claims the decision is the result of a plot against her.

Steaming Coldplay Denies Stealing Song

Brooklyn band claims Brit rockers lifted Viva la Vida tune

(Newser) - Coldplay is hotly denying allegations of plagiarism from a Brooklyn-based indie band, the Independent reports. Members of the Creaky Boards say the melody of the British band's new album's title track Viva la Vida was lifted from a tune of theirs called The Songs I Didn't Write. Coldplay members insist...

Hannah Montana: Plagiarist?
 Hannah Montana: Plagiarist? 

Hannah Montana: Plagiarist?

Cyrus tune sounds awfully familiar

(Newser) - It’s not easy being a rockstar. Just ask Miley Cyrus, who’s just finished apologizing for sultry Annie Leibovitz shots that shocked some of her fans (or at least their parents) and now is being accused of ripping off her new song “Rockstar,” the New York Post...

Plagiarist Priests May Face Jail Time in Poland

Church tries to curb problem of online sermon swiping

(Newser) - If Polish priests don’t stop their plagiarizing ways, they could be slapped with a fine or even thrown in jail for 3 years, church authorities warn. Uninspired priests have been swiping their homilies off the Internet, and “unfortunately the practice has become more usual than not,” said...

Clintonites: Obama's Copying Us
 Clintonites: Obama's Copying Us

Clintonites: Obama's Copying Us

Hillary says opponent's pilfering all her best ideas

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign is fuming at what it perceives as Barack Obama's plagiarism of its policy ideas, the Chicago Tribune reports. "I came up with that a year ago,” Clinton said of the stimulus package her rival is boosting. Obama's formula, her advisers argue, is glomming onto a...

'Lonely Planet' Writer Admits He Made It Up

Writer dealt drugs, took freebies, and oh yeah, never visited Colombia

(Newser) - Lonely Planet guidebook executives are reeling in the wake of memoir confessions by one of their authors that he fabricated or plagiarized parts of the books—and dealt drugs to fund his trips. Thomas Kohnstamm also writes in Do Travel Writers Go to Hell? that he flouted guidebook policy by...

That's Professor Obama to You
That's Professor Obama to You

That's Professor Obama to You

U of Chicago refutes Clinton claim; liberal blog backs off McCain plagiarism allegation

(Newser) - Barack Obama was indeed a professor at the University of Chicago's law school, the school said today. The Clinton campaign and the Sun-Times have said otherwise, but academic semantics back the onetime senior lecturer. The university said that title did qualify Obama as a professor—and the law school had...

Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism
Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism

Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism

Point person on faith-based initiatives stole for his columns

(Newser) - A White House aide who helped establish President Bush’s faith-based community initiative resigned yesterday after admitting he plagiarized portions of columns he submitted to an Indiana newspaper, the Indianaopolis Star reports. The News-Sentinel of Fort Wayne found that 20 columns by Tim Goeglein, who had served in the White...

Now Hillary's Accused of Plagiarizing Edwards

Obama camp claims Clinton lifted from Edwards

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton wisecracked last night that Barack Obama was promising "change you can Xerox"—prompting the Obama camp to suggest Clinton may have cribbed part of that speech from John Edwards, writes Isaac Chotiner in the New Republic. It was the latest battle in the heated war of...

Columbia Prof in Noose Case Plagiarized Her Students

She calls school probe a racist conspiracy

(Newser) - The Columbia professor who made headlines when she found a noose on her office door has plagiarized from students and another professor, the school says. The university’s Teachers College found two dozen instances in which Madonna Constantine stole from other's works in articles published under her name. Constantine, who's...

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist
Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

He says same of her, but admits he 'should have' credited lines

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton accused Barack Obama of plagiarism today over a speech he gave two nights ago, the Swamp blog reports. Obama retaliated by hitting Hillary with five instances of her robbing his words, including "Yes, we can" and "Bring this country together." But the Illinois senator later...

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