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7 Things to Know About Ebola Czar Ron Klain

He's highly respected within the administration, for one

(Newser) - Multiple outlets are reporting that President Obama has chosen Ron Klain as his "Ebola czar," a position he said last night might be necessary. (The White House didn't actually use the term "czar" this morning, though.) What we know about Klain, per CNN , Politico , and...

Doctor Shoots Video of Ebola Nurse in Bed

Nina Pham talks, cries in video shortly before being transferred to Md. facility

(Newser) - Nina Pham had been isolated in a Dallas hospital room since she was diagnosed with Ebola last week, but her attending physician released a video yesterday showing Pham smiling, chatting, and wiping away tears from her hospital bed. Pham sat up and looked to be in good spirits as she...

CDC: It's Possible Ebola Nurse Was Sick on 1st Flight

CDC tracking down those on Dallas to Cleveland flight

(Newser) - Officials say Dallas nurse Amber Vinson may have shown Ebola symptoms around four days earlier than initially thought. A CDC rep says "we have started to look at the possibility that she had symptoms going back as far as Saturday. ... We can't rule out (that) she might have...

Texas Ebola Worker Quarantined ... on Cruise Ship

Employee may have handled Thomas Eric Duncan's samples

(Newser) - If you're already a little paranoid about getting sick on a cruise ship , this news is certainly not going to help: A Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital employee who may have handled Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan's lab specimens has self-quarantined aboard the Carnival Magic. The unnamed worker never...

Bridal Shop Visited by Ebola Patient Closes for Now

Owner shuts down temporarily amid media blitz

(Newser) - While she was in Ohio last weekend, Amber Vinson visited the Coming Attractions Wedding and Formal Shop with friends so they could try on bridesmaids' dresses for Vinson's upcoming wedding. When news broke that the nurse had become an Ebola patient , it didn't take long for the media...

National Guard May Go to Africa to Fight Ebola

President gives Pentagon authority to call up troops

(Newser) - Members of the National Guard may soon find themselves in West Africa helping to contain the spread of Ebola. President Obama today authorized the Pentagon to call up Guard troops and reservists if necessary, reports AP . The executive order doesn't mean these troops are definitely going, however, notes USA ...

Yale Student Tested for Ebola; More Quarantined

As Tom Frieden, others testify before House subcommittee

(Newser) - A Yale doctoral student who came back to Connecticut recently after visiting Liberia has a fever and is being tested for Ebola, officials say. The student is in isolation at Yale-New Haven Hospital, CNN reports. Meanwhile, one person in Ohio who was recently in contact with or in the vicinity...

CDC Honcho Suggests Nurses Wore Too Much Gear

Tom Frieden: Too many layers of protection could have upped nurses' Ebola risk

(Newser) - Dealing With Ebola 101: Don't go out for takeout while quarantined, don't take a commercial flight if you're at risk of having the virus, and maybe cut down on the protective gear you're wearing if you're a health care worker—wait, what? The CDC head...

Nurse With Ebola Called CDC Before Flying

Dallas may place health workers in shelters

(Newser) - The CDC says nurse Amber Vinson shouldn't have flown —but the agency said something different when she called several times before flying back to Texas from Cleveland earlier this week. A health official tells CBS that someone "dropped the ball" by telling the nurse, the second Dallas...

CDC May Use Do-Not-Fly List for Ebola

Dallas reporter says agency is developing one

(Newser) - CDC officials weren't pleased that a nurse who cared for an Ebola patient in Texas hopped on a commercial airliner, only to get sick herself soon after. They promised to prevent that from happening again, but how? "CDC tells me there is a 'do not board list,...

CDC: 2nd Nurse With Ebola Shouldn't Have Flown

Obama cancels fundraising trip to talk Ebola

(Newser) - The CDC isn't happy that the second nurse to have contracted Ebola in Texas decided to get on a plane . "She should not have traveled on a commercial airline," says CDC chief Thomas Frieden, as quoted by NBC News . He said the woman had "extensive contact"...

New Ebola Patient Was on Flight From Cleveland Monday

There were 132 passengers aboard Frontier Airlines Flight 1143

(Newser) - The second health care worker to test positive for Ebola in Dallas did so on Tuesday night, having developed a fever that morning; on Monday night, that worker had been on a plane. Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 departed from Cleveland with 132 passengers aboard and landed in Dallas/Fort Worth at...

Texas College Turns Down African Students Over Ebola

Navarro College sends rejection letters saying just that to 2 Nigerians

(Newser) - They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but a two-year community college 58 miles outside of Dallas may today be disagreeing with that phrase. Navarro College is making headlines after it was yesterday revealed that the school is reportedly turning away applicants who hail from Ebola-stricken countries....

Soccer Coaches Resign Over Alleged Ebola Taunts

Pa. students may be disciplined next after alleged digs at West African opponent

(Newser) - The head coach and assistant coach for a Pennsylvania high school soccer team submitted their resignations last night after players allegedly spewed barbs about his race and Ebola at a West African opponent last Thursday, the Morning Call reports. The newspaper received at least two letters from fans who said...

2nd Case of Ebola in Dallas; Nurses Decry Hospital

Worker tested positive after reporting fever

(Newser) - Nurse Nina Pham is no longer the only American to contract Ebola while caring for Thomas Duncan . A second health care worker at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive for the virus. The Texas Department of State Health Services says the worker reported a fever yesterday and was...

The 7 Grimmest Numbers Tied to Ebola

WHO puts death rate at 70%

(Newser) - Recent news on the Ebola outbreak paints a bleak portrait of the disease by numbers:
  • 70%: The current death rate from the disease, the World Health Organization again confirmed today. That's an increase from the initial 50% cited by WHO, the AP reports.
  • 10,000: The number of new

Masked LA Bus Rider's Threat: 'I Have Ebola!'

Driver quarantined amid terror investigation

(Newser) - In what authorities are investigating as a possible terrorist threat, a masked man on a Los Angeles bus announced yesterday afternoon: "Don't mess with me, I have Ebola!" The passenger's warning—which officials think was a hoax—prompted the driver to be quarantined as officials try...

Reports: NBC Editor Broke Quarantine to Get Takeout

Nancy Snyderman now in mandatory isolation

(Newser) - The voluntary isolation that Nancy Snyderman and her crew members agreed to is now mandatory—and it might be because she apparently needed to make a food run last week. NBC's chief medical editor and her team were working closely with cameraman Ashoka Mukpo in Liberia when he contracted...

Dallas Nurse With Ebola 'Conscientious and Careful'

Nina Pham gets blood from US Ebola survivor

(Newser) - Colleagues describe Nina Pham, the nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for Thomas Duncan, as not just compassionate, but extremely careful, which makes it more of a mystery how she became infected. A friend and fellow nurse tells the New York Times that Pham is very committed to her profession...

German Ebola Victim Dies
 German Ebola Victim Dies 

German Ebola Victim Dies

UN worker was infected in Liberia, brought back to Leipzig

(Newser) - A United Nations medical worker who was infected with Ebola in Liberia has died despite "intensive medical procedures," a German hospital said today. The St. Georg hospital in Leipzig said the 56-year-old man, whose name has not been released, died overnight of the virus. It released no further...

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