
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Standardization Stifling Change: Web Designers

W3C brokered 'browser wars' but now seen as roadblock to change

(Newser) - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been the Web's governing body since the "Wild West" days of the mid-90s. It helped end the Netscape/Explorer "browser wars", but  Web designers today are worried that the body's standards management process has slowed the pace of change down to dial-up...

Vista Tops Tech Disappointment List
Vista Tops Tech Disappointment List

Vista Tops Tech Disappointment List

(Newser) - When PC World decided to whip up a list of 2007's most disappointing tech, was there really any doubt what would headline the list? Vista wasn't awful, but neither was it, you know, good. Here's how the list broke down:
  1. Vista
  2. The Hi-Def Format War
  3. Facebook Beacon
  4. Yahoo
  5. Apple's iPhone

US Economic Woes to Slow Tech Spending

Researchers say the sector will continue to grow, but belts will be tightening

(Newser) - Tech-spending growth, on a roll since recovering from the 2000 dot-com bust beginning in 2004, is likely to slow next year, dragged down by US economic woes and rising oil prices, reports the Wall Street Journal. Research firms say companies are likely to keep spending, but more slowly. As one...

Get the Best Gadgets of 2007
Get the Best Gadgets of 2007

Get the Best Gadgets of 2007

These top-shelf items will make excellent additions to the pile under the Christmas tree

(Newser) - Popular Science combed through the year's new tech products to find the top 200 items worth your holiday dollar. Selections include a wetsuit from Patagonia made of environmentally friendly merino wool, recycled polyester, and Japanese neoprene. Also on the list is a travel-friendly guitar from Black Bird that weights just...

Shake Your Phone Before It Shakes You
Shake Your Phone Before
It Shakes You

Shake Your Phone Before It Shakes You

Prototype allows no-look check for feeling messages

(Newser) - A new technology could allow cellphone users to check their messages or battery level just by shaking the phone. The phones could be made to feel and sound like they are full of liquid or balls, for instance, reports New Scientist. The software takes advantage of increasingly common motion sensing...

Get The Best Tech for Your $$$
Get The Best Tech for Your $$$

Get The Best Tech for Your $$$

Get the best technology for your small business in 2008

(Newser) - Some technologies are worth it, others are a waste of your dime.  BusinessWeek selects the most valuable for your small business:
  1. Increase your network bandwith.
  2. Set up remote access.
  3. Focus on a few key reports from your database system.

FCC Gives Boost to 'Telehealth'
FCC Gives Boost to 'Telehealth'

FCC Gives Boost to 'Telehealth'

$417M in grants will bring broadband to rural hospitals

(Newser) - High-speed Internet access funded by $417 million in FCC grants will change how healthcare is provided in rural or heard-to-reach areas across the US, bringing top-end clinical and diagnostic resourced to underserved patients and doctors, the Washington Post reports. Some 6,000 clinics, hospitals, research facilities and universities will be...

AMD Unveils Spider Chipset
AMD Unveils Spider Chipset

AMD Unveils Spider Chipset

It can't match Intel, but it's a vast improvement, and aimed at a broader market

(Newser) - Advanced Micro Devices introduces its long-anticipated Spider desktop chip set  today,  including a new microprocessor, a graphics processor and chips to link system components that will give gamers access to ultrarealistic images and increase computing performance. But it still can’t match Intel’s latest chip offering, reports the...

Manhattan to Launch Free Wi-Fi
to Launch
Free Wi-Fi

Manhattan to Launch Free Wi-Fi

Open access trial in 20-block midtown stretch

(Newser) - A big slice of the Big Apple will get free Wi-Fi at the end of the month, courtesy of the city and CBS. New Yorkers with Wi-Fi enabled technology will be able to access high-speed wireless service at no cost in a 20-block zone between Times Square and Central Park—...

Energy Conservation Comes Home
Energy Conservation Comes Home

Energy Conservation Comes Home

Plug-in monitor tells you when electric demand is at peak

(Newser) - Energy companies are hoping to cut costs and conserve electricity by training customers to trim power use during peak hours, reports the MIT Technology Review. By viewing small monitors in homes, customers can see when demand is highest and turn off energy-hogging air conditioners, dishwashers and space heaters. Generating so-called...

Microsoft Finally Makes a 'Pretty Good' Media Player

PC World 's qualified praise for the new Zunes

(Newser) - Microsoft released its latest Zune portable media players today, garnering approval from PC World. "This latest generation of Zunes should finally provide some real competition," declared the reviewer. The magazine praised the players for high sound quality and good extra features, but pointed to improvements to the Zune...

Microsoft Fires CIO
Fires CIO

Microsoft Fires CIO

Says investigation revealed he violated company policy but won't give details

(Newser) - Microsoft sacked its chief information officer, Stuart Scott, "after an investigation for violation of company policies," according to an email response to press inquiries. The company refuses to elaborate further, but since Scott appeared onstage with his boss at a technology conference less than a month ago, it...

Time Names iPhone Year's Best Invention

Design, system, revolutionary service deal shoot gadget to top

(Newser) - Time magazine is naming the iPhone its invention of the year. Why?
  1. It demonstrates that good design is as important as good technology.
  2. Its touchscreen creates a whole new kind of user interface.
  3. Other companies will seek the freedoms that AT&T granted Apple in designing the iPhone, which will

Google Shares Scoot Past $700
Google Shares Scoot Past $700

Google Shares Scoot Past $700

37% surge since Sept. 10 puts the company among the top 5 US firms

(Newser) - High investor expectations for Google's wireless and social networking businesses to equal its online advertising success pushed the search giant’s share price past $700 yesterday, reports the Wall Street Journal. Google’s stock has gained more than $100 since Oct. 8, and it is now one of the five...

Court Blocks New Patent Rules
Court Blocks New Patent Rules

Court Blocks New Patent Rules

Judge grants injunction for drug giant GlaxoSmithKline

(Newser) - A Federal judge has blocked the US Patent and Trademark Office from implementing tough new patent rules with a temporary injunction in a suit brought by GlaxoSmithKline. The Wall Street Journal reports the new rules would have limited the number of times patent holders may make minor changes to existing...

Making Money: Patent Pending
Making Money:
Patent Pending

Making Money: Patent Pending

IBM wants to patent an idea about its patents, which is, well, patently contrary

(Newser) - Big Blue is seeing green in a recent patent filing. IBM, which holds more patents than any company in the world and reaps more than $1 billion in royalties annually, says it wants to make it easier for small companies to license its ideas on a “floating privilege basis....

Tech Wraps Growing Web Around World

Some worry about cultural loss as cell phones, e-mail spread

(Newser) - Global cellphone and computer usage is up dramatically as inequalities in technology drop. Cellphone ownership has grown 20% in the US, where 80% of the population uses computers, third in the world behind Sweden and South Korea. Computer usage is up in 26 of 35 countries in a new Pew...

LCD Flat Screens Get Flatter
LCD Flat Screens Get Flatter

LCD Flat Screens Get Flatter

Big screens are out, and flat screens are flatter than ever

(Newser) - Much like modeling, electronics companies are now competing to make LCD TVs thinner and thinner, Computerworld reports. Sony is leading the way with its release Monday of the world's first organic light-emitting diode (OLED) television, boasting a screen just 3mm thick. Competitors Hitachi, Sharp, and JVC are close behind, with...

Bain, Chinese Firm Buy 3Com
Bain, Chinese Firm Buy 3Com

Bain, Chinese Firm Buy 3Com

US will check telecommunication buyout for security risks

(Newser) - Chinese company Huawei Technologies Co. will help private equity firm Bain Capital buy 3Com Corp., a flailing US telecommunications company, by picking up almost 20% of the tab. Recently Chinese businesses have bought strategic stakes in US companies rather than full buyouts to skirt political scrutiny, which can lead to...

Palm Aims $100 Smart Phone at the Masses

Centro seeks to appeal to many who won't shell out big bucks

(Newser) - While smart phones took a leap forward with the iPhone, it didn't quite end up in the hands of soccer moms everywhere. But by combining Treo hardware with an appealing $99.99 price-tag, Palm's new Centro aims to bridge the price gap that kept smart phones from the masses, CNET...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>