family values

19 Stories

Gay Lawmaker to Critics: I'll Tell About Your Affair

Alabama's Patricia Todd is tired of hearing about 'family values'

(Newser) - If criticism of gay marriage in Alabama quiets down a bit, this might be why: A gay state lawmaker says she will expose "hypocrites" who talk about family values but don't live up to them, reports the TimesDaily . With the state poised to become the latest to allow...

Our Best Presidents Weren't 'Family Guys'

So we should stop insisting on it: Michael Kazin

(Newser) - These days, each and every political candidate can agree on one thing: How much they love their families. Voters practically insist that presidential candidates, in particular, exhibit close familial relationships—but, as Michael Kazin points out in the New Republic , hardly any of our best presidents actually fit that bill....

New Romney Spokesman Tweaking Left and Right

Left calls Richard Grenell sexist, right annoyed that he's gay

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's newly appointed foreign policy spokesman Richard Grenell has only been on the job a couple of days, but already he's drawing plenty of heat from both sides of the aisle. The left is upset with Grenell's tendency to make sexist attacks on women, particularly on...

Family Baby Boom Boosts GOP Hopefuls

Bigger families signify values, but kids can be loose cannons

(Newser) - A baby boomlet is beefing up families of GOP contenders. While the average American family has two children, six GOP presidential candidates and prospects have 34 kids among them (not counting Michele Bachmann's 23 foster kids)—and "religion appears to be a major driver of the GOP population...

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Dana Milbank

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite

'Republican Revolution' beginning to look like horndog revolution

(Newser) - Mark Souder may be leaving Congress as a disgraced hypocrite, but hey, at least he ought to fit in at the Republican House Class of '94 reunion. He can hang out and talk sex with Mark Foley, or Mark Sanford, or John Ensign, or any of the whopping 15 Republican...

Stop Blaming Pornography
 Stop Blaming Pornography 

Stop Blaming Pornography

Maybe critics just want to control men's sexuality

(Newser) - Helen Smith objects to an essay in the National Review (read it here ) that blames pornography for destroying families, distorting men's view of women, increasing rapes, and generally ruining America. The anonymous author even blames porn for causing her husband to leave. Smith's not buying it.

7 Simpsons Life Lessons
 7 Simpsons Life Lessons 

7 Simpsons Life Lessons

Matt Groening's sitcom can really teach us something

(Newser) - The Simpsons is more than just a cartoon—it’s spawned essays, books, and lecture series, and the Telegraph takes a look at the lessons it can teach us:
  • Family is the most important thing: Contrary to former president George Bush’s beliefs, The Simpsons celebrates family—complete with a

Woods Touts 'Family First' in Pre-Crash Interview

Kids, wife 'best thing that ever happened'

(Newser) - Tiger Woods hailed the importance of family values in an interview recorded for New Zealand television days before his car crash and subsequent scandals. "Family first and golf second—always been that way?" the interviewer asks. "Always," Woods replies," adding that having a family "is...

Calif. Pol Quits After Boast of Spanking Sex With Lobbyist

One utility company lobbyist was a 'bad girl,' assemblyman leered over hot mike

(Newser) - Some lobbyists will apparently do anything for work. A California assemblyman and family-values crusader has quit after boasting about spanking sex with a utility company lobbyist and "hot" sex with another. He went into graphic detail over a broadcast mike he didn't realize was live, reports the Los Angeles ...

Scandal Dogs Family Values Republicans

Sanford, Ensign aren't the only 1994 GOP frosh with marital woes

(Newser) - Apart from the sex scandals, what do John Ensign and Mark Sanford have in common? They’re both members of the much-hyped GOP House class of 1994, Politico observes. Those Republican revolutionaries swept into Washington promising a focus on family values, but 14 years later, no fewer than a dozen...

Christian Films Tempt $$$-Hungry Hollywood

(Newser) - Lurking behind the mainstream film industry is a low-budget, high-return business poised to break through: the world of Christian filmmaking, NPR reports. Fireproof, a tale of marital woes and redemption, was the highest-grossing independent feature of 2008—a fact trumpeted at a Christian film festival in San Antonio last...

Teen Sex on ABC Family Sparks Debate

Parents complain Secret Life situations are too risqué for kids

(Newser) - Edgier programming  by the Disney-owned ABC Family channel may have boosted ratings and advertising, but many parents are angry about the changes. New series, particularly The Secret Life of the American Teenager, have sparked debate about whether the offerings are truly family programming, reports the Los Angeles Times. Parents concerned...

Gay Marriage Vote Highlights Calif. Divides

Urban, coastal areas generally oppose Prop. 8; less-populated inland areas support it

(Newser) - California’s looming referendum on gay marriage is highlighting the cultural divide between coastal and inland regions, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Polls show 37% of voters in coastal counties supported Proposition 8—which would amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage—in a June poll, while 54% in...

Palin Politics, Family Inseparable
 Palin Politics, Family Inseparable 

Palin Politics, Family Inseparable

Alaska Gov. defends, depends on her family in all aspects of her career

(Newser) - Sarah Palin slides seamlessly from perfectly coiffed GOP attack dog to doting hockey mom —so just what is life in the Palin clan like? “Sarah Barracuda” has always intertwined her family and her political life, the Washington Post reports, from her working-mom, Wal-Mart-shopper image to her husband’s...

How Did Dems Inherit Ozzie & Harriet Mantle?
How Did Dems Inherit
Ozzie & Harriet Mantle?

How Did Dems Inherit Ozzie & Harriet Mantle?

Evangelical love for Palin family highlights dramatic switch in 'family values'

(Newser) - The enthusiastic evangelical reaction to a working mother with an unwed pregnant teenage daughter on the GOP ticket highlights the dramatically changing face of conservative Christian America and could spell trouble for the Dems, Hanna Rosin writes in Slate. Evangelicals now actually score worse than the rest of America on...

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet
 6 Ways the GOP
 Can Get Back on Its Feet 

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet

Insiders speak as GOP prepares for a losing November

(Newser) - Six months before an election in which some estimate Republicans could lose 20 seats in the House and five in the Senate, insiders tell Politico how the GOP can pick itself up:
  • Write some policy. “It’s critical that our candidates have a very clear set of principles,”

GOP's Strength Frays at Local Level
GOP's Strength Frays at
Local Level

GOP's Strength Frays at Local Level

Broke, scandal-ridden state parties aren't ready to help McCain

(Newser) - Their national candidate needs support, but the Republican Party's state chapters are in no position to lend John McCain a hand, Politico reports. From New York to Alaska, local organizations are rife with dissension, debt, and scandal. "We are clearly rebuilding," says the Michigan GOP chairman.

Rudy the Dragon Slayer? Not Quite
Rudy the Dragon Slayer? Not Quite

Rudy the Dragon Slayer? Not Quite

New York examines Giuliani's claims to be New York's savior

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's campaign pitch presents him as nothing less than the savior of New York, the only man tough enough to tame the big bad city. Not surprisingly, not all New Yorkers buy it, writes Chris Smith of New York. “It’s insulting to every New Yorker that he...

Cruising Senator Has Been Tough on Gay Rights

Blogs gleefully tote up Craig’s anti-gay, ‘family values’ record

(Newser) - Idaho's outed senator has long wielded his political power against gay rights, and gay advocates, having heard whispers for years, have been keeping track. Larry Craig, whose arrest for cruising in a Minneapolis airport bathroom was made public yesterday, opposes civil unions, gays in the military, and the extension of...

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