social networking

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Twitter Talks Alliance With Google, Plans World Takeover

(Newser) - Twitter executives are dreaming big, holding talks with seemingly every tech company on the planet, including Google and Microsoft, say confidential e-mails a hacker sent to TechCrunch. Among the revelations: Twitter was working on a reality TV pitch, has been in serious talks with Google, and aims to ultimately rack...

Canada Says Facebook Breaks Privacy Laws

(Newser) - Facebook suffers from "serious privacy gaps" and must become more transparent about how personal information is handled to comply with the law, says a government watchdog in Canada. The report by the country's privacy commissioner marks the first time a government has found Facebook to be acting illegally, reports...

Got 250 Twitter Followers? Best Buy May Have Opening

It may be the first time social-networking popularity has been a job requirement

(Newser) - For possibly the first time, an active Twitter following is a job requirement, the Telegraph reports. Best Buy asked that candidates for a senior marketing position at the company’s Minnesota headquarters have at least 250 followers for their Twitter pages. The posting also lists “1 year of active...

Singer's Complaint vs. United Proves Power of YouTube

(Newser) - When United Airlines baggage handlers broke Dave Carroll’s $1,200 guitar, he didn’t get mad—he got famous. Carroll and his band slapped together a $130 YouTube video titled United Breaks Guitars, which became so popular Oprah mentioned it. United eventually relented, donating $3,000 in Carroll’s...

Pranksters Get Guests to Trash Hotels Like Rock Stars

(Newser) - A dastardly online organization has taken prank-calling to nefarious highs and is being investigated by the FBI, Fox News reports. PrankNET and its leader, “Dex,” have used untraceable Internet phone calls to:
  • impersonate a corporate honcho and make KFC employees spray down their entire restaurant with fire suppressants,

Twitter Makes Brüno a 1-Day Wonder

(Newser) - Brüno came out on top at the box office this weekend, but the way he did it didn’t inspire confidence. The shockumentary did spectacular business on Friday, only to plummet on Saturday, Time reports, leading some to wonder if it’s the first victim of the “Twitter...

Ocho Cinco: NFL Can't Stop Me Tweeting

(Newser) - A defiant Chad Ocho Cinco has vowed to do an end-run around NFL regulations and go ahead with plans to give fans in-game Twitter updates, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer. "Damn NFL and these rules. I am going by my own set of rules," the Bengals receiver tweeted after...

Dad on Facebook? There's a Support Group for That

(Newser) - Facebook is graying, and the Web has already produced an outlet for youngsters fleeing the site to escape friend requests from—gasp!—their parents, Time reports. collects horror stories of parental incursion into the once uniformly young realm of social networking. “No matter how embarrassing your...

Swindlers Are Trying to Tweet You

Scamsters use site to get rich from phony cash-for-tweets schemes

(Newser) - The world's lowlifes are taking full advantage of Twitter's high profile, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Better Business Bureau warns that there has been a surge in scamsters luring people into phony work-from-home schemes. They urge users to be extremely wary of any "cash-for-tweets" scheme offering easy...

Jackson Smashes Facebook Popularity Record

(Newser) - Michael Jackson has become the most popular person in Facebook history, AllFacebook reports. A Jackson page on the site has now surpassed one for Barack Obama with a total of 6.4 million fans, and is gaining 20 more per second. A virtual version of Jackson's glove has become Facebook's...

Web Beats TV to Jackson Fatigue
 Web Beats TV 
 to Jackson Fatigue 

Web Beats TV to Jackson Fatigue

(Newser) - Television is still churning out Michael Jackson-related content, but Web surfers quickly lost interest after his death, Jeff Jarvis writes for BuzzMachine. “We had consuming interest in Jackson when the news came out but that quickly faded,” Jarvis writes, citing Blogpulse and Google Trends data on Jackson traffic....

Judge Throws Out Sentence in MySpace Suicide Case

(Newser) - A Los Angeles federal judge has tentatively thrown out the convictions of a Missouri mother for her role in a MySpace hoax directed at a 13-year-old neighbor girl who ended up committing suicide. US District Judge George Wu acquitted Lori Drew of misdemeanor counts of accessing computers without authorization. Wu...

Facebook Streamlines Clunky Privacy Settings

(Newser) - Facebook is starting a pilot program to test a more user-friendly version of its sprawling privacy controls, CNET reports. The 40 different settings now occupy six separate pages, and are so complicated that many users ignore them completely. “These can add up and pile up and not be as...

Twitter a Delicious Marketing Tool, Restaurants Find

Microblogging website allows for quick communication with customers

(Newser) - Restaurants are finding Twitter a highly useful marketing tool, allowing for direct communication with customers other forms of advertising can’t provide, the Boston Globe reports. Boston’s Tupelo (@tupelo02139), for example, used a Twitter feed to post updates as the restaurant passed inspections, set the décor and decided...

Jackson Traffic Threatened to Break Internet

(Newser) - The surge in Internet traffic yesterday as Michael Jackson fans searched for information about his death had a deep impact on the Web, Ars Technica reports. Sites as diverse as Twitter and the iTunes Store slowed to a crawl, but perhaps the most profound effect was on Google. The search...

Facebook Adds Twitter-esque Public Posts

Users can restrict content—or open it to the whole web

(Newser) - In a clear challenge to Twitter, Facebook is testing a system that allows users to publish updates for all the world to see,  Wired reports. The new feature technically allows users to restrict their content, allowing, for example, only family to see this photo or only certain friends to...

Stars Tweet Jacko Condolences
 Stars Tweet Jacko Condolences 

Stars Tweet Jacko Condolences

Celebrities mourn one of their own as Twitter buckles under traffic

(Newser) - Twitter nearly came to a standstill yesterday as huge numbers of users logged on to share their thoughts on Michael Jackson's death, Time reports. Many celebrities were among those offering their condolences.
  • MC Hammer: "I will be mourning my friend, brother, mentor and inspiration. He gave me and my

Mont. City Wants Facebook Password From Job-Seekers

Mont. city requires applicants to give access to social networking accounts

(Newser) - Job applicants for the city of Bozeman, Mont., had better be prepared to submit their passwords for social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. A miffed applicant emailed Montana's News Station about the practice, which City Attorney Greg Sullivan quickly defended. "We do those types of investigations to...

Bruno's Blitz Turns MySpace Into 'MeinSpace'

(Newser) - Sacha Baron Cohen has partnered up with MySpace to promote his new film, Bruno, in a move that could help revive the struggling social networking site, Advertising Age reports. MySpace is hosting a movie site for the gay Austrian fashionista—MeinSpace—and the parent site has started running an unrestricted...

Twitter's Iran Role Is All Hype
 Twitter's Iran Role Is All Hype 

Twitter's Iran Role Is All Hype

(Newser) - Tech-loving journalists need to chill out about Twitter’s supposed role in Iran’s unrest, writes Jack Shafer of Slate. “I’ve found it more noise than signal,” he writes. Twitter’s already produced a lot of erroneous stories—like the 3 million people tweeters claimed were at...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>