social networking

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First Twitter Arrest: FBI Nabs Man Posting Threats

(Newser) - Another Twitter first: An Oklahoma City man has been arrested by the FBI after tweeting threats of a bloody rampage against the government at last week’s "tea party” in that city, Wired reports. “START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!” wrote...

Former Facebook Exec Named MySpace CEO

(Newser) - News Corp. has hired former Facebook executive Owen Van Natta to run MySpace, the Wall Street Journal reports. The expected move may be announced as early as today. The hiring comes fast for MySpace, which announced Wednesday that current CEO Chris DeWolfe was stepping down, along with fellow co-founder Tom...

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction
 5 Signs of Facebook Addiction 

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction

(Newser) - If you're ignoring your kid or getting divorced because of Facebook—it's happened—you might have a problem. CNN outlines five telltale signs of Facebook addiction.
  • Losing sleep: If you're tired every morning because of late-night-friending, take a break, a UCLA psychologist advises: "You shouldn't be neglecting yourself because

Court Aide Punished for Friending Juror

Facebook, Twitter poses new challenges for law, official says

(Newser) - A Philadelphia court officer has been suspended for trying to “friend” a female juror on Facebook. The 25-year court veteran defied the rules by contacting her, an administrator tells the Inquirer. The aide is back on the job after 10 days off, but has been moved away from contact...

MySpace Founders Leaving in News Corp Shakeup

CEO leaving, will be replaced by former Facebook exec

(Newser) - Big changes afoot at MySpace: Co-founder Chris DeWolfe is stepping down as CEO and fellow co-founder Tom Anderson is in talks with owner News Corp to end his run as president. MySpace has lost much of its mojo in recent years to Facebook, and it looks like  DeWolfe will be...

Critic Fights Copycat for Twitter Identity

Lawyers pursue blogger who spoofs restaurant reviewer

(Newser) - A restaurant reviewer and her lawyers are after a man who’s been tweeting and blogging under her name, the New York Times reports. Adam Robb Rucinsky has been spoofing New York Daily News critic Danyelle Freeman, aka Restaurant Girl, imitating her distinctive style in posts using both her monikers....

'Tragic Oversharing' Turns Us Into Tweet Twits

Are we at risk of losing normal social skills?

(Newser) - In the “Age of Oversharing,” Twitter is king—and that could be a bad sign for society, Meghan Daum writes in the Los Angeles Times. If Twitter were human, it would be the kind of person we'd avoid at parties, Daum writes: “emotionally unstable,” a “...

Tweeting for Peace in Iraq?
Tweeting for Peace in Iraq?

Tweeting for Peace in Iraq?

US asks social media, tech execs to help build transparency, fight corruption

(Newser) - Iraqi lawmakers tweeting during sessions? YouTube campaign videos? Execs from communications and social media firms, including the likes of Google, AT&T, YouTube, MeetUp, and Twitter are in Iraq this week at the behest of the State Department. Their mission: to consider how their tools might be used to boost...

SF Mayor Unveils Run for Calif. Gov on Twitterverse

(Newser) - San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom made his candidacy for California governor official today with nary a word, the Chronicle reports—except on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Though Newsom plans to publicize his run with in-person appearances, an adviser called the old sort of announcement “passé.” The state’s...

Confession, in 140 Characters or Less

Have a secret? Tweet it, and feel absolved

(Newser) - What to do if a secret is eating you up inside? If you can phrase it concisely, digital absolution is close at hand via, writes the Guardian. Anonymous users twitter their hidden sadness and shame, for example: "My wife asks why I am moody. My secret mistress...

Twitter Guys See Revolution in the Making
Twitter Guys
See Revolution
in the Making

Twitter Guys See Revolution in the Making

'We want to have as large an impact as possible'

(Newser) - Evan Williams and Biz Stone thought they were starting a podcasting company; its quirky messaging service was just a sideshow. Now, Twitter is the main event, and that's an understatement. “It took us a while to figure out that it really was a big deal,” says Williams in...

Twitter King Kutcher a Madoff for 'Attention Economy'

(Newser) - Remember all that talk about social networks revolutionizing media and leveling the playing field? Well, forget it, writes Simon Dumenco for Advertising Age, because Ashton Kutcher is the top twitterer in the world. “Mr. Demi Moore” became the first user to hit a million followers today, and “if...

Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow
 Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow 

Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow

(Newser) - Still learning the ropes of microblogging, Oprah Winfrey posted her first tweet this morning, the Chicago Tribune reports. In her first tweet—“HI TWITTERS . THANK YOU FOR A WARM WELCOME. FEELING REALLY 21st CENTURY”—she committed the Twitter faux pas of writing in all caps and using the...

Oprah's First Tweet Comes Tomorrow

(Newser) - If Twitter isn’t already a certified American phenomenon, it becomes so tomorrow—Oprah will issue her first tweet. Winfrey just signed up for an account and already has 35,000 followers (and counting, quickly) despite her tweetlessness, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. She will tweet during her show, joined by...

Moldovan 'Twitter Revolution' Organizer Goes Into Hiding

Journalist fears arrest for role in anti-Communist protest

(Newser) - The journalist who used Twitter to organize last week's mass protests in Moldova has gone into hiding for fear of arrest. Journalist Natalia Morar, 25, told the Guardian she is avoiding telephones and the Internet in case the same tools she used to rally supporters are used against her by...

Facebook Users Get Lower Grades

Then again, non-users study 11-15 hours a week

(Newser) - College students who use Facebook are less likely to be crowing about their grades in status updates, according to a new study that found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that non-Facebooking students get significantly higher grades. The Facebook users all said in a survey that the site didn’t interfere with their study...

NYC Church Twitters Good Friday Ritual

Trinity Wall Street brings Good Friday online

(Newser) - A New York church is using Twitter to bring observance of Good Friday into the social-networking age, CNET reports. Trinity Wall Street is posting the Passion, 140-character piece by 140-character piece, from a set of accounts representing the characters in the story. The church already encourages the use of video...

Facebook Hits 200M Milestone

Zuckerberg calls reaching 200M 'a really good start'

(Newser) - Facebook has welcomed its 200 millionth user, reports the San Jose Mercury News. In a blog post, CEO Mark Zuckerberg called the milestone—which Facebook says would make it the fifth biggest country in the world, um, if it was a country—"a good start." The Facebook founder...

Russia Sees Red Over Moldova's Twitter Revolution

EU accused of plotting pro-Romania coup

(Newser) - The escalating crisis in Moldova is threatening to sour Russia's relations with the West once again, reports the Independent. Russia is siding with the Moldovan government in its accusations that the anti-Communist protests—organized by pro-EU youth mobilizing with the help of Twitter updates—are part of a coup attempt...

Find a New Job, 140 Characters at a Time

Site can be used for targeted, effective networking

(Newser) - If you’re unemployed, the right attention on Twitter could land you your next position. Forbes offers pointers on using the micro-blogging site for networking:
  • Make sure your account name contains something about your profession, so your feed shows up when people search associated topics.
  • Search for industry leaders and

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