social networking

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

The Pitfalls of De-Friending
 The Pitfalls of De-Friending 

The Pitfalls of De-Friending

Peer pressure just one of the social aspects that translates well to Facebook and the like

(Newser) - De-friending is an unfortunate reality for social networks. It happens for many reasons, but is always awkward. Here are some de-friending stories from Mashable (names have been changed to protect the embarrassed):
  • Social opportunists: Andrew got a friend request from Jane, who he didn’t know but was friends with

Price Dispute Sinks TwitFace Merger Talks

Twitter questions value of $500M stock offer from Facebook

(Newser) - Merger talks between Facebook and popular newcomer Twitter have ended without a deal, reports All Things Digital. Twitter wasn't satisfied with Facebook's offer of $500 million in stock, apparently concerned that the stock's valuation was too high, say insiders. Twitter also had concerns about how the two would integrate, and...

Angry Sister of Web Suicide: 'No One Lifted a Finger'

(Newser) - The Florida teen who committed suicide live via webcam was bipolar and used his own prescription drugs to kill himself, the Miami Herald reports. “It’s unimaginable,” the boy’s father said. “I did everything I could. I'm sorry it wasn't enough.” His sister expressed anger...

Radio Spots Put the 'Ad' in Adultery

Campaign for online dating service for marrieds makes ripples in Boston

(Newser) - The Ashley Madison Agency, a Web site matching would-be adulterers and home of the catchphrase “Life is short, have an affair,” has launched an ad blitz on Boston radio stations, reports the Herald. “The era of the scarlet letter is long over,” the company’s CEO...

Nigerian Scamsters Want to Be Your Friend

Con artists try to fool Facebook users by posing as friends in need

(Newser) - Nigeria's notorious cybercriminals are looking for some buddies, Ars Technica reports. The conmen have infiltrated social networking sites like Facebook by filching passwords and contacting users in the guise of a friend who suddenly, urgently needs funds. Internet security experts fear the new tactic could prove a lot more effective...

Web-Saavy Obama Needs No Party
 Web-Saavy Obama 
 Needs No Party 

Web-Saavy Obama Needs No Party

(Newser) - Barack Obama has so revolutionized politics that he may not even need the Democratic party, writes David Carr in the New York Times. Parties are supposed to provide a base of support, a brand, ground troops, money, and relationships—all things Obama already has in abundance. The president-elect ran his...

Twitter Turns Up the Volume
 Twitter Turns Up the Volume 

Twitter Turns Up the Volume

More people, businesses are getting in on micro-blogging

(Newser) - Twitter, a micro-blogging service where users post what they’re up to in 140 characters or less, once thought the province of the self-absorbed, has been growing drastically as friends, businesses, and even services like fire departments find ways to make “tweeting” work for them, the Wall Street Journal...

No, Blogging Isn't Dead
 No, Blogging Isn't Dead 

No, Blogging Isn't Dead

Tools like Twitter complement, rather than replace, traditional blogging, argues blogger

(Newser) - A recent Wired magazine article argued that blogging is out, that mainstream media have taken the practice over, and one-time bloggers have moved on to social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. Not so, responds Allyson Kapin on Fast Company. Witness the 175,000 new blogs created daily and...

Man Who Lured Boy on Facebook Gets 35 Years

(Newser) - A 25-year-old Chicago stockbroker was sentenced yesterday to 35 years in prison for soliciting sex from minors on Facebook, the Tribune reports. Facebook said this appears to be the first case of a sexual predator using the social networking site. Michael Macalindong posed as a girl to lure a teenage...

Brit Jumps Onto Twitter Bandwagon

Pop star promises to take fans where no paparazzi can with new site, micro-blog

(Newser) - The blogosphere is, ahem, atwitter over Britney Spears’ new Web site and micro-blogging account. The pop star promises to provide fans the inside scoop via and Twitter, a social-networking site allows users to post constant updates. “I’d like to welcome Britney Spears to our world,”...

Twitter Tries to Get Real, Trades In CEO

Micro-blogging pioneer with plenty of buzz but no revenue swaps execs

(Newser) - Twitter has shunted CEO Jack Dorsey into the chairman's role and given his job to current chairman and co-founder Evan Williams, CNET reports. The micro-blogging site has grown fast since launching last year and has been surrounded by plenty of buzz—but while managers say things are right on track,...

Narcissism Shows Through Online: Study

Vain Facebook users can be identified by friend count, photos

(Newser) - If you’re a narcissist, even the relative anonymity of the Internet can’t hide your true colors, LiveScience reports. A new study shows Facebook pages are an accurate predictor of personality, with narcissists having on average more friends and posts, and more considered photos of themselves. Authors gave some...

Social Networking Deposes Porn as Web King

Users searching less for adult sites as they spend more time on Facebook et al.

(Newser) - Porn is no longer king online, thanks to the social-networking sites where people—particularly 18- to 24-year-olds—have become addicted to less X-rated forms of sharing, a Web analyst tells Reuters. “My theory is that young users spend so much time on social networks that they don't have time...

And Now, a Tune From Our Sponsor
And Now,
a Tune From
Our Sponsor

And Now, a Tune From Our Sponsor

MySpace Music enlists advertisers to enable free downloads

(Newser) - The soon-to-launch MySpace Music service will consist mostly of sponsored streaming and downloads, Wired reports. MySpace will likely not start up its own pay-download service, along the lines of iTunes, instead maintaining its partnership with Amazon’s online store. Critics worry MySpace’s rather thin roster of major-label partnerships will...

AOL Brings in Outside Help With Homepage Redesign

Gmail, Facebook will be accessible from firm's web portal

(Newser) - AOL is overhauling its portal page, incorporating third-party email services and social-networking sites into, paidContent reports. The redesigned site allows users to perform global status updates, so a message sent from AOL would show up on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and more; users will also be able to view...

How IM Sapped My Ability to Deal
 How IM Sapped
 My Ability to Deal

How IM Sapped My Ability to Deal

End of an intense online relationship forces writer to examine IM dependency

(Newser) - After breaking up with his live-in boyfriend online, writer Will Doig realized IM had become an intimate part of their relationship, and the fallout was crushing. "At the first hint of crisis, my response had always been the same"—instant message his boyfriend "for an impromptu therapy...

Microblogging Creates World of 'Ambient Awareness'

Experts compare it to physical closeness

(Newser) - The mini-missives that friends post on websites like Twitter create what experts call "ambient awareness"—a form of contact akin to picking up a friend's body language or stray remarks. Alone they add up to little, "but taken together, over time, the little snippets coalesce into a...

Twitter Outgrows Narcissistic Phase
 Twitter Outgrows 
 Narcissistic Phase 

Twitter Outgrows Narcissistic Phase

From police updates to serializing novel, aficionados find innovative new uses

(Newser) - Don't write off Twitter as a mere time-wasting self-promotion toy, David Chartier writes in Ars Technica. Users have adapted the microblogging tool to business, government, and even art, pushing 140-character posts beyond "what I had for lunch today." Some innovative Twitter accounts include Comcast, which tracks customer service...

LinkedIn, CNBC Buddy Up
 LinkedIn, CNBC Buddy Up 

LinkedIn, CNBC Buddy Up

Biz networking site shares content; channel taps new ad targets

(Newser) - CNBC and LinkedIn have announced an alliance in which the business cable channel gets content and tools from the professional networking site—and the ability to more efficiently target ads to LinkedIn’s 27 million users, the Financial Times reports. Though LinkedIn’s CEO says CNBC won’t get users’...

WB Favorites Survive Online
 WB Favorites Survive Online 

WB Favorites Survive Online

Fresh content, networking tools also in the mix

(Newser) - Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer can rejoice: The defunct WB network relaunched last week as an interactive website. features on-demand episodes of its classic teen shows, alongside original programming aimed at the 16- to-34-year-old market, Advertising Age reports. The site also sports "sharing features," including...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>