social networking

Stories 821 - 830 | << Prev 

New Search Engine Seeks Out... You
New Search Engine Seeks Out... You

New Search Engine Seeks Out... You lets web users browse for other humans

(Newser) - A new search engine launched today won't help you find a bargain on a new microwave or the capital of Burma, but rather other human beings. bills itself as "the online leader in personal search," and boasts over 100 million individuals already indexed. Spock combs social...

In Virtual Graveyard, Friends, Voyeurs Gather

MyDeathSpace collects obits, profiles and more

(Newser) - A site that collects obituaries, often of young people, and links to their social-network profiles is gaining traction, the AP reports. lists more than 2,700 deaths and receives more than 100,000 hits daily. "This site does kind of let you look into the heart of...

Judge Mulls Second Suit Against Facebook Founder

ConnectU suing Mark Zuckerberg for stealing their code

(Newser) - The former Harvard friends who unsuccessfully sued Facebook's founder two years ago for stealing their idea are trying again. They filed another suit in Massachusets federal court earlier this year; yesterday the judge said he'll rule in two weeks on whether to dismiss it.

Obesity Is a Socially Transmitted Disease

Fat friends increase chances of getting fat

(Newser) - Obesity spreads socially, a new study concludes: one’s likelihood of getting fat increases 57% if a friend becomes fat, and a whopping 171% if it's a close friend. Friends may be more influential than genes in weight gain, the Chicago Tribune reports. “Its about the spread of norms,...

Brits Embrace Facebook, Pay the Price
Brits Embrace Facebook, Pay the Price

Brits Embrace Facebook, Pay the Price

Photos in 'private' online profiles land Oxford students in hot water

(Newser) - Miss New Jersey may never be mistaken for a Rhodes Scholar, but unlike some British university students, she knows how to make sure her Facebook profile is private. The social-networking site that nearly brought down the beauty queen is wreaking havoc across the Atlantic, with Oxford students facing disciplinary action...

In Challenge to MySpace, Facebook Opens Up

Networking site sets its sights on platform model

(Newser) - In a challenge to social-networking giant MySpace, Facebook will open itself to outside software developers. With 65 partners—including Microsoft and Amazon—cleared to build web applications within the site, the scrappy No. 2 is attempting to transform itself into an all-in-one destination. The lure: Partners don't have to pay...

Defense Dept. Blocks Access to YouTube

Bandwidth, security issues lead to ban on MySpace, other networking sites

(Newser) - MySpace as a national security threat? Yes, says the Department of Defense, which is blocking service members' access to the site—as well as YouTube and 11 other popular destinations troops use to communicate with family and friends—on department computers as of today. The department calls the online traffic...

The Newest Fundraisers? Social Networkers

(Newser) - Think Iowa Caucus folkways meets Silicon Valley tech savvy: A group of high-tech entrepreneurs are using online and offline social networking to evaluate, pick, and support their presidential candidate. The groups skip traditional intermediaries—namely, political parties—to meet directly with candidates, then use their widespread (and wealthy) social networks...

MySpace Flap Costs Obama
MySpace Flap Costs Obama

MySpace Flap Costs Obama

Campaign big-foots virtual volunteer; candidate speaks up

(Newser) - The glow of a computer screen morphed into a harsh spotlight on the Barack Obama campaign this week during a bitter dispute over control of a MySpace page bearing the senator's name. Obama reached out last night—over the phone, not in an email—to the disgruntled supporter who created...

Micro-Bloggers Go Big With Very Little

Newest social networking takes web shorthand to its extreme

(Newser) - Short, random and mundane musings fired from around the globe are blowing up big in an Internet phenomenon called micro-blogging. Social networking is reduced to photos and single sentences—or less—that the Financial Times notes is to the blogosphere what reality tv is to cable: compelling and mind-numbing at...

Stories 821 - 830 | << Prev