David Letterman

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Late Show Fires Staffer Amid Sexism Controversy

Eddie Brill: Women comics aren't 'authentic'

(Newser) - The Late Show's comedy booker has been fired following an uproar over his comments regarding women in comedy, the New York Observer reports. Last week, a New York Times profile quoted Eddie Brill as saying that "there are a lot less female comics who are authentic. I see...

Romney, on Letterman, Has 10 Things to Say to You

His list: Things he needs to tell the American people

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is now in a dead heat with Newt Gingrich. In a bid to perhaps claw his way back into the No. 1 slot solo, he made his second appearance of the year on the Late Show last night, and shared the "Top 10 Things Mitt Romney Would...

VIDEO: Justin Bieber, on 'Late Show With David Letterman,' Has a Hard Time Naming All 7 Continents
Bieber Has a Hard Time Naming All the Continents
fun with letterman

Bieber Has a Hard Time Naming All the Continents

Finally gets all seven, but only after a hint

(Newser) - Justin Bieber was on the Late Show With David Letterman last night, and in a clip picked up by Gawker and other outlets, the teen heartthrob struggled just a bit with his geography. One of the perks of fame, he explained to Letterman, is that he’s visited “every...

Perry Offers Top 10 Excuses on Letterman

Sample: Mitt Romney is so handsome, it's hard to concentrate

(Newser) - Rick Perry capped a day of brain-freeze damage control last night by offering up the "Top 10 Rick Perry Excuses" on David Letterman's show . Highlights below, or check out the full video in the gallery.
  • "Actually, there were three reasons I messed up last night. One was

Craig Ferguson Latest to Get Death Threats

White, anthrax-like powder mailed to show from Europe

(Newser) - Just days after David Letterman received death threats from an angry (and apparently confused) jihadist , follow-up program The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson received a threatening letter from Europe containing a mysterious white powder, reports the AP . Two staffers who came in contact with the substance were held for...

Letterman: Leno's Behind Jihad Threat

'Late Show' host responds to threat in monologue, top 10 list

(Newser) - David Letterman returned to the Late Show last night with an evening full of jokes about—what else?—a jihadist’s death threat against him . “Tonight, you people are more to me, honestly, more than an audience … you’re more like a human shield,” he said, before...

Jihadist Demands Revenge on David Letterman

Joke about terrorist's death prompts threat

(Newser) - Add this to the Top 10 list of reasons not to make fun of al-Qaeda: A jihadist is calling for the assassination of David Letterman after he joked about the death of terrorist Ilyas Kashmiri on his show. The radical made his comments on the Shumukh al-Islam web forum, and...

Ed Sullivan Theater, Late Show Broken Into Again
 Late Show Broken Into Again 

Late Show Broken Into Again

Not a good week for the Ed Sullivan Theater

(Newser) - David Letterman seems to be making news more than mocking it lately: Just days after a drunk bashed his way into the Ed Sullivan Theater, where Letterman's Late Show is taped, another man has been charged with breaking into the same storied building. New York City cops say the...

Late Show Theater Crasher Remembers Nothing

James Whittemore was drunk, doesn't remember smashing doors

(Newser) - The 22-year-old who was arrested after allegedly smashing glass doors and breaking into the Ed Sullivan Theater was drunk and has no memory of the incident, says his attorney. James Whittemore "certainly didn't plan this" and doesn't even remember how he got to the theater early Sunday...

Drunk Actor Breaks Into Late Show Theater

22-year-old smashes glass, crawls inside

(Newser) - A struggling actor stuck waiting tables managed to make an appearance at the Ed Sullivan Theater—and was arrested for his trouble. Police say James Whittemore, 22, kicked through a glass door at the home of the Late Show with David Letterman yesterday morning, after a night of drinking, and...

Lady Gaga Eats David Letterman's 'Late Show' Note Cards; Fans Topple Amazon Servers (VIDEO)
 Gaga Eats Dave's Note Cards 

Gaga Eats Dave's Note Cards

Plus, eager fans bring down Amazon servers

(Newser) - While addressing rumors about herself last night on the Late Show , Lady Gaga grabbed one of David Letterman’s note cards, ripped it up, and then … ate it. Dave, who had previously expressed concern over Gaga’s admission that she really did once eat a Barbie doll head (“...

Trump to Letterman: You’re Fired!

He's not racist, not sorry, and won't be going on Dave's show

(Newser) - Usually, politicians go around kissing babies and winning votes, but Donald Trump's unique path to the White House appears to be pissing off as many people as he possibly can: The Donald today smacked back at David Letterman after the host said last week that Trump's birtherism were...

Lohan's Dad: I Booked Lindsay on Letterman

And my daughter was all for it before she backed out, he says

(Newser) - Wait 'til David Letterman pens a Top 10 List about this. Turns out it was Lindsay Lohan's father who booked her on Letterman, only to see her back out and blame "someone purporting to be her friend ," in the words of a representative. Lindsay "knew full well"...

Letterman Gets Duped: No Lohan

Show thought bailed star would appear via satellite, read Top 10

(Newser) - Oh, the irony! After announcing that none other than Lindsay Lohan would be appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman tomorrow, the show announced that, wait, she wouldn't be gracing it with her presence. Turns out Letterman got suckered by "someone purporting to be a friend of Lindsay's,...

Letterman: I'll Quit Late Show in...

...two years, he says casually

(Newser) - What will David Letterman be doing in two years? No one knows, but one thing he apparently won't be doing: hosting the Late Show. He let that little tidbit slip casually while interviewing Howard Stern last night. The clip in the gallery ends, of course, just before the comment, but...

Betty White Swills Vodka With Letterman

Even at 89, nothing can stop her

(Newser) - Betty White may have just turned 89, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgotten how to party. Asked by David Letterman last night what she likes to do for fun, she first noted her affinity for playing with animals before adding, “And vodka’s kind of a hobby....

Snooki Presents: Top 10 Reasons to Buy My Book
Snooki Presents: Top 10 Reasons to Buy My Book
late show with david letterman

Snooki Presents: Top 10 Reasons to Buy My Book

Don't do it for yourself—do it for the economy

(Newser) - You could be forgiven for thinking Snooki’s debut literary venture, A Shore Thing , is perhaps not for you … but maybe you just haven’t been considering all the reasons to buy it. The Jersey Shore star herself offered up 10 such reasons last night on the Late Show ...

Best Defense Against Jihad: David Letterman

Stop the revolution, I want to watch Eva Longoria

(Newser) - Forget spending billions of dollars on spies and government propaganda; the best defense against jihad appears to be flooding the homes of young people with Desperate Housewives and David Letterman. That's the assessment of a WikiLeaks secret cable entitled "David Letterman: Agent of Influence" that found young Saudis "...

Chilean Miner Sings, Dances, Cracks Dave Up

Letterman interviews Edison Peña on Late Show

(Newser) - Rescued Chilean miner Edison Peña appeared on the Late Show last night, and cracked up host David Letterman with his tales of the “funky” conditions in the mine before it collapsed. “Is, in South America, ‘funky’ a mining term?” Letterman asked. After a pause, Peña’...

Daily Show No. 1, Beats Leno, Letterman

Big guns play second fiddle for first time in years

(Newser) - It’s been a good few weeks for Jon Stewart: The Daily Show was the top-rated late-night talk show in October—the first such show in at least a decade whose full month’s average beat Letterman’s and Leno’s, says the Hollywood Reporter . Stewart reeled in 1.3...

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