
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

Hackers Vandalize 20+ House Websites

About 20 sites replaced with the statement, 'f--- Obama!!'

(Newser) - Hackers attacked more than 20 House websites last night, replacing their entire contents with the message: “f--- OBAMA!! Red Eye CREW !!!!! O RESTO E HACKER!!! by HADES; m4V3RiCk; T4ph0d4 -- FROM BRASIL.” Many of the sites hit belong to Democratic freshman, but senior members and Republicans were hit...

Will Rivals Join Google Stand Against China?

Stakes would be higher for Microsoft, Yahoo

(Newser) - Google may be hoping rival firms join its stand against Chinese censorship and hacking, but the stakes in a conflict with the Chinese government would be much higher for Microsoft and Yahoo. While Google's business in China represents only a small share of its global revenue, the picture looks different...

Google Mulls China Pullout Over Cyber Attacks

'No longer willing' to censor search results

(Newser) - In the wake of what it calls major cyber attacks from China, Google said today it’s “reviewing the feasibility of our business operations” there. A blog post by the search giant’s chief legal officer claimed there was “theft of intellectual property from Google” in operations aimed...

Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked
 Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked 
'Dear God, please take Mahmoud'

Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked

Will it be blamed on Western devils lurking on the Internet?

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who charmingly once declared that Iran is free of gays, must be fixing to make sure it's free of hackers, as well. Gawker reports that the Iranian prez's website , which is currently down, was hacked by someone who posted a message asking God if he might take Mahmoud...

Van Morrison Not Father of Love Child
 Van Morrison 
 Not Father of 
 Love Child 

Van Morrison Not Father of Love Child

Hackers made up tale of baby with manager, singer says

(Newser) - Contrary to the tale spun by hackers who posted it on his official website, Van Morrison is not the father of a baby boy with “American manager” “Gigi Lee” who is the “spitting image of his daddy.” That is “utterly without foundation,” the Irish...

Twitter Hijacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army'

Hackers shut down site, leave anti-American message

(Newser) - Twitter was hacked last night, leaving millions of microbloggers tweetless for two hours. During that time, those who tried to access the site were greeted by a green flag and a strange message: "This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army." The hackers also left this message:...

'Singer Worm' Hits iPhones

 'Singer Worm' Hits iPhones 

'Singer Worm' Hits iPhones

Wallpaper switched in first virus to hit popular phones

(Newser) - The first virus to hit iPhones is substituting users' wallpaper with a portrait of 80's pop star Rick Astley and the warning: "Ikee is never going to give you up." The virus isn't harming anything else, but observers say it's a warning that hackers have learned how to...

Hotmail Phishing Scam Also Took In Gmail Users

Hotmail users not alone; scheme was 'industry-wide'

(Newser) - Hotmail users weren’t the only ones compromised in the huge phishing scheme that came to light yesterday. Another 20,000 email accounts and passwords have surfaced, bearing addresses from Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and other services, the BBC reports. Google has found a third list but hasn't detailed its contents....

Hackers Are After Your Smartphone
Hackers Are After Your Smartphone

Hackers Are After Your Smartphone

Mobile devices, stuffed with personal data, become juicy targets

(Newser) - Cyber criminals are beginning to devise ways to break into smartphones, an increasingly juicy source of personal information. Until recently, phones weren’t seen as worth hacking because they contained so little data, but as more and more people carry pocket-size PCs like the iPhone, the likelihood increases that hackers...

Hackers Get 43 Cents for Every Hijacked Mac

(Newser) - Mac users, beware: the Russians are after you. A notorious network of spammers in the country pays hackers 43 cents for every Mac they infect with fake software, an investigator says. At a security conference in Switzerland, the researcher laid out a specific scheme to get Mac users to install...

Concerted Cyberattack Shuts Down Twitter

(Newser) - In a possible first for Twitter, a malicious attack shut down the service entirely today, Wired reports. The denial-of-service assault flooded the site's server with requests, overloading it and blocking legitimate users from gaining access for about three hours; Tweeters are now slowly regaining access.

Apple Patches iPhone Security Concerns

(Newser) - Apple today issued an update for its iPhone operating system, patching a flaw in its text-messaging operation that security experts say could have allowed serious hackers to “take over every iPhone in the world,” AllThingsD reports. “Contrary to what’s been reported,” a company spokesman said,...

Conficker Worm's Still Out There ... Doing Nothing

(Newser) - An April Fools information apocalypse did not occur, but the widespread Conficker virus that caused so much fear of is still out there, CNN reports. Experts are puzzled over the lack of an attack, but the sheer size of the Conficker infection—5 million computers—yields a clue. “The...

A 5-Minute Fix for Your Insecure Passwords

Twitter break-in shows how vulnerable weak passwords are, writes blogger for Slate

(Newser) - The recent hacking debacle at Twitter proved how vulnerable the company was, writes Farhad Manjoo for Slate. All of its internal communication was held in email accounts protected only by insecure passwords. And chances are your password security is also terrible—a familiar word, like your favorite album, with a...

Video of Naked ESPN Reporter Inspires Hackers

In victory for karma, download attempts unleash virus

(Newser) - Peephole video of an ESPN reporter naked in a hotel room is lighting up the sports blogosphere—and not just because Erin Andrews is the star of many a basement-dwelling mama's boy's fantasy. Some attempts to download illicit footage have led to the spread of a computer virus. "Hackers...

Hackers Create Fake Wi-Fi Spots to Scam Vacationers

(Newser) - If you’re planning to take your laptop on the road this summer, pay careful attention to which wireless network you sign on to. Scammers are setting up fake wi-fi hot spots in tourist-friendly places like airports and hotels, or simply using official, but unsecured networks, Fox News reports. Once...

Cyber Attack Hits Federal Websites
Cyber Attack
Hits Federal

Cyber Attack Hits Federal Websites

Several were knocked out over the holiday weekend

(Newser) - A widespread and unusually resilient computer attack that began July 4 knocked out the websites of several government agencies, including some responsible for fighting cyber crime. The Treasury Department, Secret Service, FTC, and Transportation Department sites were down at varying points, and some were still experiencing problems this evening. It's...

Pirate Bay Launches New YouTube Clone

VideoBay streams content, without that pesky copyright stuff

(Newser) - If YouTube's limits on copyrighted material have exhausted you, the Swedish hackers who call themselves Pirate Bay have a solution: VideoBay, a new streaming video site that's utterly indifferent to intellectual property laws. The new service, rolled out just as Pirate Bay was sold to a Swedish software company that...

Ahmadinejad Foes Gang Up on Websites

'Hacktivists' overload president's blog, other government outlets

(Newser) - As protests continue on the streets of Tehran, hackers in and outside of Iran are mounting an assault on the establishment's main websites, reports ZDNet. The sites of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and several news agencies were crippled yesterday after activists flooded them with traffic. The campaign appears to...

US, UK Plan Cyber Strike on Foreign Hackers

(Newser) - US and UK law enforcement authorities are planning a preemptive strike on hackers to protect national security, reports the Guardian. The secret plans are triggered by skyrocketing computer crimes launched from China, Russia and North Korea believed to be state sponsored. The "strikeback" attacks will target hackers' computers, disrupt...

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