North Korea

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>

North Korea Rocket Launch a Success

Pyongyang defies warnings to launch long-range rocket

(Newser) - So much for that delay . North Korea successfully fired a long-range rocket today, defying international warnings as the regime of Kim Jong Un took a giant step forward in its quest to develop the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead. The United States, South Korea, and Japan quickly condemned the...

North Korea Taking Rocket Apart, but Launch Still On

Technical problem needs to be fixed

(Newser) - North Korea is taking apart its long-range rocket to fix a technical problem, but it still plans on moving forward with the controversial launch, according to South Korean news reports and experts. Its initial moves to deconstruct the rocket fueled speculation that the launch was to be abandoned, but it...

N. Korea Delays Rocket Launch
 N. Korea Delays Rocket Launch 

N. Korea Delays Rocket Launch

'Technical deficiency' hits controversial launch

(Newser) - North Korea has extended the launch period for a controversial long-range rocket by another week until December 29, citing technical problems. A spokesman for the North's Korean Committee of Space Technology told state media that scientists found a "technical deficiency in the first-stage control engine module of the...

Japan Ready to Destroy N. Korea Rocket

Patriot missiles prepared in Tokyo, on coasts

(Newser) - If, after its firing, any piece of North Korea's rocket appears likely to fall in Japanese territory, Tokyo is ready to shoot it from the sky. Patriot missiles are at the ready in Tokyo, Okinawa, and elsewhere on Japan's north and west coasts, the Telegraph reports. Japan has...

US Moves Warships to Track N. Korea Rocket Launch

Will be poised for missile defense

(Newser) - North Korea is planning a rocket launch in the next few weeks, and the US is getting ready: Washington is shifting warships to the best spots to keep an eye on the launch, and perhaps defend against it, Reuters reports. The US is monitoring the run-up to the launch "...

Most, Least Corrupt Nations
 Most, Least 
 Corrupt Nations 

Most, Least Corrupt Nations

North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia fare worst in annual rankings

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise: North Korea is perceived as highly corrupt, according to Transparency International's annual rankings . The group gave 176 nations a score from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). Here's a look at some of the findings:
  • Afghanistan and Somalia tied North Korea for last place, each

North Korea Steps Closer to Rocket Launch

Could happen in as soon as 5 days

(Newser) - North Korea has taken another step toward its promised long-range rocket test , which could happen as soon as Monday. The three stages of the rocket have now been assembled on its launchpad at a northwest military base, and Yonhap News reports that workers have been spotted departing the site. The...

North Korea: We've Found a Unicorn Lair

And Serbians say a legendary vampire is on the loose

(Newser) - North Korea not only has a sexy leader —it also lays claim to a bona fide unicorn lair, the Daily Mail reports. The very serious-sounding History Institute of the DPRK Academy of Social Sciences released a report about it, saying the unicorn's refuge was outside a temple in...

North Korea Will Try Again With Missile Launch

Last long-range attempt fizzled in April

(Newser) - North Korea said today it would try to launch a long-range rocket in mid-December, a defiant move just eight months after a failed April bid was widely condemned as a violation of a UN ban against developing its nuclear and missile programs. The launch, set for Dec. 10 to 22,...

Kim Jong Un Keeps the Illegal Weapons Flowing

Shipments to Burma, Syria have been blocked this year

(Newser) - Dear ol' Dad may be dead and gone, but his illegal-weapons-exporting ways live on under the watch of Kim Jong Un, reports the Wall Street Journal , which spoke with officials who verify that ships and planes en route to Syria and Burma from North Korea and laden with missile technology...

Bust Yields North Korean Assassin's Toolbox

Camouflaged weapons include bullet-filled flashlight, poison pen

(Newser) - North Korean assassins are taking a page from 007: CNN says it's gotten a look at a trio of deadly weapons that are nearly indistinguishable from everyday objects. There's a pen containing a poison needle whose victim would feel just a scratch. Another pen shoots poison projectiles. And...

Kim Jong Un's Wife Finally Reappears

Ri Sol Ju hadn't been seen publicly for months

(Newser) - After two months of uncertainty as to her whereabouts, Kim Jong Un's wife, Ri Sol Ju, appeared in public yesterday. Her disappearance from the public eye had fueled suggestions she faced disciplinary trouble from the country's elders, or that she was pregnant, Reuters reports. Yesterday, Ri attended a...

Kim Jong Un's Nephew: I Want to Help

Kim Han Sol gives rare interview to UN official

(Newser) - Kim Jong Il's grandson has given a rare television interview in which he says that he's "always dreamed that one day I would go back and make things better and make it easier for the people" of North Korea. Kim Han Sol—nephew of current leader Kim...

North Korea: We Can Hit US Mainland

Pyongyang rattles sabers after US deal with South

(Newser) - After the US this week gave South Korea permission to extend the range of its missiles, everyone expected North Korea to respond in some fashion. It didn't disappoint: Pyongyang today declared that its missiles could hit not only the "puppet forces" of the South but the US mainland...

US OKs S. Korea Missiles That Could Hit North

Had long feared regional arms race; move a 'proportional response'

(Newser) - The United States has agreed to allow South Korea to possess longer-range missiles that could strike all of North Korea, officials said today, a development expected to draw an angry response from the North. Under a 2001 accord with Washington, South Korea has been barred from developing ballistic missiles with...

North Korea Soldier Kills Officers, Defects

He says he shot two superiors near border

(Newser) - A rarity in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea today: A soldier from the North defected and claims to have killed two commanding officers in order to do so, reports the Voice of America . Soldiers in the South heard about six shots, then allowed the soldier to cross...

North Korean Farmers May Be Allowed to Keep Surplus Crops

Kim Jong Un plans big change

(Newser) - North Korean farmers who have long been required to turn most of their crops over to the state may now be allowed to keep their surplus food to sell or barter in what could be the most significant economic change enacted by young leader Kim Jong Un since he came...

South Korea Fires on North Korean Fishing Boats

Fishing boats had crossed disputed border

(Newser) - South Korea's navy fired warning shots today toward North Korean fishing boats that crossed a disputed maritime boundary, but the shots didn't hit the fishing boats and the vessels retreated, a South Korean official says. No North Korean navy ships were involved in the incident along a tense...

Is Kim Jong-Un a Reformer?
 Is Kim Jong-Un a Reformer? 

Is Kim Jong-Un a Reformer?

Signs point to the potential for actual change in North Korea

(Newser) - Don't get your hopes up too high, but Kim Jong Un has been sending signals that he could be a very different kind of ruler than his dad. Recent Kim speeches have included promises to "improve people's living standards," and even rebukes of other officials for...

US Wants More Early-Warning Radars in Asia

North Korea is focus, but concern exists about China

(Newser) - As the US looks to shift its military resources away from the Middle East and toward the Asia-Pacific region, it's planning an expansion of missile defenses that could cover large portions of Asia. One of the big pieces is the X-Band, an early-warning radar that the Pentagon would like...

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>