North Korea

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N. Korea Airs First Western Flick—Starring Keira Knightley

'Bend It Like Beckham' marks anniversary of British ties

(Newser) - North Koreans got treated to the country’s first-ever televised Western film this week: Bend It Like Beckham. News, soaps, and documentaries usually dominate the airwaves, and Western movies are restricted, the AP reports. The broadcast seemed to be an edited version of the Keira Knightley- and Jonathan Rhys Myers-led...

Isolated and Destitute, North Korea Limps On
Isolated and Destitute,
North Korea Limps On

Isolated and Destitute, North Korea Limps On

Reporters granted rare visit with Richardson

(Newser) - North Korea has a deadline: For years, it's promised that an age of prosperity will begin in 2012, the 100th anniversary of Kim Il-Sung's birth. With 18 months to go, two journalists accompanying Bill Richardson on an unprecedented trip to North Korea found that the government will be hard-pressed to...

Sabotage? Derailed Train Carried Gifts for Kim Jong Un

Seoul radio cites suspicion of foul play

(Newser) - A train full of birthday presents en route to North Korea’s heir derailed this month—but was it a simple accident, or sabotage? A South Korean radio station that often cites Northern sources reports that a train departing from Sinuiju and headed for Pyongyang derailed on Dec. 11, creating...

South Korea's President: We're Not Afraid of War

He promises 'relentless' retaliation in radio address

(Newser) - Lee Myung-bak has a message for Kim Jong Il: Bring it on. In a radio address today, the South Korean president said he wasn’t afraid of war with the North, and vowed that his military would “respond relentlessly when they come under attack.” He told the people...

North Korea: We're Ready to Use Nukes in 'Holy War'

Armed forces minister issues new threat

(Newser) - North Korea is ready to use nuclear weapons in its "holy war" against South Korea, warned Pyongyang's minister of armed forces today. Minister Kim Yong-chun repeated North Korea's earlier charges that military drills in the South were the beginnings of a planned assault on his nation, reports Reuters . He...

Vowing to Punish Enemy, S. Korea Launches Vast Drills

Will 'punish the enemy if it provokes us again'

(Newser) - South Korea is continuing to thumb its nose at the North, today launching three days military drills close to the DMZ, as hundreds of troops, tanks, jets, and helicopters gather, the AP reports. It’s the 48th such training this year—only 47 had been planned—and the largest joint...

South Korea Pokes at North With Christmas Tree

Also, Bill Richardson: North has agreed to nuclear inspections

(Newser) - The Korean peninsula was calmer today after the promised North Korean response to South Korean military exercises never materialized—though the South is braced for surprise attacks. It's also getting ready for the holidays: In a move expected to annoy North Korea, the South today lit a 100-foot tall steel...

South Korea Launches In-Your-Face Military Exercise

Unofficial envoy fears 'crisis'

(Newser) - Despite global fears of a violent confrontation, South Korea launched fighter jets and fired live artillery in a military exercise close to the North Korea border. But the two-hour operation ended without incident, and Pyongyang officials promised not to retaliate, reversing earlier threats of a "deadly" response. Residents of...

UN Holds Emergency Meeting Over Korean Tensions

Russia pushing a resolution for 'maximum restraint'

(Newser) - The UN Security Council met in emergency session today amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula and a North Korean warning of a "catastrophe" if South Korea goes ahead with a live-fire drill. Russia called for the meeting, and Moscow wants the UN's most powerful body to adopt a...

North Korea: Cancel Drills, or We'll Attack Again

South Korea plans more drills on Yeonpyeong Island

(Newser) - Tensions between the Koreas ratcheted even higher today, when the North threatened to attack Yeonpyeong Island again if the South goes through with its plans to hold live-ammunition drills there. “The intensity and scope of the strike will be more serious than the Nov. 23 shelling,” officials told...

North Korea Threatens Nuclear War
North Korea Threatens
Nuclear War

North Korea Threatens Nuclear War

South Korea's cooperation with US, Japan 'nothing but treachery'

(Newser) - As South Korea continued to run artillery drills , North Korea warned today that the South's cooperation with the US and Japan is "nothing but treachery"—and could result in nuclear war. An official said that South Korea's live-fire drills, which are running through Friday, are routine and would...

China Slams US on Korea: What Good Have You Done?

China resents Mullen's statement about North Korea

(Newser) - The North Korea/South Korea feud is ratcheting up tensions between the US and China, with the United States' top military official complaining that the North’s “reckless behavior” was “enabled by their friends in China.” Admiral Mike Mullen said that he was deeply concerned about the situation,...

WikiLeaks: US Failing to Stop Flow of Mideast Arms

Hezbollah now has 50K Syrian-supplied rockets, missiles

(Newser) - American efforts to prevent a buildup of arms in the Middle East have been largely frustrated, according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. In one cable, the State Department accuses Syria of breaking a promise to not provide Hezbollah militants in Lebanon with new missiles, the New York Times reports....

South Korea Begins Artillery Drills Despite North's Warnings

North Korea says the firing drills could 'ignite a war'

(Newser) - South Korea began artillery drills today, despite warnings from the North that such a move could ignite war. The naval live-fire drills come less than two weeks after the North’s attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong. A South Korean official says the drills, which are happening along...

US, Japan Flex Muscles in Korean Waters

China complains about large exercises

(Newser) - Japan and the US began some of their biggest military exercises ever today, conspicuously mobilizing more than 44,000 troops, 400 aircrafts, and a US supercarrier right under North Korea’s nose. These “keen sword” maneuvers are an annual exercise, but this year’s display is especially large, and...

South Korea: We Will Bomb North if Attacked Again

But some still question the president's willingness to attack

(Newser) - South Korea is done taking crap from the North: It will deploy jets to bomb North Korea if Pyongyang attacks it again, said President Lee Myung-bak's newly appointed defense minister today. "In case the enemy attacks our territory and people again, we will thoroughly retaliate to ensure that the...

Kissenger, Powell, et al: Ratify New START
 Powell, et Al.: 
 Ratify New START 

Kissinger, Powell, et Al.: Ratify New START

Kissinger, Powell, Baker call on Senate for 'essential' vote

(Newser) - The New START treaty got some serious firepower behind it this morning, with the past five Republican secretaries of state writing a Washington Post op-ed in its support. "Although each of us had initial questions about New START," write Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker III, Lawrence Eagleburger...

US, South Korea Refuse Talks With North

They say it'd be rewarding the Kims for bad behavior

(Newser) - The US, South Korea, and Japan are saying “thanks, but no thanks” to China’s request for emergency talks with North Korea, arguing that talks would only reward the rogue regime for its recent aggression. “The United States and a host of others, I don’t think, are...

North Korea Boasts About Nuke Plant

Pyongyang unveils details of 'peaceful' nuclear program

(Newser) - With tensions high on the Korean peninsula, North Korea has decided now would be a good time to let the world know that its nuclear program is going swimmingly. Pyongyang officials, offering the first details on what it says is a peaceful nuclear program, boasted that North Korea is building...

S. Korea: We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

President Lee Myung-bak announces tougher military policy

(Newser) - South Korea’s policy barring a military response to North Korean aggression is no more, said President Lee Myung-bak. “North Korea has provoked us on many occasions, but this is the first time they have made a direct attack on South Korean soil,” he noted. “Launching a...

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>