Democratic presidential candidates

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Brown, Clinton Suffer Same Fate
 Brown, Clinton Suffer Same Fate 

Brown, Clinton Suffer Same Fate

For Clinton and Brown, Iraq is the unspoken element

(Newser) - In the last few weeks, two giants of center-left politics—Hillary Clinton in America and Gordon Brown in Britain—have seen their electoral chances reduced to near impossibility. Both have struggled as uncharismatic politicians in a media age. But for one columnist in London's Times, their trajectories have more important...

8 Questions on the Table in Today's Primaries

Obama and Clinton face off in what could be decisive contests

(Newser) - Voters in North Carolina and Indiana go to the polls today in what many are seeing as the last major battle in the Democratic race. The Washington Post outlines the stakes.
  1. Has Obama put the Wright controversy behind him? Pretty much, say both sides; it's a media story now.
  2. How's

Oprah Also Turned On Rev. Wright

TV star didn't want to offend her audience, friend says

(Newser) - Like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey attended Jeremiah Wright's church but ultimately gave up on it, Newsweek reports. She went for nearly a decade, starting in 1984, and wasn't surprised by his angry sermons. But "Oprah is a businesswoman, first and foremost," a friend said. "She's always been...

Ex-DNC Chair Switches to Obama Camp

Andrew abandons Clinton, tells superdels to 'heal the rift'

(Newser) - Joe Andrew, a superdelegate and the Democratic Party chair during Bill Clinton's presidency, has switched his allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, reports the AP. Andrew had endorsed Hillary on the day she announced her candidacy, but in a lengthy letter to other superdelegates he says they must rally...

Race Looms Large After Obama Loss
Race Looms Large After Obama Loss

Race Looms Large After Obama Loss

Dems start asking whether a black candidate can win

(Newser) - Until recently, Barack Obama seemed to have quashed concerns about the chances of an African-American winning the White House. But as he inches closer to the nomination, more Democrats are beginning to ask whether white and other non-black voters will elect a black man in November. The question has taken...

Pennsylvania: The Obama Referendum
Pennsylvania: The Obama Referendum

Pennsylvania: The Obama Referendum

Pundit says today's vote is on how voters perceive the candidate

(Newser) - As Pennsylvanians go to the polls on what could be the decisive day of the Democratic primary, one columnist sees today's vote not as a race between two candidates, but a referendum on one. Barack Obama has appeared as both populist and elitist, crusader and policy wonk, black and post-racial....

New Hillary Attack Ad Features bin Laden

Hillary invokes terrorist to cast doubt on Obama's readiness

(Newser) - Voters go to the polls today in Pennsylvania after a bruising last day of campaigning in which Hillary Clinton unleashed a particularly harsh attack ad that uses an image of Osama bin Laden. The TV spot shows news footage of Black Thursday, Pearl Harbor, the Berlin Wall and the mastermind...

Stephanopoulos Sticks Up for Tone of ABC Debate

Focus on electability mirrored campaign trail chatter, pundit says

(Newser) - George Stephanopolous has drawn fire for posing too many "gotcha" questions at last night's Democratic presidential debate on ABC, but the pundit is sticking to his guns. Stephanopolous says he didn't focus on electability over policy issues by accident. "It's not only, who will be the best president,...

'Bitter' Voters Hand Obama 9-Point Lead

Hopeful maintains margin over Hillary despite uproar

(Newser) - Barack Obama is holding a 9-point lead over Hillary Clinton despite the uproar over "Bittergate." He is ahead by 50% to 41%, a margin he has maintained with little change for the past week, including Friday and yesterday.  Meanwhile, he and Clinton are both in statistical dead...

Bill's Charity Linked to Tibet Crackdown

'Philanthropic dynamo' took '05 donation from shady Internet firm

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's strong public stance against the crackdown in Tibet flies in the face of her husband's past fundraising ties in China, reports the LA Times. At the crux is a 2005 speech the former president gave for which he received an undisclosed donation to his charitable foundation—from Internet...

Media Can't Agree on Superdelegate Count

Tally varies as superdelegates hedge their bets

(Newser) - Media can't settle on a superdelegate count these days because many of the mucky-mucks refuse to name a candidate, Politico reports. Current figures all have Clinton leading Obama—and she needs the votes badly—but media estimates vary from 256-225 to 221-209. “This is an art rather than a...

Penn Ties Still Hurting Clinton in Pa.

Pro-Obama unions attack Hillary for not dumping strategist

(Newser) - The demotion of Mark Penn in Hillary Clinton's campaign hasn't ended the problem the errant consultant is causing her in Pennsylvania, Bloomberg reports. Unions supporting Barack Obama have pounced on the strategist's advocacy of a Colombian free-trade deal, calling him pro-business and anti-worker. "She has to sever completely with...

Can Howard Dean Keep the Dems Together?

Bruising Clinton- Obama race tests low-key party chairman

(Newser) - Since his crash-and-burn run for president four years ago, Howard Dean has served as a decidedly low-key Democratic Party chairman, slowly building up state organizations while staying out of the limelight. Yet as the Clinton-Obama race wears on, many are wondering if Dean has the political acumen—or even the...

Obama Erases Clinton's Lead With Speech

New Gallup poll puts Dems on equal footing; both trail McCain

(Newser) - A new Gallup poll puts the two Democratic presidential candidates on even footing nationally, with Barack Obama holding a statistically negligible 1-point lead over Hillary Clinton. The poll, conducted after Obama's widely praised speech on race, suggests that the Illinois senator has erased the damage done by the Jeremiah Wright...

Pa. Voters Like Tried-and-True Clinton Name

Keystone state prefers 'heritage' and Hillary by 12%

(Newser) - Keystone state voters prefer old-school to bling, Politico reports—which is why they favor Hillary Clinton by 12 points in the state's April 22 primary. “If you are going to introduce a brand new product, you don’t come to Pennsylvania,” one analyst said. “We are much...

Richardson to Endorse Obama
 Richardson to Endorse Obama 

Richardson to Endorse Obama

Candidate picks up one of Democratic Party's most coveted nods

(Newser) - Bill Richardson will back Barack Obama for president today, giving the Illinois senator one of the Democratic party's most coveted endorsements. The New Mexico governor and former presidential candidate called Obama a "once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world" in...

Obama Readies Major Speech on Race
Obama Readies Major Speech
on Race

Obama Readies Major Speech on Race

Will respond today to furor over Wright's inflammatory remarks

(Newser) - Barack Obama will deliver a major speech on race and politics in America in Philadelphia this morning. The candidate will address the racial issues that have dominated the campaign in recent days, fueled by the firestorm over the divisive remarks of Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor. An aide told the...

Ferraro: Obama Camp Crying Racism Again

Stands by comments that Obama's edge is due to race

(Newser) - Despite charges of racism from the Barack Obama camp, former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro yesterday refused to back off earlier comments  that the candidate is enjoying a campaign advantage because of his race. "Every time that campaign is upset about something, they call it racist,” snipped Ferrro....

Obama Wins Miss. Primary
Obama Wins Miss. Primary

Obama Wins Miss. Primary

Hopeful also beats Clinton in Texas caucuses, gaining most state delegates

(Newser) - Seeking to regain momentum, Barack Obama triumphed in a racially divided Mississippi primary today by winning about 90% of black votes and a third of white voters, CNN projects. He also won last week's Texas caucuses, scoring more state delegates overall than primary-winner Hillary Clinton. Mississippi awards 33 delegates and...

Obama Camp Wants Ferraro Fired for Slur

Clinton adviser says voters like hopeful because he's black

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is ignoring calls to fire adviser Geraldine Ferraro after she said Barack Obama is succeeding because of his race, MSNBC reports. "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," the former vice presidential nominee said. “He happens to be very...

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