labor unions

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Occupiers Aim to Shut West Coast Ports Today

But they face opposition from some union leaders

(Newser) - For the Occupiers' second Big Act protesters are planning today to shut down 11 major West Coast ports from San Diego to Anchorage. They've launched the plan despite opposition from what appears to be a natural constituency for the 99% protesters: Unions. Leaders of the Longshoremen and other unions...

American Airlines Bankruptcy Designed to Cut Union Benefits, Stephen Gandel Observes
American Went Bankrupt
to Undercut Union

American Went Bankrupt to Undercut Union

Healthy companies use bankruptcy to cut labor costs: Stephen Gandel

(Newser) - American Airlines has $4 billion in the bank, doesn’t need emergency financing, and feels quite confident it can keep paying its vendors, business partners, and creditors in full. So where was the crisis that pushed it into bankruptcy ? “It doesn’t appear there was any,” writes...

Gingrich Calls Child Labor Laws 'Stupid'

Says poor students could work as janitors

(Newser) - First, Newt Gingrich wanted Occupy protesters to "get a job." Now he says teenagers should do the same, even if it means discarding child labor laws, the Los Angeles Times reports. In a speech at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government on Friday, the presidential candidate said he...

NBA Players Reject Offer, Begin to Disband Union
 Players Reject Offer, 
 Begin Disbanding Union
nba labor dispute

Players Reject Offer, Begin Disbanding Union

David Stern's ultimatum called 'extremely unfair'

(Newser) - NBA players rejected the league's latest offer today and began disbanding the union, likely jeopardizing the season. "We're prepared to file this antitrust action against the NBA," union executive director Billy Hunter said. "That's the best situation where players can get their due process....

Unions Join Protesters in 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement
 Unions Join Occupy Wall Street 

Unions Join Occupy Wall Street

Even as movement 'occupies' other cities

(Newser) - The Occupy Wall Street movement is getting a whole lot bigger. A coalition of New York’s established unions is jumping on board, including the local branches of the United Federation of Teachers, Workers United, and the Transport Workers Union, Crain’s New York Business reports. This evening, many will...

Wisconsin Town Kicks GOP Out of Labor Day Parade

Labor union council sponsors the annual parade

(Newser) - The recall elections are over, but the labor union fight continues in Wisconsin: One community has barred Republican lawmakers from its annual Labor Day parade, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. "Usually they've been in the parade, but it seems like they only want to stand with us one...

AFL-CIO Prez: Obama in Bed With Tea Party

AFL-CIO leader warns organization could ditch Democratic convention

(Newser) - America's top union official delivered a verbal slap to President Obama today, saying Obama has hopped aboard the Tea Party bandwagon while throwing jobs under the bus, reports Talking Points Memo. So it's decision time, says the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka: Obama can buckle down on unemployment, or...

Striking Verizon Employees Will Return to Work

They will be back Tuesday as labor talks continue

(Newser) - Ten of thousands of Verizon telecom workers will return to work Tuesday after a strike that lasted about two weeks. The Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers issued a statement saying they have agreed to come back to work while they continue to negotiate with...

Starbucks Baristas Picket for Chilean Co-Workers

Employees in that nation are on strike over wages

(Newser) - A shot of politics with your coffee? Starbucks workers across the globe are standing with their striking Chilean counterparts in a “global week of action,” the Wall Street Journal reports. From Los Angeles to London, members of the IWW Starbucks Workers Union are picketing and distributing fliers explaining...

New Jersey Union VP Rails Against 'Adolf Christie'

He later apologized, called statements 'unacceptable'

(Newser) - Godwin’s law alert: A union leader in New Jersey went just a bit overboard yesterday in a rally in front of the statehouse, repeatedly likening Governor Chris Christie to Adolf Hitler. “It took World War II to get rid of Adolf Hitler,” Communications Workers of America...

Starring in Target's Anti-Union Training Film: Union Actors

Hey, it's just a job, says AFTRA member

(Newser) - Oh, Target: Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to hire union actors for your anti-union employee training video. The video, which Gawker dubs “propaganda,” was created in 2003 but made headlines this week when that site made it publicly viewable for the first time. Now Salon...

Torqued at Dems, Unions Sit on Wallets

Support to House Democrats drops nearly 50% in first quarter

(Newser) - Angry at lack of support by the Democratic Party in the face of Republican attacks, unions have sharply cut back their financial support, reports the Washington Post . Union political action committee spending for House Democrats dropped nearly in half for the first quarter of 2011, compared to the same period...

Just What Is a &lsquo;Good Job&rsquo;?
 Just What Is 
 a ‘Good Job’? 

Just What Is a ‘Good Job’?

This essential question needs to be answered, but it's complex

(Newser) - We toss around the phrase all the time, but how do we define what makes a “good job” good? It’s a key question—and a complex one—as we look to the future of our economy, writes Michael Lind in Salon . Among the factors:
  • Unions: We often call

Wisconsin Will Ignore Judge, Implement Union Law

State officials say it's officially in place, despite court warning

(Newser) - Wisconsin's battle over collective bargaining rights has gone from being the nation's most contentious labor fight to its most confusing. State officials said tonight they will continue implementing the new law-that-might-not-be-a-law, even though a judge made it "crystal clear" they should hold off until legal questions were resolved, reports...

Indiana House Democrats End Walkout
 Democrats Return to Indiana 

Democrats Return to Indiana

State House lawmakers end walkout after almost 6 weeks

(Newser) - Indiana's House Democrats are back after one of the longest legislature walkouts in American history. The lawmakers—who fled to Illinois last month to deny the GOP a quorum on a controversial vote—returned from an absence of nearly six weeks after Republicans agreed to shelve some anti-union measures, the...

Wisconsin Democrats Return, Join Mass Protest

Tens of thousands march in Madison again

(Newser) - The 14 Democratic state senators who fled Wisconsin nearly a month ago returned from Illinois today, reports the Wisconsin State Journal . They were given a heroes' welcome by tens of thousands of pro-union protesters who again converged on the state Capitol in Madison. "It is so good to be...

Bill Curbing Union Rights Clears Ohio Senate

Measure to curb collective bargaining now goes to House

(Newser) - The movement to restrict the power of public sector unions chalked up a legislative win today in Ohio. A measure that would ban strikes and greatly restrict collective bargaining rights cleared the state Senate by a 17-16 vote, reports the Columbus Dispatch . It now goes to the House, where Republicans...

Most Americans Back Collective Bargaining

While only one-third are firmly behind unions, most wouldn't cut benefits

(Newser) - According to a new poll, the nation is still on the Wisconsin protesters' side: 60% of Americans oppose weakening the collective bargaining rights of public unions, while 56% oppose cutting public employees' pay or benefits. Even so, only one-third of those surveyed in the New York Times /CBS News poll...

Walker to Missing Dems: You Have 24 Hours to Return

Otherwise, 'more painful and aggressive spending cuts'

(Newser) - Gov. Scott Walker has a message for the 14 Democrats who fled Wisconsin: Come back by tomorrow and vote on the controversial budget bill, or "the state loses out on the chance to refinance debt, saving taxpayers $165 million this fiscal year," says his rep in a statement...

Bloomberg: Cut Labor Costs, Not Union Rights

Governments can benefit from collective bargaining, he writes

(Newser) - As states like Wisconsin face crippling budget deficits, it’s fair for them to scale back on labor costs—but not labor rights, Michael Bloomberg writes today in the New York Times . What needs updating is “government’s relationship with unions,” not the unions themselves. “Organizing around...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>