New Jersey

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Fort Dix 5 Convicted of Conspiracy

Muslim immigrants guilty of plotting to kill soldiers at NJ base

(Newser) - The five men charged in the Fort Dix terrorism case were convicted today of conspiracy to kill American soldiers, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. The Muslim immigrants from Albania, Jordan, and Turkey were investigated by FBI agents and informers over 15 months in 2006 and 2007. Hours of recordings documented their...

EPA Pick Has Toxic Record, Critics Charge

Jackson promised NJ cleanup effort, then didn't follow through

(Newser) - Lisa Jackson, Barack Obama’s choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency, will bring some controversy with her, ProPublica reports. Critics say that after promising to speed efforts to clean up toxic waste sites as New Jersey’s top environmental official, Jackson failed to follow through. A defender says Jackson...

Obama to Pick Corzine Aide as EPA Chief

Many tout Jackson's record; others say pick too industry-friendly

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency is a trained scientist praised as open-minded, though her history of accommodating business gives some environmentalists pause, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Lisa Jackson, who would be the first African American in the job, is currently chief of staff to New...

What the Heck Is the Matter With Corrupt Illinois?
What the Heck Is the Matter With Corrupt Illinois?

What the Heck Is the Matter With Corrupt Illinois?

Still, it's hardly the only state with a long, sordid history of politicians on the take

(Newser) - Everyone knows Illinois pols are the dirtiest … except for maybe those in New Jersey and Louisiana. Though Illinois is notorious, with four modern governors convicted, a study of public corruption actually ranks it as the sixth-worst state. But no single factor explains a crooked culture, Eamon Javers and Fred...

Springsteen Offers New Single Free ... But Just Today

Download Working on a Dream on iTunes, Boss' official site

(Newser) - Bruce Springsteen's new single can be downloaded free of charge—for one day. Springsteen is offering free downloads of Working on a Dream on iTunes and his official Web site. The track will have a fee attached on iTunes from tomorrow through Dec. 9.

EHarmony to Start Gay Dating Site

Settles NJ discrimination lawsuit

(Newser) - Online matchmaker eHarmony has agreed to launch a gay dating service as part of a settlement of a discrimination lawsuit with the state of New Jersey. The service, to be called Compatible Partners, will be launched next spring and will be available through the main eHarmony website, reports the Philadelphia ...

Boss Pens Halloween Screamer
 Boss Pens Halloween Screamer 

Boss Pens Halloween Screamer

(Newser) - Just in time for Halloween, Bruce Springsteen has released a song chronicling the life of the infamous Jersey Devil, the Star-Ledger reports. It's a free download on his website. In the accompanying video, Springsteen plays the part of the cloven-hoofed denizen of the Jersey Pine Barrens. “Sixteen witches cast...

House Fire Masks Murders in NJ Town

4 bodies—2 confirmed shot to death—pulled from morning blaze

(Newser) - Police say a fire that left four dead in Irvington, NJ, this morning was set to destroy evidence of a multiple shooting earlier this morning, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. Two teenagers with bullet wounds were among the dead; a 13-year-old shot in the head was pronounced dead at the three-family...

South Jersey Man Finds Gator on Side the Road

No explantion where 4-foot, 60-to-80-pound beast in cage came from

(Newser) - A South Jersey man spotted something unusual on his way to work yesterday, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports: a caged alligator on the side of a road. Fred Schubert decided to help out the 4-foot, 60-to-80-pound beast, loading the cage into his pickup. After calling several wildlife agencies, an official came...

NJ Assemblyman Under Investigation for Child Porn

Neil Cohen allegedly stored images on office computer

(Newser) - New Jersey Assemblyman Neil Cohen faces allegations of storing child pornography on his office computer, the Star-Ledger reports. Two of his fellow Democratic lawmakers turned him into authorites after being alerted by a staffer. Cohen, 57, has served 17 years in the Assembly, currently as deputy speaker, and has sponsored...

History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP
History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP

History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP

Ruling party has only increased share of popular vote once since 1928

(Newser) - In all six elections since 1928 in which one party had 8 consecutive years in the White House, the incumbent party lost popular vote ground; in four, Americans voted for change. That's bad news for John McCain, Robert David Sullivan writes in the Boston Globe, because George Bush only won...

Indie Heroes the Vaselines (Finally) Play the States
Indie Heroes the Vaselines (Finally) Play the States
Concert Review

Indie Heroes the Vaselines (Finally) Play the States

Only one date left for US fans to see Scottish group that was Cobain's fave

(Newser) - Known stateside as Kurt Cobain’s favorite band, Scottish rockers the Vaselines finally made their US debut Wednesday—18 years after their only release. To a small, adoring, and cultish crowd, the show was “the second coming of Jesus, John Lennon, and Ian Curtis, all at once," writes...

States to Motorists: Hang Up
 States to Motorists: Hang Up 

States to Motorists: Hang Up

Number of tickets issued soars since states make talking a primary offense

(Newser) - It might be time to get that hands-free cell: Tickets for phone use while driving are skyrocketing, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. States are increasingly making yakking behind the wheel a primary offense, meaning police can pull motorists over just for that. California and Washington next week join New York, Connecticut,...

Global Pedophile Was Jersey's 'Best Santa'

Cops find child porn, boys' underwear in man's apartment

(Newser) - An admitted New Jersey pedophile snared by a global Interpol appeal was an entertainer at children's parties and was dubbed one of the area's "best Santas," AP reports. Prosecutors say 58-year-old Wayne Anthony Corliss, who was arrested at his apartment, has admitted having sex with young boys in...

Interpol Nabs Pedophilia Suspect Sought Since '06

But public pinpoints NJ man in only 2 days

(Newser) - It took the public two days to lead authorities to the Internet pedophile Interpol had been hunting since 2006, ABC News reports, with US authorities arresting Wayne Nelson Corliss, 59, early this morning in New Jersey. Police had been scouring the globe for a man seen abusing young boys in...

Violinist to Serenade Taxi Driver
Violinist to Serenade
Taxi Driver

Violinist to Serenade Taxi Driver

Concert at Newark airport for cabbie who returned $4M Strad

(Newser) - When violin virtuoso Philippe Quint left a 1723 Antonio Stradivari “Ex-Kiesewetter” in a New Jersey taxi two weeks ago, he was distraught: The $4 million instrument was not only irreplaceable, it was on loan. But the cab driver returned the violin next morning, and today, in gratitude, the Grammy-nominated...

Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site
 Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site 

Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site

Online rumor forum draws NJ Attorney General's attention

(Newser) - Prosecutors have hit college gossip site with subpoenas for records, the AP reports. New Jersey’s Attorney General Anne Milgram is investigating whether the site violates the Consumer Fraud Act by stating that it doesn’t tolerate offensive material but doing nothing to enforce that claim. "There's...

Man Admits to Selling Stolen Body Parts

New Jersey dentist ran ring that harvested bones and tissue

(Newser) - A New Jersey dentist who ran a business plundering body parts from corpses in funeral homes pleaded guilty in Brooklyn today, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. Michael Mastromarino, 44, admitted to removing bones and tissue from two dozen corpses, which were sold to tissue processors for use in transplants and other...

McGreevey Threesome Stories Get Tangled

He says they did, she says they didn't

(Newser) - Jim McGreevey has backed up his aide's claim that the two were involved in three-way sex with his estranged wife, contradicting her earlier denial. "This happened, this happened in the past, and now we need to move on with our lives," the former New Jersey governor told the...

Ex-Aide Claims Ménage à Trois With McGreeveys

Former driver and aide says trysts began while couple was dating

(Newser) - Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's wife Dina was all over the media last week blasting Eliot Spitzer for hypocrisy and empathizing with this aggrieved wife. That was too much for Teddy Pedersen, a former McGreevey driver and aide who says  “she’s out there being as dishonest as...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>