
Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Paul Ryan Considers Senate Run

He and Russ Feingold leave open possibility of Wisconsin run

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's fans want him to run for president , but they may have to settle for the Senate. Today's surprise announcement from Democrat Herb Kohl that he won't run for re-election next year in Wisconsin raises the possibility for the House budget wonk. In a statement, Ryan...

John Ensign Gives Farewell Speech—to Empty Room

Senator apologizes to (absent) family and colleagues

(Newser) - John Ensign took the Senate floor one last time yesterday and delivered a contrite farewell speech—to a whole lot of empty chairs. Not one of Ensign's senate colleagues showed up to hear the address; Democrat Chris Coons sat in the presiding officer's chair, but opened a folder...

27% of Senate Press Releases Taunt Other Side

Professor analyzes writings, finds lots of name calling

(Newser) - This could explain why Congress is having such a hard time agreeing on a budget: Its members are too busy taunting one another. A Harvard professor analyzed the writings of Congress members, and found that about 27% of the time, they're just insulting each other. “It’s jarring and...

GOP Files Ethics Complaint on McCaskill

They want investigation into use of tax money for flight

(Newser) - Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is the target of a GOP-filed ethics complaint over her personal plane, Politico reports. McCaskill has acknowledged that she mistakenly used taxpayer money to cover the cost of one purely political trip last year, and she reimbursed the Treasury Department for it last week. Today, Missouri...

Election 2012: Republicans in Good Shape to Take Senate Majority
 GOP in Good Shape 
 to Take Senate Majority 
election 2012

GOP in Good Shape to Take Senate Majority

Republicans need a net gain of 3 seats, and 5 Dem-held seats are toss-ups

(Newser) - Thanks in part to a rash of Democrats retiring from the Senate , things are looking pretty good for the Republicans in 2012. In the first edition of its 2012 race ratings, The Hill places five seats currently held by Democrats in the “toss-up” column—and Republicans only need a...

Another Democratic Senator Retiring

New Mexico's Jeff Bingaman will not seek reelection, sources say

(Newser) - Democratic officials say Sen. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico intends to retire next year rather than seek a new term. Bingaman would be the latest in a string of departures to hit Democrats as they look ahead to the 2012 election season. He is currently serving his fifth term. Democratic...

Va. Senator Jim Webb Won't Run Again

Democrat will leave after one term

(Newser) - Democrat Jim Webb of Virginia won't run for a second term in 2012, a decision that gives Republicans a better chance of regaining their swing-state Senate seat. Webb, a Vietnam vet and former Navy secretary, said he's heading back to the private sector, reports the Times-Dispatch . Friends tell Politico he...

Civility in DC? Female Senators Show the Way

The 17 women of the chamber regularly gather for dinner

(Newser) - As Washington continues to struggle with divisive political rhetoric, one group has been quietly making strides in the opposite direction: the 17 female senators. “We committed to maintaining a zone of civility here within the institution long before it became the chic thing to do,” says Barbara Mikulski,...

Momentum to Repeal Health Care Unstoppable

Sen. John Thune: Democrats can't keep ignoring reality forever

(Newser) - The Republicans' bid to repeal Obamacare might have failed in the Senate , but the GOP's John Thune thinks Democrats are going to have to face reality about this "awful" bill eventually. Most Americans don't like it, he says—finding a poll to back him up, as folks on both...

Senate Set to Vote on Health Care Repeal

Vote to roll back overhaul expected today

(Newser) - The Senate is expected to hold a showdown vote today on repeal of the health care law. The chamber's Republicans—buoyed by a federal judge's ruling that the health care overhaul is unconstitutional — tacked a repeal amendment onto a massive Federal Aviation Administration budget reauthorization bill being debated in...

Senate Honchos Water Down Filibuster Reform

Lawmakers won't have to talk, like Jimmy Stewart did

(Newser) - A bid to overhaul the Senate's filibuster rules appears to have fallen short of the mark. Instead, lawmakers are expected to approve a set of modest changes in coming days as a compromise, reports the Washington Post . Some Democratic lawmakers wanted to require senators to actually stand and talk the...

Ron Paul Considers Run for Senate

Poll puts him among leaders for Kay Bailey Hutchison's seat

(Newser) - Rand Paul followed dad Ron into politics, and now Ron might follow Rand into the Senate. Or at least try. "It's certainly crossed my mind," said the libertarian congressman when asked about a Senate run in Texas, reports the Hill . The renewed interest stems from a Public Policy...

Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison to Retire

Wants to give state 'ample time' to ponder successor

(Newser) - Kay Bailey Hutchison won’t be running for reelection in 2012, she announced today in an open letter saying she wanted to live “full-time in Texas with my family.” The three-term Republican said that announcing the move early “should give the people of Texas ample time to...

Reid, McConnell May Weaken Filibuster Reform

Senior senators hold private talks ahead of new Congress

(Newser) - Looks like filibuster reform won't be all that sweeping, after all. Junior Democratic senators—including Tom Udall of New Mexico—are pushing to revamp the rules to prevent what they say is Republican obstruction, but the Senate leadership of both parties looks ready to water down any changes, reports Talking...

Harry Reid May Rewrite Filibuster Rules

Democrats complain current system is being abused

(Newser) - Harry Reid is pushing forward with a plan to reform the filibuster procedure in the Senate—and at least make it harder for Republicans to gum up the works with the mere threat of one, reports the Washington Post . Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but all returning Democratic senators are on...

Senate Ratifies Nuclear Arms Treaty
Senate Ratifies
Nuclear Arms Treaty

Senate Ratifies Nuclear Arms Treaty

Obama gets his top foreign policy goal with 71-26 vote

(Newser) - The Senate today ratified the much-debated nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, giving President Obama a major foreign policy win in the closing hours of the postelection Congress. Thirteen Republicans broke with their top two leaders and joined 56 Democrats and two independent in providing the necessary two-thirds vote to...

Lawmaker: McCain Killed Soldier Counseling

Measure sought to provide Reserve soldiers with more help

(Newser) - Prompted by the suicide of a young soldier, a Democratic representative tried to pass legislation to get more counseling and resources to Reserve members—and he blames John McCain for quashing it. “I know for a fact, because he told me, that Sen. McCain doesn't support it,” New...

Congress Protects Sharks Against 'Finning'

Measure bans hunt to satisfy Asia's taste for soup

(Newser) - Both the House and Senate have approved new protections for sharks, effectively outlawing the practice of "finning"—in which the shark is killed for its fin and the rest of the body discarded, reports the Washington Post . Thanks to big demand for shark fin soup in Asia, the...

Nuclear Arms Treaty Clears Biggest Senate Hurdle

Vote to end debate makes passage all but certain tomorrow

(Newser) - It looks like President Obama's full-court press on the New Start treaty will give him his top foreign policy priority of the year. The Senate today voted 67-28 to end debate on the nuclear arms pact with Russia, all but assuring final passage tomorrow. Democrats needed at least nine Republicans...

GOP Support Grows Ahead of START Vote

Scott Brown is on board; Corker, Gregg likely

(Newser) - Things were looking bleak yesterday for the New START arms treaty—but that was yesterday. Following a closed-door meeting, GOP Sen. Scott Brown said he’d vote for the treaty and two other Republicans said they would likely support it, giving supporters enough votes to push it through as voting...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>