
Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink
Right-Wing Voices Get
More Ink

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink

Report: 60% of papers run more conservatives, 20% more liberals

(Newser) -  Voices from the right dominate those from the left in US newspapers, with the former reaching 152 million buyers and the latter only 125 million. Sixty percent  of papers print more conservative syndicated columnists, while just 20% run more liberals, according to a report by Media Matters for America....

Singer's YouTube Tale Hits False Note

Digby already had record deal when she was 'discovered' online

(Newser) - It's supposed to be one of those YouTube success stories: Marié Digby becomes an overnight sensation by racking up hits and scores a record deal as a result. But in reality the deal preceded the videos. Her rise to fame has highlighted both the desperation of corporations to latch onto...

Where is Stephen Feinberg Taking Chrysler?

Onlookers worry what Steven Feinberg is up to with Chrysler

(Newser) - Portfolio does its best to profile Stephen Feinberg—the ultra-secretive, ultra-cutthroat CEO of Cerberus Capital Management—without talking to him. Feinberg avoids the media like the plague, preferring to bring faltering companies into the black in secret, and his shadowy plans for new stepchild Chrysler are no exception.

Why the Press Fell for the Cult of Karl

Forget liberal bias, the press likes their politicians Machiavellian

(Newser) - What people don't understand about the press, Jay Rosen writes, is that reporters care less about ideology than they do about being savvy—"shrewd, practical, well-informed, perceptive, ironic, unseminental." That's what they aspire to, that's what they worship; it's their religion, if you will. Karl Rove is all...

Product Design Gets Wilder, Faster
Product Design Gets Wilder, Faster

Product Design Gets Wilder, Faster

Today it's round Kleenex boxes; tomorrow, talking ones

(Newser) - Commercial product design is being overhauled faster and faster as brands compete in a fragmented market. The Internet and cable TV have diluted the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and companies are spending more money on engaging design to win customers: Pepsi, for one, is rolling out a new can every...

Google Lets News Figures Fire Back
Google Lets News Figures Fire Back

Google Lets News Figures Fire Back

How service will protect against pranksters is unknown

(Newser) - People who want to talk back to the press received a major invitation from Google News yesterday when it announced a plan to post user comments alongside links to news articles, ars technica reports. But only people and groups specifically mentioned in the articles will be allowed into Google’s...

Alert the Aliens: Weekly World News Dead at 28

Not even Elvis can save iconic tabloid from lagging print industry

(Newser) - For 28 years, it was the “world’s most reliable newspaper,” replete with stories of Elvis sightings, alien babies, and dwarf-eating dieters. But the Weekly World News is no more. The black-and-white publication, known for its loose headlines and even looser facts, will publish its final print edition...

Bloggers of the World, Unite?
Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Proposal to unionize provokes (surprise!) mixed reactions from online community

(Newser) - Some liberal bloggers are attempting to rally their keyboard-hammering brethren and form the first bloggers' union, an organization whose exact configuration is unclear. Some envision the group as a traditional labor faction that would fight for health benefits and recognition within the media, the AP reports, while others want a...

Why the Whims of Matt Drudge Move the Media

And why the 'idiot with a modem' now lives in a $1M condo

(Newser) - Every day journalists in newsrooms across the country hope, pray and scheme to enhance the chances that one man will notice their breaking news. That man, Matt Drudge, controls Internet traffic so vast that a mention drives hundreds of thousands of readers to a single story. The same MSM types...

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

Black Holds $60M Offshore, Court Hears

Convicted media baron accused of hiding money in Gibraltar

(Newser) - Disgraced media mogul Conrad Black has shuffled $60 million to an offshore account into Gibraltar, an affidavit filed at his Chicago bail hearing alleged yesterday. Canada's Globe and Mail reports that Juval Aviv, a private investigator with a checkered past, told the court that he had uncovered a complex network...

Bush Hate Hyped in Internet Age
Bush Hate
Hyped in
Internet Age

Bush Hate Hyped in Internet Age

Worse presidents had far better ratings

(Newser) - The president’s newest disapproval rating, a towering 65%, is surpassed only by Harry Truman's 67% during the Korean War and Nixon’s 66%—4 days before Tricky Dick’s resignation—the Washington Post reports. The figure suggests dissatisfaction far beyond Iraq, but it also suggests  that something new is...

Shari Redstone Weighs Bolting From Viacom

Angry with her father, heir apparent looks to leave family business

(Newser) - Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone is involved in a bitter spat with his daughter and heir apparent, Shari Redstone, that may lead to her splitting from the Viacom board. Negotiations for her separation from the media empire that counts CBS, MTV, and Paramount among its many holdings are under way, the...

Best of the Blogosphere: 10 to Read

PC World finds the funniest, most informative, and most esoteric sites

(Newser) - PC World chooses the best blogs in 10 categories:
  1. Technology News:  Slashdot (
  2. Specialty Tech Site: John Battele's Searchblog (
  3. Company Watcher: Microsoft Watch (
  4. Corporate Blog: The Official Google Blog (
  5. Politics and Business: Policybeta (

Carlyle Bids on Faltering Virgin Media

Debt-riddled UK cable provider, 35 ($ a share), seeks rich buyout firm

(Newser) - The friendly corporate raiders at the Carlyle Group have floated an offer to buy out Virgin Media, the British cable provider, with total equity in the range of $8B and $10B, the Journal reports. The besieged media company has been losing customers to rivals in the UK, and has stacked...

Paris Blackout Sweeps Mag
Paris Blackout Sweeps Mag

Paris Blackout Sweeps Mag

Heiress fatigue sets in at Us Weekly

(Newser) - It may be spring time for Paris but one of the nation's top pop culture rags won't be participating in the media frenzy. Just as the scofflaw celebutante ends her well-publicized stint in jail this week, Us Weekly is bowing out of the competition—not only eschewing the predictable cover...

Mogul's Interest In Journal Is No Passing Fancy

Groundwork for Murdoch's Dow Jones bid dates back decades

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's bid for Dow Jones may have seemed to come out of nowhere, but the Australian media mogul has had his eye on the Wall Street Journal for years. In three decades in the States, Murdoch has made his mark in news, entertainment, and, of course, politics. The Times ...

And the 'Winner' of the Who Gets Paris Contest Is...

(Newser) - Nobody else wanted her.  So Larry King got the honor of being the first to interview Paris Hilton following her release from jail next week.  After being spurned by the three major networks who were asked for large sums of money for the interview, Hilton finally got a...

NBC Cancels $1M Deal With Ex-Con Heiress

Network renegs on Paris interview; Walters won't do it for free

(Newser) - Paris Hilton got jilted by NBC yesterday, the New York Post reports. The peacock network reneged on its reported $1-million offer for her first apres-jail interview after executives got cold feet. Then they decided they didn't even want the "Today" show interview for free. And none of the other...

NBC Win$ Battle to Chat Up Paris
NBC Win$ Battle to Chat Up Paris

NBC Win$ Battle to Chat Up Paris

Checkbook journalism charges and denials fly as 'Today' beats out Barbara Walters

(Newser) - NBC seems to have beaten out ABC in a bidding war for the first TV interview with post-jail Paris Hilton, although both networks and the Hilton family officially deny that money changed hands. Paris will come clean to Meredith Vieira rather than family pal Barbara Walters, the Times quotes anonymous...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>